Approved Equipment definition

Approved Equipment means the devices and instruments necessary for the performance of the inspection team's duties that have been certified by the Technical Secretariat in accordance with regulations prepared by the Technical Secretariat pursuant to Part II, paragraph 27 of this Annex. Such equipment may also refer to the administrative supplies or recording materials that would be used by the inspection team.
Approved Equipment means telecommunication equipment which has been approved by the Authority in terms of the Act.
Approved Equipment means the equipment set out in Annex C hereto.

Examples of Approved Equipment in a sentence

  • Please review your list of Approved Equipment Providers and ensure your company is good for the companies with whom you want to do business with.

More Definitions of Approved Equipment

Approved Equipment means equipment that meet rule 2-024 of the Electrical Safety Code or that has been purchased, tested and inspected in accordance with industry standards, or equipment specification, or Good Utility Practice and procedures of the distributor and an assurance of safety of the equipment equivalent to rule 2-024 of the Electrical Safety Code is provided;
Approved Equipment means equipment that incorporates one or more Components.
Approved Equipment. You must use equipments that are compatible with PORTAL ONE Service, including, but not limited to, wiring, VoIP handsets, and network switches and routers. You assume all risks associated with the use of equipment that is (a) not obtained directly from PORTAL ONE
Approved Equipment means, without the prior consent or approval of Bank, new or used equipment which (a) Borrower has purchased and is using or will use in the ordinary course of Borrower's business; (b) has been delivered to, and accepted by, Borrower and, if applicable, has been installed at premises which Borrower owns or leases; (c) is subject to no lien other than Bank's first priority lien (unless the holder of any other lien agrees in writing with Bank, before Bank funds the CapEx Loan Advance for such Equipment, to disclaim any interest in such Equipment); (d) does not and, after delivery to and installation at Borrower’s premises, will not constitute a fixture under applicable law, unless each landlord and mortgagee of such premises has executed in Bank's favor a landlord or mortgagee waiver in form and substance acceptable to Bank; and (e) does not and, after delivery to and, if applicable, installation at Borrower’s premises, will not constitute an accession to other Equipment that is subject to any lien other than Bank's lien (unless the holder of any other lien agrees in writing with Bank, before Bank funds the CapEx Loan Advance for such Equipment, to disclaim any interest in the Equipment which will constitute such accession).
Approved Equipment means the devices and instruments necessary for the
Approved Equipment means the equipment set out in Annex B hereto. ‘BCA’ shall mean the Building and Construction Authority.
Approved Equipment means The devices and instruments necessary for the performance of the visiting or investigation team’s duties as approved by the First and subsequent Conferences of States Parties in accordance with provisions contained in Annex C, section I, paragraphs 34 and 35. [3. Bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons 7 mean A type of weapon, the damaging effects of which are based on the properties of biological agents and toxins, to cause harm to human beings, animals or plants. The term “Bacteriological (biological) and toxin weapons” together or separately shall be applied to the following: (1) Materials containing biological agents or toxins whatever their origin or method of production, of types and in quantities that have no justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes; (2) Weapons, any apparatus, equipment, device or means of delivery designed to use [and loaded with] such agents or toxins, or possessing special design features for the loading and use of such agents or toxins for hostile purposes or in armed conflict. It also applies to a vector (insect, pest or any living organism) intentionally infected with microbial agents for hostile purposes or in armed conflict.] 6 Delegations expressed different views about the appropriate location of any agreed definition. One view was that any agreed definitions should compose an article of the final document. Another view was that any agreed definitions should be contained in an appropriate annex.7 A view was expressed that any proposal to define Article I terms would have the effect of amending the Convention outside the legal provisions of Article XI, contrary to the mandate of the Group. Another view was expressed that defining those terms is indispensable for the purposes of a verification mechanism and will not have the effect of amending theConvention.BWC/AD HOC GROUP/54Annex I page 191 4. Biocontrol agent 8 means [A living organism or biologically active substance originated from such organism used for the prevention, elimination or reduction of plant diseases and pests or unwanted plants.] [5. Biological agents9 mean Any organism, either natural or modified, which can cause death, disease and/or incapacitate human beings and animals or which can also cause death, disease or harm to plants.] [6. Biological defence facility10 means Facility which is [directly] involved in a biological defence programme and/or activities.] [7. Biological defence programme and/or activities (aga...