Non-Material Alterations definition

Non-Material Alterations means alterations that (i) are interior, cosmetic and non-structural, (ii) do not exceed the cost of Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000) in the aggregate in any 12-month period, (iii) do not require any application to a political jurisdiction for rezoning, general plan amendment, variance, or conditional use permit, and (iv) do not affect the Building’s HVAC, MEP or similar systems, the entryways (if visible from any Common Areas) or elevators, the structural integrity of the Building or the exterior appearance of the Project.
Non-Material Alterations means alterations that (i) are interior and non-structural, (ii) do not exceed the cost of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($250,000) in the aggregate in any 12-month period, (iii) do not require any application to a political jurisdiction for rezoning, general plan amendment, variance, or conditional use permit, (iv) do not affect the Building’s HVAC, MEP or similar systems, the entryways or elevators, the structural integrity of the Building or the exterior appearance of the Building, or (v) require a building permit. Tenant’s Initial /s/ AK Landlord’s Initial /s/ DA Rev.04/18
Non-Material Alterations means Alterations other than Decorative Alterations that (1) do not constitute Material Alterations and (2) do not require a building or alteration permit from any Governmental Authority. As part of the Initial Tenant Work or at any time after the completion thereof, Tenant may, at its sole cost and expense and subject to the terms of this Article 14 (including, without limitation, the requirement that Tenant obtain Landlord’s approval of any plans and specifications relating thereto in accordance with the provisions of this Article 14), (x) create openings for internal staircases or dumbwaiters between contiguous floors of the Premises, and (y) create openings between floors of the Premises for the purposes of installing conduit and cabling. Subject to the terms of Article 6 and this Article 14, Landlord hereby approves, on a conceptual basis, Tenant’s performance of the Conceptual Alterations. Tenant shall not perform the Conceptual Alterations without Landlord’s prior approval of final and complete plans and specifications for the same as provided for in this Article 14, it being understood, however, that Landlord, in approving or disapproving such final and complete plans and specifications, shall not have the right to disapprove the same on the basis of the nature of such Conceptual Alterations, as opposed to the details thereof (e.g., materials, size, location, method of installation, power requirements, etc.). “Conceptual Alterations” shall mean Tenant’s installation of (A) valved connections between the two (2) chilled water systems serving the Premises, (B) floor reinforcement for Tenant’s UPS installed on the 20th Floor and (C) pins to close the elevator doors and sheetrock over the elevator door openings for the “A” elevator bank on the 17th Floor.‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

Examples of Non-Material Alterations in a sentence

  • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth above and provided Tenant shall be in compliance with the applicable provisions of this Article 11, Tenant or any permitted subtenant or other permitted occupant of the Premises, may at its sole expense, without Landlord's prior approval, undertake Non-Material Alterations.

  • The Scheme, along with Material and Non-Material Alterations, were adopted by South Dublin County Council on 19th June, 2019.

  • Along with any request for Landlord’s consent, when required, and in any event before undertaking any Non-Material Alterations or Material Alterations, Tenant will deliver to Landlord plans and specifications for the Alterations and names and addresses of all prospective contractors for the Alterations.

  • Tenant may make any other change, alteration, addition or improvement to the Demised Premises (“ Non-Material Alterations” ; Non-Material Alterations and Material Alterations are sometimes hereinafter collectively referred to as “ Alterations”) without Landlord’s prior written consent, and subject to the applicable requirements of this Lease, provided that Tenant shall give prompt written notice to Landlord that Tenant has made, or plans to make, any Non-Material Alterations.

  • Anything herein to the contrary notwithstanding, Tenant shall not be required to furnish plans (to the extent plans are not required by or submitted to the applicable governmental authority having jurisdiction) or copies of contracts with respect to any Non-Material Alterations but shall otherwise comply with the conditions and limitations set forth in this Section 19.1.

  • In addition, Landlord may require, by written notice given to Tenantwithin thirty (30) days following receipt of written notice from Tenant that Tenant has made, or plans to make, any Non-Material Alterations, that Tenant remove the Non-Material Alterations at the end of the Term and repair all damage caused by such removal.

More Definitions of Non-Material Alterations

Non-Material Alterations means Alterations other than Decorative Alterations that do not (1) constitute Material Alterations, (2) require a building or alteration permit from any Governmental Authority or (3) cost in any one instance in excess of $100,000.00, subject to CPI Adjustment on each anniversary of the Commencement Date.
Non-Material Alterations means any Alteration to the Subleased Premises that (i) is purely decorative in nature (such as wallpapering, painting or carpeting) or consists solely of workstation partitions and/or data and telecommunications wiring and cabling;
Non-Material Alterations means Alterations that do not require Landlord's prior approval pursuant to Section 3.4 hereof.
Non-Material Alterations means non-structural, interior changes (including cosmetic changes) to the Building which do not adversely affect any Building systems. In addition, Tenant, at its sole cost and expense, may make other alterations, improvements or additions to the Building (each, a "Material Alteration") subject to Landlord's consent, which consent shall not be
Non-Material Alterations mean alterations to the demised premises that do not, subject to Section 3.10, either adversely affect the structure of the Building or the exterior of the Building or any portion thereof or adversely affect any “Building Systems”, to wit: (a) mechanical, (b) electrical, (c) plumbing, (d) heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (“HVAC”), and (e) life safety (in each case excluding systems for distributing any Building service within the demised premises). Without limiting the foregoing, Landlord hereby approves, in concept, the installation of a vault (the “Vault”) in the demised premises subject to Landlord’s review and approval of the plans and specifications therefor and all other provisions of this Lease concerning the performance of Alterations and the removal of same at the end of the term of this Lease (it being understood and agreed that the Vault shall be deemed a “unique” Tenant Alteration and removed by Tenant (or, if and only if the Vault Removal Conditions are satisfied, by Landlord following the Expiration Date) at Tenant’s sole cost and expense at the expiration or earlier termination of this Lease). Landlord’s consent shall not be required in order for Tenant to make (x) purely cosmetic Non-Material Alterations (i.e., painting, carpeting and wall-covering) or (y) any Non-Material Alteration or series of Non-Material Alterations that cost, in the aggregate, less than $300,000, and do not require the issuance of a building permit or a change to the Building’s certificate of occupancy; provided, that Tenant shall provide Landlord with prior written notice of the performance of any such Non-Material Alterations described in this paragraph, and such Non-Material Alterations shall be subject to all other provisions of this Lease applicable to Tenant Alterations.

Related to Non-Material Alterations

  • Material Alteration shall have the meaning set forth in Section 4.1.11.

  • Licensee Improvements means Improvements created, conceived, or reduced to practice by or for Licensee.

  • Capital Improvements mean the purchase, renovation, rehabilitation, or construction of permanent land, buildings, structures, equipment and furnishings used directly for or in the Project, and any goods or services for the Project that are purchased and capitalized under GAAP, including any organizational costs and research and development costs incurred in Illinois. Capitalized lease costs for land, buildings, structures or equipment shall be included in “Capital Improvements” only if the lease term, including any extensions or options to extend, equals or exceeds the term of this Agreement, and provided that such lease costs are valued at their present value using the corporate interest rate prevailing at the time the Company filed its Application with the Department.