Alteration permit means a permit required for any alteration to an impounding structure.
Alteration permit means a permit required for changes any alteration to an impounding
Alteration permit means a permit approving an alteration to of an historic resource listed in the Historic Resources Inventory (HRI) pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
Examples of Alteration permit in a sentence
A Shoreland Alteration permit shall authorize the following activities.
This activity requires an Alteration permit, as defined in Section 2-4-1 of these regulations.
Administration noted that you needed more objective areas covered, six specific content areas needed to be covered, and activities were unbalanced and without enough variety.
A Sign Alteration permit expires if the approved modifications are not completed within 90 days of permit issuance.
In addition, there are some flares in the light curve accompanied by some gaps.
More Definitions of Alteration permit
Alteration permit means a permit whose issuance is approved by the historical resources management commission or upon appeal by the city council and which authorizes its recipient to make specified exterior alterations to a historical resource, outstanding historical resource, or to an improvement located within a historic district.
Alteration permit means a permit approving an alteration to a historic artifact, or a property determined eligible for historic artifact designation pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter.
Alteration permit has the meaning set out in Schedule 7 [Environmental Obligations]; “APEGBC” has the meaning set out in Schedule 6 [Specifications and Drawings]; “Apprentices Policy” has the meaning set out in Schedule 2 [General Conditions];
Alteration permit means a building permit issued by the DOB authorizing the owner to make the alterations set forth in the approved alteration application which are necessary to obtain a residential certificate of occupancy for an IMD unit.
Alteration permit means a permit approving an alteration to or demolition of a historic resource listed in the heritage resource inventory pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.