After Delivery. After delivery of the Child and collection of the Cord Samples, the Client must:
i. Follow the instructions within the Collection Kit to inspect the cord blood bag, cord tissue container, and the three (3) vials of the Maternal Sample for any leaks or other defects.
ii. Contact ViaCord at 0-000-000-0000 within two (2) hours of collection of the Cord Blood Sample so that ViaCord may arrange for pickup of the Samples.
iii. Review the contents of the Collection Kit with ViaCord’s Customer Service personnel before sealing the Collection Kit and answer any follow-up questions regarding the Health History Questionnaire(s). This phone call may last approximately ten (10) minutes.
iv. Keep the Collection Kit at room temperature and readily available until the medical courier arrives.
After Delivery. After delivery of the Child and collection of the Cord Samples, the Client must:
i. Follow the instructions within the Collection Kit to inspect the cord blood bag, cord tissue container, and the vials of the Maternal Sample for any leaks or other defects.
ii. Contact ViaCord at 0-000-000-0000 within two (2) hours of collection of the Cord Blood Sample(s) so that ViaCord may arrange for pickup of the Sample(s).
iii. ZĞǀŝĞǁ ƚŚĞ ĐŽŶƚĞŶƚƐ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŽůůĞĐƚŝŽ personnel before sealing the Collection Kit and answer any follow-up questions regarding the Health History Questionnaire(s). This phone call may last approximately ten (10) minutes.
iv. Keep the Collection Kit at room temperature and readily available until the medical courier arrives.
After Delivery not less than six (6) weeks after the delivery, unless the employee gives one week’s notice of her intention to return to work and provides a medical certificate from a legally qualified medical practitioner indicating that she is able to resume work. Application for this leave must be made in writing at least two (2) weeks prior to the effective date of the leave. A physician’s statement confirming pregnancy and the expected date of delivery must accompany such written request.
After Delivery. After delivery of the Child and collection of the Cord Blood Sample, the Client must:
i. Follow the instructions within the Collection Kit to inspect the cord blood bag and the vials of the Maternal Sample for any leaks or other defects.
ii. Contact ViaCord at 0-000-000-0000 within two (2) hours of collection of the Cord Blood Sample so that ViaCord may arrange for pickup of the Samples.
iii. Review the contents of the Collectio personnel before sealing the Collection Kit and answer any follow-up questions regarding the Health History Questionnaire(s). This phone call may last approximately ten (10) minutes.
iv. Keep the Collection Kit at room temperature and readily available until the medical courier arrives.
After Delivery. From and after Close of Escrow, Developer's requirement to maintain insurance under this Agreement will be as set forth in the Ground Lease.
After Delivery external provider shall immediately notify MEPC of any defective or non- conforming Goods or Services, and advise MEPC if there is a reason to suspect a similar issue may exist on previously provided Goods or Services provided to the MEPC. External provider shall identify and record any non-conformance raised against products or systems and all subsequent corrective and preventive actions that are taken.
After Delivery. Buyer may Transfer any of ----------------------- Buyer's Transponders, and the rights and obligations set forth herein, with respect to such Buyer's Transponder to any third party only if, prior to such Transfer, (i) such transferee executes a document, in form and substance satisfactory to HCG, by which such transferee assumes all of Buyer's obligations under the Agreement and under the TT&C Service Agreement (including, without limitation, Buyer's obligations concerning Agreed Uses, its other use obligations as set forth in Section 7.01(a) and the right of first refusal set forth in Section 13.03); and (ii) Buyer has satisfied its obligation under Section 13.03 and, if applicable, HOG has not exercised its repurchase right under Section 13.03.
After Delivery. If the goods should be returned for reasons of faulty delivery and/or a delay in the delivery times, the delivery of the goods and the passing of ownership shall be regarded as never having occurred. The Counterparty shall waive any rights of retention or suspension of performance, right of recovery and/or retention of title and the right to set-off.
After Delivery. Seller shall assume all risk of loss or damage of the Trade-In Helicopter and insure the Trade-In Helicopter at its own expense until delivery of the Trade-In Helicopter to Sikorsky. Upon delivery of the Trade-In Helicopter from Seller to Sikorsky and passage of title thereto, Sikorsky shall assume all risk of loss of or damage to the Trade-In Helicopter.