Graduate Medical Education Committee Sample Clauses

Graduate Medical Education Committee. It is understood that at all three facilities, there is a Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC) empowered to ensure that all residency programs are in compliance with the Institutional Program, and applicable Subspecialty Program Requirements of the ACGME. Issues of non-compliance with the ACGME and this MOU shall be addressed by the GMEC and the Medical Executive Committee. In accordance with the ACGME policy, house staff has representation on the GMEC with voting privileges. Within 30 days from implementation of this agreement, the CIR shall establish a process for the confidential and protected registering of house staff complaints of noncompliance with ACGME requirements and this MOU regarding resident duty hours and working conditions. These complaints shall be presented to the facility GMEC in a timely manner by the resident members of that committee. The Department agrees to establish within 60 days from implementation of this agreement, a Compliance Committee, chaired by the Associate Director of Health Services, Clinical and Medical Affairs and be composed of equal members of CIR and Management that shall be empowered to resolve issues that cannot be resolved at the facility levels. Issues of non-compliance include, but are not limited to, duty hours and working conditions. Should the facility GMEC and Medical Executive Committees fail to resolve the issues in a reasonable time, the issues shall become an agenda item for the next meeting of the Compliance Committee.
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Graduate Medical Education Committee. The UWSOM, through the Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC), which is composed of program directors, faculty, medical directors, quality officers, residents, fellows, program administrators, and GME administration, is responsible for overseeing: ▪ the ACGME accreditation and recognition statuses of the Sponsoring Institution and its ACGME- accredited programs; ▪ the quality of the GME learning and working environment within the Sponsoring Institution, its ACGME-accredited programs, and its participating sites; ▪ the quality of educational experiences in each ACGME-accredited program that lead to measurable achievement of educational outcomes as identified in the ACGME Common and specialty/subspecialty Program Requirements; ▪ the ACGME-accredited programs’ Annual Program Evaluations (APE) and self-studies. ▪ ACGME-accredited program implementation of institutional policy(ies) for vacation and leaves of absence, including medical, parental, and caregiver leaves of absence, at least annually; ▪ All processes related to reductions and closures of ACGME-accredited programs, major participating sites, and the Sponsoring Institution; ▪ the provision of summary information of patient safety reports to residents, fellows, faculty members and other clinical staff members. At a minimum, this oversight must include verification that such summary information is being provided; and ▪ the administration of each of the Sponsoring Institution’s Non-Standard Training (NST) programs, as well as for ensuring compliance with the Recognition Requirements for Sponsoring Institutions with NST Programs. Additionally, the GMEC delegates a portion of the GMEC’s responsibilities to several standing subcommittees. This includes the Policy Committee, which advises GMEC on all GME-related policies, and the RFPA agreement, which is reviewed by the Policy Committee and GMEC annually.
Graduate Medical Education Committee. The School of Medicine shall establish a Graduate Medical Education Committee (“GME Committee”), which shall be chaired by the Xxxx of the School of Medicine or the Xxxx’x designee. After consultation with each hospital that has a Master Affiliation Agreement with the School of Medicine, the Xxxx of the School of Medicine shall appoint a representative of that hospital to the GME Committee. In addition, the Xxxx shall appoint various Program Directors, Residents and department chairs to the GME Committee. The GME Committee shall review, coordinate and approve all Training Programs that it has designated as University of Utah Affiliated Residency Programs, including establishment of any new programs, revisions, expansion and reduction of existing programs. The GME Committee shall also promulgate institutional policies on graduate medical education; act as a liaison between Program Directors and administrators at other institutions; and regularly review all residency programs for their compliance with institutional policies and the requirements of the relevant ACGME Residency Review Committee. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Agreement, any decision regarding salaries or benefits to be paid to Residents shall be made solely by School of Medicine.

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  • Education Committee (a) The Employer will establish an Education Committee for all employees in the facility, which shall include at least one representative from ONA members.

  • Special Education Teachers Whenever any Elementary Special Education class to which a student(s) is(are) added as a result of the distribution of students from the class of an absent Elementary Special Education teacher, Article 8-7 shall be in effect. In addition, whenever the class size of the receiving Special Education teacher exceeds the class size maxim mandated by Special Education class size law and/or regulation, the Xxxxxxxx Formula in AAA Case No. 1139-0696- 85, February 21, 1986, shall be used to calculate the compensation which said teacher shall receive as follows: The rate of pay for said teacher for teaching said additional students shall be computed by multiplying the teacher’s daily gross compensation by a fraction in which the denominator is twenty-six (26) and the numerator is the number of children taught in excess of Article 8-1.1 Item 3 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties.

