Sole Bargaining Agency. The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining agency on behalf of the employees for whom the Union has been certified as bargaining agent with respect to wages, hours of work, terms and conditions of employment during the life of this Agreement.
Sole Bargaining Agency. No employee covered by this Agreement shall be required or permitted to make a written or oral agreement with the Employer or its representatives which is in conflict with the terms of this Agreement.
Sole Bargaining Agency. The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining agency on behalf of the employees described in the certification issued by the Canada Labour Relations Board. The Union is the bargaining agent with respect to wages, hours of work, terms and conditions of employment during the life of this Agreement. No employee covered by this Agreement shall be required or permitted to make written or oral agreement with the Employer or its representative which may conflict with the terms of this Agreement.
Sole Bargaining Agency. The Employer recognizes the Poly-party Union of British Columbia Nurses’ Union and Hospital Employees' Union as exclusive bargaining agent for all employees falling within the Bargaining Unit. No employee covered by this agreement shall be permitted or required to make a written or oral agreement with the Employer which may conflict with this agreement.
Sole Bargaining Agency. The Employer recognizes the BCGEU as the sole bargaining agency on behalf of the employees for whom the Union has been certified as bargaining agent with respect to wages, hours of work, terms and conditions of employment during the life of this Agreement.
Sole Bargaining Agency. 1.01 The City recognizes the Union as the exclusive representative of these groups of employees, for the purpose of Collective Bargaining regarding rates of pay, hours of work, and all other working conditions. The City will continue to recognize the Union as long as the Union retains the right to conduct Collective Bargaining of such employees under the provisions of the Statutes of the Province of British Columbia.
Sole Bargaining Agency. 1.01 The City recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining agency on behalf of the employees for whom the Union has been certified as bargaining agent with respect to any and all matters affecting the relationship between the Parties to this Agreement, looking forward to a peaceful and amicable settlement of any difference that may arise between them.
1.02 Employees who are brought within the jurisdiction of the Union's Certificate of Bargaining Authority, including newly hired employees, shall become members of the Union within thirty (30) days of the start of employment. Each employee shall, as a condition of continued employment, be a member in good standing in the Union according to the Constitution and By-laws of the Union.
Sole Bargaining Agency. The Employer recognizes the United Food and Commercial Workers' Union, Local 1518, as the sole bargaining agency on behalf of the employees and for whom the Union has been certified as bargaining agent with respect to wages, hours of work, terms and conditions of employment during the life of the Agreement.
Sole Bargaining Agency. The Board recognizes the Union as the sole bargaining agency on behalf of the employees described in the certification issued by the Canada Labour Relations Board. The Union is the bargaining agent with respect to wages, hours of work, terms and conditions of employment during the life of this Agreement. No employee covered by this Agreement shall be required or permitted to make written or oral agreement with the Board or its representative which may conflict with the terms of this Agreement. Employees covered by the Union’s Certificate of Bargaining Authority who were employed by the Board and were not members of the Union prior to July shall have the option of:
Sole Bargaining Agency. The Employer recognizes the International Union of Operating Engineers, Local 882 as the sole bargaining agency on behalf of the employees for whom the Union has been certified. No employee shall be asked to make a verbal or written Agreement or Contract, inconsistent with, or at variance with the terms of this Agreement.