Buyer’s Confidential Information definition

Buyer’s Confidential Information means information: of buyer that is personal information, security classified information (including with delimiting markers), information protected by statutory confidentiality provisions, information marked “confidential” (or marked in some other way that indicates it is confidential) and/or information that relates to buyer’s customers, commercial dealings, technology systems, finances, compliance programs and/or security systems and/or procedures; and within the definition of the termbuyer confidential information” in the principal contract, that is or was held or accessed by confidant, but does not include information: in the public domain (otherwise than as a breach of this deed poll or the principal contract); or independently held or developed by confidant without reference or reliance on any information of buyer. personal information has the same meaning as in the Privacy Xxx 0000 (Cth). Confidant obligations Unless otherwise required by law, confidant must: keep buyer’s confidential information confidential; not use or disclose buyer’s confidential information for any purpose other than the performance of the principal contract; not publicly disclose buyer’s confidential information except with the express written consent of buyer; and if requested by buyer, immediately return all buyer’s confidential information in confidant’s possession to buyer or destroy or delete such buyer’s confidential information (and provide a statutory declaration to buyer that this has been done). confidant must keep buyer’s confidential information secure. confidant must notify buyer in writing immediately if he or she is required by law to disclose any of buyer’s confidential information or if buyer’s confidential information is lost, stolen or accessed by an unauthorised person. confidant acknowledges that damages may not be an adequate remedy for a breach of this deed poll and that buyer may be entitled to injunctive relief. Conflict of interest confidant warrants that he or she has no conflict of interest in relation to the performance of the principal contract, other than as notified in writing to buyer. Governing law This deed poll is governed by the law of the Australian Capital Territory and confidant agrees to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of the Australian Capital Territory in respect of all matters relating to this deed poll. Executed as a Deed Poll Signed, Sealed and Delivered by [name of confidant] in the presence of: Signature...
Buyer’s Confidential Information means information or tangible materials, whether or not designated by Buyer as confidential, pertaining to: (i) product development, design, formulations, composition, research and development, or specifications; (ii) product manufacturing techniques, rates or quantities; (iii) equipment used to make products; (iv) any other aspects of Buyer’s business relating to products and services, including without limitation marketing, sales, customers and non-public financial data; (v) all Orders placed by Buyer; and (vi) the Parties’ relationship. Seller shall keep Buyer’s Confidential Information which Seller comes to know in supplying the Products/Services under the Agreement in confidence, and shall not disclose or divulge such Confidential Information to any other third party nor use the Buyer’s Confidential Information for any purpose other than the purpose of implementing the Agreement. Buyer’s Confidential Information does not include information that is:
Buyer’s Confidential Information means information in any form relating to the Business or its customers or financial or other affairs (including future plans and business development), but does not include information which:

Examples of Buyer’s Confidential Information in a sentence

  • All drawings, art work, special products, materials, information or data furnished by Xxxxx and all intellectual property resulting from this Order (as referenced in the foregoing sentence) are Buyer’s exclusive property, shall be used by Seller only for Buyer’s work, shall be deemed Buyer’s Confidential Information as defined in Section 15 below, and shall be kept confidential, pursuant to the terms of Section 15 below, and shall be returned promptly at Buyer’s request.

  • All drawings, artwork, special products, materials, information or data furnished by Xxxxx and all intellectual property resulting from this Order (as referenced in the foregoing sentence) are Buyer’s exclusive property, shall be used by Seller only for Buyer’s work, shall be deemed Buyer’s Confidential Information as defined in Section 15 below, and shall be kept confidential, pursuant to the terms of Section 15 below, and shall be returned promptly at Buyer’s request.

More Definitions of Buyer’s Confidential Information

Buyer’s Confidential Information means all information that Buyer deems confidential or proprietary, including information deemed confidential by virtue of Buyer’s obligations to another party and confidential information developed by Seller in connection with any Purchase Order. Buyer’s Confidential Information includes, but is not limited to, information about research and development plans and results; new compounds and processes; evaluation procedures (including clinical and field testing); product formulations; manufacturing methods; applications to a Governmental Authority; pricing or cost; construction plans; sales, marketing, and advertising studies and plans; customer lists; computer information and software; special techniques unique to Buyer’s business; information subject to a right of privacy; trade secrets, and information Buyer maintains under a system of protection against unauthorized access.
Buyer’s Confidential Information means any information concerning the Acquired Companies, the KES Business, or this Agreement that is not already generally available to the public.
Buyer’s Confidential Information means any and all information, know-how and data, technical or non-technical, whether written, oral, electronic, digital, graphic or otherwise of Buyer that is reasonably considered or treated as confidential and proprietary, and shall include, all business methods; facilities and locations; billing policies, procedures, processes and records; any records, memoranda and correspondences dealing with the Business; financial, pricing and operational information, including all insurance records; internal memoranda, emails or correspondence; form agreements, checklists or compliance materials; contracts or agreements executed by or on behalf of Buyer with any person or entity; information regarding business relationships with any third party; suppliers, marketing, and other information, all relating to or useful in the Business and which have not been disclosed to the general public; this Agreement and any agreements contemplated hereby; operational and business systems, policies and procedures; business strategies; business opportunities; customer and patient lists and information; research and technical information; outcomes and related data; and intellectual property, know-how and trade secrets.
Buyer’s Confidential Information means all confidential and proprietary information, including, but not limited to, all of Buyer’s trade secrets, data, know-how, formulas, designs, drawings, photographs, documentation, forms of software or electronic media, equipment, processes, ideas, methods, concepts, facilities, construction plans and specifications, research, development, and business and financial information. At Buyer’s request, all tangible Buyer’s Confidential Information possessed by Supplier, including, but not limited to, all copies, translations, interpretations and adaptations thereof must be returned immediately to Buyer. In the event Supplier becomes legally compelled to disclose any of Buyer’s Confidential Information, Supplier shall provide the Buyer with written notice thereof, in order to provide Buyer an opportunity to obtain a protective order or other appropriate remedy, and shall obtain reliable assurances that such information will be accorded confidential treatment.
Buyer’s Confidential Information has the meaning set forth in Section 5(l)(iii).
Buyer’s Confidential Information shall have the meaning as set forth in Section 6.2(e).
Buyer’s Confidential Information means information in any form relating to a Buyer's Group Company's or a Chello Group Company's business, customers or financial or other affairs (including future plans and business development), but does not include information which: