Special Arrangements. Fees for activities of a non-recurring nature such as reorganizations, and/or preparation of special reports will be subject to negotiation. Fees for a change in fund structure (i.e., Core and Feeder) are subject to negotiation.
Special Arrangements. Fees for activities of a non-recurring nature such as reorganizations, and/or preparation of special reports will be subject to negotiation.
Special Arrangements. 2. For the purposes of this contract and its appendices, the period of employment shall be determined by Party B’s reporting to Party A, engaging in work tasks designated by Party A, or receiving salary and remuneration. The employment period includes overtime worked by Party B outside regular working hours, regardless of the location. Termination of employment, as referred to in this contract and its appendices, is defined as the date when either party explicitly terminates or resigns from the employment relationship or when the contract between the two parties is terminated.
Special Arrangements. In addition to the above arrangement, EMG has agreed that the Under Treasurer may authorise any additional flexible working arrangements on a one off basis to meet special circumstances.
Special Arrangements. No Tax Authority has agreed to operate any special arrangement (being an arrangement not based on a strict and detailed application of the relevant legislation) in relation to the affairs of the Company, the Company has not taken any action which would or might alter, prejudice or in any way disturb any arrangement or agreement which it has negotiated with any Tax Authority nor will any transaction carried out pursuant to this Agreement have such an effect.
Special Arrangements. Some customers may receive the Services through a special arrangement with their property owner, property manager or association. If you have such an arrangement, this Agreement shall apply to the Services, except that Frontier may not directly charge you for the Services (including Equipment) provided to you as part of the special arrangement. You will be responsible for fees and charges associated with additional Service orders. You may also have an additional agreement or contract with your property owner, property manager or association that covers any special arrangement. Any such additional agreement or contract is outside the terms of this Agreement and Frontier is not responsible for nor bound by the terms of any agreement you may have with your property owner, property manager or association.
Special Arrangements. The conditions of 49 U.S.C. § 5333(b) do not apply to Contractors providing public transportation operations pursuant to 49 U.S.C. § 5310. FTA reserves the right to make case-by-case determinations of the applicability of 49 U.S.C. § 5333(b) for all transfers of funding authorized under title 23, United States Code (flex funds), and make other exceptions as it deems appropriate, and, in those instances, any special arrangements required by FTA will be incorporated herein as required.
Special Arrangements. The University may offer an early retirement package or a special arrangement (including a suitable financial settlement) to an individual academic staff member or to a group of members. A member may ask the University to initiate such an offer. Any offers shall be without prejudice. The University will meet with and provide the details of the offer including member eligibility to the Faculty Association at least one week before making a group offer, on the understanding the Faculty Association will maintain strict confidentiality. Prior to the signing of any agreement, members shall be given a reasonable time frame to respond.
Special Arrangements. The College may offer an early-retirement package or a special arrangement (including a suitable financial settlement) to an individual academic staff member or to a group of members. A member may ask the College to initiate such an offer. Any offers shall be without prejudice.