  • Training Committee The parties to this Agreement may form a Training Committee. The Training Committee will be constituted by equal numbers of Employer nominees and ETU employee representatives and have a charter which clearly states its role and responsibilities. It shall monitor the clauses of this Agreement which relate to training and ensure all employees have equal access to training.

  • Staffing Committee A. Responsibilities. The Nurse Staffing Committee (“NSC”) shall be responsible for determining the Institute’s staffing plan and resolving complaints raised by nurses regarding the implementation of the plan as well as those activities required of it under RCW 70.41, et seq and its successors.

  • EDUCATION PROGRAM Measure 1a Is the school implementing the material elements of its Educational Program as defined in the charter contract? Meets Standard: The school implemented the material elements of its Educational Program in all material respects, and, in operation, the education program reflects the essential terms as defined in the charter contract, or the school has obtained approval for a modification to the essential terms. Measure 1b Is the school complying with applicable education requirements? Meets Standard: The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations and provisions of the charter contract relating to education requirements, including but not limited to: • Academic standards, including Common Core • Graduation requirements • State assessment and student testing • Implementation of mandated programming as a result of state or federal funding, including Title I and Title II funding Measure 1c Is the school protecting the rights of students with disabilities? Meets Standard: Consistent with the school’s status and responsibilities as a school within a single LEA under the State Department of Education, the school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations and provisions of the charter contract (including the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendment Act) relating to the treatment of students with identified disabilities and those suspected of having a disability, including but not limited to: • Equitable access and opportunity to enroll • Identification and referral • Appropriate development and implementation of Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and Section 504 plans • Operational compliance including the academic program, assessments and all other aspects of the school’s program and responsibilities • Discipline, including due process protections, manifestation determinations and behavioral intervention plans • Access to the school’s facility and program to students in a lawful manner and consistent with students’ IEPs or Section 504 plans • Appropriate use of all available, applicable funding Measure 1d Is the school protecting the rights of English Language Learner (ELL) students? Meets Standard: The school materially complies with applicable laws, rules, regulations and provisions of the charter contract relating to ELL requirements (including Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act [ESEA] and U.S. Department of Education authorities), including but not limited to: • Equitable access and opportunity to enroll • Required policies related to the service of ELL students • Proper steps for identification of students in need of ELL services • Appropriate and equitable delivery of services to identified students • Appropriate accommodations on assessments • Exiting of students from ELL services • Ongoing monitoring of exited students

  • Training and Education SECTION 1 – Law Enforcement Supervisors’ Training The state and the PBA recognize the importance of supervisor training programs to develop management skills in our law enforcement supervisors. The state will make a reasonable effort to continue existing training programs in law enforcement techniques and to develop new programs in performance review techniques, supervisory skills, and managerial techniques.

  • Education - Asthma This plan covers asthma education services when the services are prescribed by a physician and performed by a certified asthma educator.

  • EMPLOYEE-MANAGEMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE 33.01 (a) An Employee-Management Advisory Committee (EMAC) shall be established within three (3) months of the signing of the Collective Agreement. The Union Representative shall provide the names of up to three (3) elected Employees and the Employer shall provide the names of up to three (3) appointed representatives to sit on the EMAC.

