Special Requirements. Additional terms and conditions of this Agreement, if any, which are made a part hereof are set forth in the “Special Requirements” attached hereto as Exhibit “B” and incorporated herein by this reference. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of Exhibit “B” and any other provisions of this Agreement, the provisions of Exhibit “B” shall govern.
Special Requirements. The DISTRICT agrees to comply with applicable CITY zoning ordinances, building code requirements and other applicable city and state codes, ordinances, or licensing requirements. The DISTRICT understands that execution of this Agreement is in no way a waiver or approval of any provision of this section. The DISTRICT understands and agrees that the administration and expenditure of funds from this grant shall be in compliance with CDBG regulations; provided further, the DISTRICT agrees to be solely responsible for ensuring said compliance. The DISTRICT further certifies that it will comply with the applicable provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 24 CFR, Part 570, to include, but not limited to, 24 CFR, Section 570.502, and Office of Management and Budget Circulars, to include, but not limited to, Circular A-133: Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, revised June 24, 1997; provided further, that HSSM agrees to comply with applicable federal law and regulations described in 24 CFR, Part 570, Subpart K. Title 31 U.C.S., Section 1352, requires all subgrantees, contractors, subcontractors, and consultants who receive federal funds via the CITY to certify that they will not use federal funds to pay any person for influencing or attempting to influence a federal agency or Congress in connection with the award of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreements. In addition, contract applicants, recipients, and subrecipients must file a form disclosing any expenditures they make for lobbying out of non-federal funds during the contract period. Necessary forms are available from the Administrator Management Services, Department of Planning and Development Services of the City and must be returned to the CITY with other contract documents. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to obtain executed forms from any subcontractors who fall within the provisions of the Code and to provide the CITY with the same.
Special Requirements. The Below mentioned requirements shall have a precedence in all of the preceding specifications and requirements, and the tenderer is kindly requested to strictly follow.
Special Requirements. We committed to implementing all items mentioned in the special requirements within the bid document number ( ), 15 items, and the subcategories of these items.
Special Requirements. The vehicle must not be used in conditions which place abnormal stress on the vehicle. - The maximum load and maximum towing capacity of the vehicle must not be exceeded. If the requirements are not met, the compensation may be reduced, or the deductible increased. See section
Special Requirements. The Salvation Army agrees to comply with applicable CITY zoning ordinances, building code requirements and other applicable city and state codes, ordinances, or licensing requirements. The Salvation Army understands that execution of this Agreement is in no way a waiver or approval of any provision of this section. The Salvation Army will comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations that apply to faith-based groups and programs pursuant to the Charitable Choice laws, Presidential Executive order and implementing regulations adopted by the appropriate federal agencies. The Salvation Army, by signing the Agreement, agrees to provide certification that the facility and operation outlined in this Agreement will principally serve low-and moderate income persons. The Salvation Army understands and agrees that the administration and expenditure of funds from this grant shall be in compliance with CDBG regulations; provided further, The Salvation Army agrees to be solely responsible for ensuring said compliance. The Salvation Army further certifies that it will comply with the applicable provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 24 CFR, Part 570, to include, but not limited to, 24 CFR, Section 570.502, and Office of Management and Budget Circulars, to include, but not limited to, Circular A-133: Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, revised June 24, 1997; provided further, that The Salvation Army agrees to comply with applicable federal law and regulations described in 24 CFR, Part 570, Subpart K. Title 31 U.C.S., Section 1352, requires all subgrantees, contractors, subcontractors, and consultants who receive federal funds via the CITY to certify that they will not use federal funds to pay any person for influencing or attempting to influence a federal agency or Congress in connection with the award of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreements. In addition, contract applicants, recipients, and subrecipients must file a form disclosing any expenditures they make for lobbying out of non-federal funds during the contract period. Necessary forms are available from the Administrator, Management Services, Department of Planning and Development Services of the CITY and must be returned to the CITY with other contract documents. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to obtain executed forms from any subcontractors who fall within the provisions of the Code and to provide the CITY with th...
