Demolition works definition

Demolition works means any physical activity to tear down or break up a structure (or part thereof) or surface, or the like, and includes the loading of demolition waste and the unloading of plant or machinery.
Demolition works means the works of demolition identified on Figure 1.11 plan reference 33663-LEA046d.dwg - notwithstanding the potential meanwhile use of existing buildings.
Demolition works means the taking down of the structure of the existing buildings at the Property or any part thereof including without limitation site clearance the erection of fencing and or hoarding the creation of a site compound or other means of enclosure for the purposes of site security operations in connection with site investigation (including site surveys and ground investigations) creation of temporary accesses archaeological investigations and works including the preservation and removal of archaeological artefacts decontamination works removal of hazardous substances site preparation including earth moving and laying of sewers and services

Examples of Demolition works in a sentence

  • Demolition works started in the third quarter of 2015 and accordingly net book value (535 thousand EUR) of buildings demolished marked N and L has been written off.

  • Demolition works shall not commence within the development until a Demolition Environmental Management Plan (DEMP) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority whilst b.

  • NOTE 2: Demolition works involving the removal and disposal of asbestos cement must only be undertaken by contractors who hold a current WorkCover “Demolition Licence” and a current WorkCover “Class 2 (Restricted) Asbestos Licence”.

  • Demolition works areas will be appropriately hoarded and signposted.

  • Demolition works will inevitably expose workers and the public to occupational health and public safety risks: in particular, working with heavy equipment, handling and use of tools engender certain risks.

More Definitions of Demolition works

Demolition works has the meaning given to it in recital (b);
Demolition works means the works of demolition and removal of all subsisting buildings structures and debris from the Site and all associated site clearance works]; Provider]’s Development Director or such other person agreed by the Council to act as the [Developer] [Registered Provider]’s representative from time to time for the purposes of this Agreement
Demolition works means in respect of the Site:
Demolition works means the taking down of the existing buildings on the Site or any substantial part thereof but excludes inter alia the removal of doors, flooring, fixtures, services and temporary structures including room partitions and “Demolish” and “Demolition” shall be construed accordingly; “Development” means the redevelopment to include demolition of the 1980s office buildings and erection of a 26-storey building (plus mezzanine and two basement levels) of a maximum height of 108.0m AOD, restoration and refurbishment of the listed terrace (nos. 0-00 Xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx), and redevelopment of Keats House (nos. 00-00 Xx Xxxxxx Xxxxxx) with removal, relocation and reinstatement of the historic façade on a proposed building, to provide 46,442sqm GEA of Class E(g)(i) office floorspace, 358sqm GEA flexible office E(g)(i)/retail E(a) floorspace, 450sqm GEA Class E(b) restaurant/cafe floorspace and a public rooftop garden, and 5,449sqm GEA of affordable workspace within the Georgian terrace, Keats House and part of the tower, associated public realm and highways improvements, provision for a new access to the Borough High Street entrance to London Bridge underground station, cycling parking, car parking, service, refuse and plant areas, and all ancillary or associated works or any variation thereof; “Development Agreement” means the agreement to be entered into between the Developer, LUL and/or TfL in respect of the construction and handover to LUL of the Station Works, the works to create the access from the Station Works to King’s Head Square, the protection of TfL's and LUL's existing infrastructure, and the grant of the LUL Easement; “Development Plan” means the Southwark Plan and the London Plan; “Director of Planning and Growth” means the Council’s Director of Planning and Growth or any other officer or person properly exercising the authority of the Director of Planning and Growth for the time being; “District Heat Network” means a strategic district central heating and power plant network capable of serving the Development; “District Heat Network Strategy” means a document prepared by the Developer setting out the proposals for the Site to connect to the District Heat Network and which shall contain as a minimum the details set out at paragraph 2.1 of Schedule 6; “Eligible Tenant(s)” means an occupier from a specific sector that has a social, cultural or economic development purpose which shall include but not be limited to the following: a) charities; b) public heal...
Demolition works means the demolition works for the buildings on the Development Site (and includes demolition and clearance works in relation to the Substation) at the date of this Agreement to be carried out in the sequence and in accordance with the method statement agreed with the relevant Building Contractor and approved by TfL pursuant to clause 24 as the same may be varied from time to time in accordance with the terms of this Agreement;
Demolition works means any physical activity to tear down or break up a structure (or part thereof) of surface, or the like, and includes the loading of demolition waste and the unloading of plant of machinery.
Demolition works means the works the Tenant proposes to carry out to demolish and remove the whole or parts of the buildings and/or any other elements either on or forming part of the demised premises".