  • General Education From: American River College General Catalog, Semester This is a temporary template to display CSU GE Breath couses until ASSIST is functional. Plese keep in mind that this is a static file and will not reflect any subsequent changes. ORAL COMMUNICATION ← CSU GE Area: A1 - Oral Communication SPEECH 301 - Public Speaking (3.00) SPEECH 331 - Group Discussion (3.00) SPEECH 361 - The Communication Experience (3.00) ← WRITTEN COMMUNICATION CSU GE Area: A2 - Written Communication ENGWR 480 - Honors College Composition (3.00) ENGWR 300 - College Composition (3.00) ESLW 340 - Advanced Composition (4.00) CRITICAL THINKING ← CSU GE Area: A3 - Critical Thinking ESL 350 - Advanced Composition and Literature (4.00) SPEECH 302 - Persuasive Speech (3.00) SPEECH 311 - Argumentation and Debate (3.00) ENGWR 301 - College Composition and Literature (3.00) ENGWR 482 - Honors Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking (3.00) XXXX 320 - Logic and Critical Reasoning (3.00) ENGRD 310 - Critical Reading as Critical Thinking (3.00) ENGWR 481 - Honors College Composition and Literature (3.00) ENGWR 302 - Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking (3.00) ENGWR 303 - Argumentative Writing and Critical Thinking Through Literature (4.00) PHYSICAL SCIENCE CSU GE Area: B1 - Physical Science PS 300 - Introduction to Physical Science (3.00) GEOG 300 - Physical Geography: Exploring Earth's Environmental Systems (3.00) PHYS 310 - Conceptual Physics (3.00) GEOL 310 - Historical Geology (3.00) GEOL 300 - Physical Geology (3.00) GEOG 306 - Weather and Climate (3.00) GEOL 305 - Earth Science (3.00) ASTR 300 - Introduction to Astronomy (3.00) GEOG 307 - Environmental Hazards and Natural Disasters (3.00) Same-As: GEOL 325 GEOL 345 - Geology of California (3.00) GEOG 308 - Introduction to Oceanography (3.00) Same-As: GEOL 330 PHYS 311 - Basic Physics (3.00) ASTR 330 - Introduction to Astrobiology (3.00) PHYS 350 - General Physics (4.00) GEOG 305 - Global Climate Change (3.00) Same-As: GEOL 320 ASTR 310 - The Solar System (3.00) PHYS 410 - Mechanics of Solids and Fluids (5.00) CHEM 423 - Organic Chemistry - Short Survey (5.00) CHEM 305 - Introduction to Chemistry (5.00) CHEM 400 - General Chemistry I (5.00) CHEM 309 - Integrated General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (5.00) PHYS 360 - General Physics (4.00) CHEM 401 - General Chemistry II (5.00) ASTR 481 - Honors Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology (4.00) ASTR 320 - Stars, Galaxies, and Cosmology (3.00) LIFE SCIENCE ← CSU GE Area: B2 - Life Science NATR 320 - Principles of Ecology (4.00) NATR 302 - Introduction to Wildlife Biology (4.00) ANTH 300 - Physical Anthropology (3.00) BIOL 370 - Marine Biology (4.00) BIOL 342 - The New Plagues: New and Ancient Infectious Diseases Threatening World Health (3.00) BIOL 352 - Conservation Biology (3.00) NATR 310 - Study Design and Field Methods (4.00) ANTH 480 - Honors Physical Anthropology (3.00) BIOL 300 - The Foundations of Biology (3.00) PSYC 310 - Biological Psychology (3.00) BIOL 305 - Natural History (4.00) ANTH 303 - Introduction to Forensic Anthropology (3.00) BIOL 301 - Evolution (3.00) BIOL 310 - General Biology (4.00) BIOL 303 - Survey of Biology (4.00) NATR 305 - Fisheries Ecology and Management (4.00) BIOL 440 - General Microbiology (4.00) BIOL 400 - Principles of Biology (5.00) BIOL 420 - Principles of Zoology (5.00) BIOL 482 - Honors Marine Biology (4.00) BIOL 410 - Principles of Botany (5.00) BIOL 430 - Anatomy and Physiology (5.00) BIOL 442 - General Microbiology and Public Health (5.00) BIOL 415 - Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity, Evolution, and Ecology (5.00) HEED 308 - Environmental Health Science (3.00) BIOL 375 - Marine Ecology (3.00) LABORATORY ACTIVITY CSU GE Area: B3 - Laboratory Activity GEOL 301 - Physical Geology Laboratory (1.00) PSYC 311 - Biological Psychology Laboratory (1.00) PS 301 - Physical Science Laboratory (1.00) ASTR 400 - Astronomy Laboratory (1.00) GEOL 311 - Historical Geology Laboratory (1.00) GEOL 306 - Earth Science Laboratory (1.00) GEOG 309 - Introduction to Oceanography Lab (1.00) Same-As: GEOL 331 PHYS 312 - Conceptual Physics Laboratory (1.00) ANTH 301 - Physical Anthropology