Special Requirements. This exemption also applies to any and all seismographic and geophysical surveying, stratigraphic testing, coring, logging and testing calculated to reveal the existence of geologic conditions favorable to the accumulation of oil or gas. No exemption certificate required. These exempt services and exempt drilling activities occur during a time period we call the pre- production casing phase. These exempt services must be separately stated on invoices from taxable charges. [Wy Dept of Rev Rules, Chap 2, Sec. 9(a) ] For more information related to both exempt and taxable oil and gas services please see our publication on our web site. From our main page click on "Publications" in the red banner. In the page that appears scroll to the grey scale heading "Sales and Use Tax Materials" and click on "Sales & Use Tax Publications for Specific Industries." In the list that appears click on "Oil Conventional Natural Gas and Coal Bed Sales of school annuals W. S. 00-00-000 (a)(viii)(C) None No exemption certificate required. Sales of newspapers W. S. 00-00-000 (a)(viii)(D) None No exemption certificate required. Sales of carbon dioxide and other gases used in tertiary production W. S. 00-00-000 (a)(viii)(F) Example: Tertiary production is defined at W.S. 00-00-000, in part, as crude oil recovery by means of a tertiary enhanced recovery project as certified by the Wyoming oil and gas conservation commission or the United States government. Circle Sec. 5 M (Other) cite statute or describe exemption in space provided
Special Requirements. Any solicitation(s) whereby any documents, permits, permissions, deviations, or any other requirement is/are needed to fulfill, meet or obligate any order, shall be identified and submitted in the quote with an explanation, prior to award. Any of the above identified as being needed or required by a SELLER after award may be requested from BUYER, who shall unilaterally decide:
(1) not obligated to provide such requirement, but may elect to assist in obtaining such requirement;
(2) advise the SELLER they shall be solely responsible for obtaining/funding any such requirement without reimbursement;
(3) if any requirement(s) is/are necessary to fulfil the order and cannot be provided by SELLER, the BUYER may elect to Terminate the Award for Default.
Special Requirements. This section describes the special requirements for this effort. The following sub-sections provide details of various considerations on this effort.
Special Requirements. The Salvation Army agrees to comply with applicable CITY zoning ordinances, building code requirements and other applicable CITY and state codes, ordinances, or licensing requirements. The Salvation Army understands that execution of this Agreement is in no way a waiver or approval of any provision that may be required under applicable law or rules and regulations of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. The Salvation Army understands and agrees that the administration and expenditure of funds from this grant shall be in compliance with CDBG regulations; provided further, The Salvation Army agrees to be solely responsible for ensuring said compliance. The Salvation Army further certifies that it will comply with the applicable provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations 24 CFR, Part 570, to include, but not limited to, 24 CFR, Section 570.502, and Office of Management and Budget Circulars, to include, but not limited to, Circular A-133: Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, revised June 24, 1997; provided further, that The Salvation Army agrees to comply with applicable federal law and regulations described in 24 CFR, Part 570, Subpart K including the Conflict of Interest provisions at 24 CFR Part 570, Subpart K, 570.611. Title 31 U.C.S., Section 1352, requires all sub grantees, contractors, subcontractors, and consultants who receive federal funds via the CITY to certify that they will not use federal funds to pay any person for influencing or attempting to influence a federal agency or Congress in connection with the award of any federal contract, grant, loan, or cooperative agreements. In addition, contract applicants, recipients, and sub recipients must file a form disclosing any expenditures they make for lobbying out of non-federal funds during the contract period. Necessary forms are available from the Grant Program Coordinator, Community Planning and Services, Department of Planning and Development Services of the CITY, and must be returned to the CITY with other contract documents. It is the responsibility of the general contractor to obtain executed forms from any subcontractors who fall within the provisions of the Code and to provide the CITY with the same.