Examples of Research and development in a sentence
The purpose of this Letter is the commitment of the Parties to agree on future cooperation between the Applicant and the Partner Organisation after signing an agreement on funding by The Slovak Research and Development Agency for the submitted project Vyberte položku.Vyberte položku. (hereinafter referred to as the “Project”).
The researcher also gained approval from the EPS in the LA where the researcher is based as well as from the NHS Research and Development Governance of ethics for the health-based practitioners who formed part of this study.
The subject of this Letter is the commitment of the Applicant and the Partner Organisation that, after receiving funding from the grant scheme of The Slovak Research and Development Agency, they will work together at solving the joint Project, while any specific rights and obligations of mutual cooperation on the Project solution shall be regulated by a future agreement concluded between the Applicant and the Partner Organisation following the signing of a funding agreement.