Laboratory (1.00) GEOG 301 - Physical Geography Laboratory (1.00) NATR 320 - Principles of Ecology (4.00) NATR 302 - Introduction to Wildlife Biology (4.00) BIOL 370 - Marine Biology (4.00) NATR 310 - Study Design and Field Methods (4.00) PHYS 350 - General Physics (4.00) BIOL 305 - Natural History (4.00) BIOL 310 - General Biology (4.00) BIOL 303 - Survey of Biology (4.00) NATR 305 - Fisheries Ecology and Management (4.00) PHYS 410 - Mechanics of Solids and Fluids (5.00) BIOL 440 - General Microbiology (4.00) BIOL 400 - Principles of Biology (5.00) CHEM 423 - Organic Chemistry - Short Survey (5.00) CHEM 305 - Introduction to Chemistry (5.00) CHEM 400 - General Chemistry I (5.00) BIOL 420 - Principles of Zoology (5.00) CHEM 309 - Integrated General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (5.00) BIOL 482 - Honors Marine Biology (4.00) PHYS 360 - General Physics (4.00) BIOL 410 - Principles of Botany (5.00) CHEM 401 - General Chemistry II (5.00) ASTR 481 - Honors Astronomy: Stars, Galaxies and Cosmology (4.00) BIOL 430 - Anatomy and Physiology (5.00) BIOL 442 - General Microbiology and Public Health (5.00) BIOL 415 - Introduction to Biology: Biodiversity, Evolution, and Ecology (5.00) ← QUANTITATIVE REASONING CSU GE Area: B4 - Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning PSYC 330 - Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences (3.00) MATH 350 - Calculus for Life and Social Sciences I (3.00) MATH 300 - Introduction to Mathematical Ideas (3.00) MATH 351 - Calculus for Life and Social Sciences II (3.00) MATH 340 - Calculus for Business and Economics (3.00) CISP 440 - Discrete Structures for Computer Science (3.00) MATH 410 - Introduction to Linear Algebra (3.00) MATH 325 - Problem Solving (3.00) MATH 342 - Modern Business Mathematics (3.00) MATH 310 - Mathematical Discovery (3.00) MATH 330 - Trigonometry (3.00) MATH 355 - Calculus for Biology and Medicine I (4.00) MATH 311 - Mathematical Concepts for Elementary School Teachers - Number Systems (3.00) MATH 420 - Differential Equations (4.00) MATH 402 - Calculus III (5.00) MATH 400 - Calculus I (5.00) MATH 336 - College Algebra (5.00) STAT 305 - Statway, Part II (6.00) STAT 300 - Introduction to Probability and Statistics (4.00) MATH 370 - Pre-Calculus Mathematics (5.00) MATH 356 - Calculus for Biology and Medicine II (4.00) MATH 401 - Calculus II (5.00) ARTS AND HUMANITIES ART 324 - Collage and Assemblage (3.00) MUFHL 321 - Basic Musicianship (3.00) DANCE 433 - Performance Group: ARCH Dance Company (3.00) MUFHL 410 - Music Theory and Musicianship III (4.00) ARTH 335 - Survey of Photography (3.00) Same-As: ARTPH 345 MUFHL 411 - Music Theory and Musicianship IV (4.00) MUFHL 401 - Music Theory and Musicianship II (4.00) MUFHL 400 - Music Theory and Musicianship I (4.00) ART 390 - Ceramics (3.00) ARTH 333 - Introduction to Islamic Art (3.00) ARTH 318 - History of American Art (3.00) CSU GE Area: C2 - Humanities: (Literature, ← TA 303 - History and Theory of the Theatre II Philosophy, Languages Other than English) (3.00) PHIL 315 - Contemporary Moral Issues (3.00) PHIL 300 - Introduction to Philosophy (3.00) HUM 310 - Modern Humanities (3.00) ENGLT 340 - World Literature I (3.00) HIST 340 - History of California through 1879 (3.00) ENGLT 321 - American Literature II (3.00) HIST 373 - History of Mexico (3.00) ENGLT 380 - Introduction to Shakespeare (3.00) HIST 367 - History of Russia (3.00) HUM 330 - Humanities of the Americas (3.00) PHIL 360 - Social/Political Philosophy (3.00) HIST 481 - History of Western Civilization- Honors (3.00) ENGLT 360 - Women in Literature (3.00) PHIL 330 - History of Classical Philosophy (3.00) ENGLT 311 - English Literature II (3.00) IDES 310 - History of Interior Architecture and Furnishings I (3.00) ENGLT 304 - Introduction to Poetry (3.00) HIST 308 - History of World Civilizations, 1500 to Present (3.00) ENGLT 310 - English Literature I (3.00) ENGLT 345 - Mythologies of the World (3.00) HUM 365 - Introduction to the New Testament (3.00) ENGLT 494 - Topics in Literature (3.00) ENGLT 320 - American Literature I (3.00) ENGLT 370 - Children and Literature (3.00) ENGLT 378 - Young Adult Literature (3.00) SOCIAL SCIENCES

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