Repairs or Replacement Sample Clauses

Repairs or Replacement. Any damage to existing conditions, or to any other improvement or property above or below the surface of the ground, whether private or public, arising from Contractor's performance of the Work shall be repaired within forty-eight (48) hours by Contractor without any addition to the GMP, unless disruption of school operation or creation of a safety hazard has occurred, in which case damage will be corrected immediately. If the best interest of District requires that repairs be made prior to the execution of any further work, the District Representative will so notify Contractor who shall delay or discontinue that part of the Work until the necessary repair has been made. Such delay shall be considered non-compensable, and no extension of the Term of this Facilities Lease will be granted therefore unless the delay arises from site conditions that could not have reasonably been foreseen or additional work ordered by the District. Upon the failure of Contractor to comply with any such order, or upon Contractor's failure to make immediate emergency repairs which are necessary to protect the Work, District shall do that work itself as is necessary to protect life and property, in its sole discretion, and deduct the total cost of such work from the next Tenant Improvement Payment. No prior notice to Contractor shall be necessary for District to take this action.
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Repairs or Replacement. Upon termination of this Agreement ---------------------- and for five (5) years thereafter, Sonic shall agree to provide repair or replacement Hybrids for sale to Starkey; provided that, (i) such repair or replacement Hybrid is distributed to Starkey or a Starkey Affiliate end-user customer who purchased a Product prior to the end of the Term and solely for the purpose of repairing, replacing or servicing such Product.
Repairs or Replacement. In the event Buyer gives notice of a Defect which has to be remedied by Seller, Seller shall remedy such Defect free of charge. Seller shall take Defect’s gravity as well as its consequences for Buyer into consideration when remedying the Defect. Seller may repair or replace the Equipment Set based on its own discretion.
Repairs or Replacement. Philips may elect in its sole discretion, subject to the provisions of Article 18 below, to return a Noncomplying Product for replacement at Supplier's expense. In addition, Philips may return for replacement an entire lot of OEM Products if a tested sample of that lot contains Noncomplying Products. In the event of an overshipment, Philips may elect to keep the additional units, subject to the payment procedures in Section 4.3.
Repairs or Replacement. 22 Any damage to existing conditions, or to any other improvement or property above or below the surface of the 23 ground, whether private or public, arising from performance of this contract by the Entity or any party for 24 whom the Entity is liable, shall be repaired within forty-eight (48) hours by the Entity without expense to the 25 District (subject to coverage under insurance required to be procured by a party under this Lease and then in 26 accordance with all applicable provisions in this Lease related to such insurance), unless disruption of school 27 operation or creation of a safety hazard has occurred, in which case damage will be corrected immediately. If 28 the work cannot be completed within forty-eight (48) hours, then the Entity must be able to show substantial 29 progress toward completion within that time frame. 30 31 If, in the opinion of the Architect, the best interest of the District requires that repairs be made prior to the 32 execution of any further work, the District’s Representative will so notify the Entity who shall delay or 33 discontinue that part of the Work until the necessary repair has been made. Such delay shall be considered 34 non-compensable. 35 36 Upon the failure of the Entity to comply with any such order, or upon the Entity’s failure to make immediate 37 emergency repairs which are necessary to protect the Work, the District shall do that work itself as is 38 necessary to protect life and property, in its sole discretion, and deduct the total cost of such work from the 39 next Lease Payment. No prior notice to the Entity shall be necessary for the District to take this action. 40
Repairs or Replacement. If, following an inspection of the Home, Xxxxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc. determines that a valid warranty claim exists, the warranty service repairs and replacements will be completed by Xxxxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc. or trade contractors chosen by Xxxxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc. Xxxxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc. reserves the right to choose the materials, methods, and personnel used to make warranty service repairs and replacements. Xxxxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc. shall not be liable under this Limited Warranty if; (i) a repaired area or refinished material does not match in color and/or texture; (ii) patterns in floor coverings, wall coverings, or other finished surfaces have been discontinued. In the event any materials have been discontinued by their manufacturer or are otherwise unavailable, Xxxxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc. may at its sole discretion make substitutions, including without limitation, the right to utilize different dye lots and approximate color matches, without penalty of any kind. In addition, Xxxxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc. is only required to repair or replace the affected area and are not required to replace all of the materials previously installed with the substitute materials selected. The choice between repair and replacement belongs solely to Xxxxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc.'x. Xxxxxxxxx Enterprises, Inc. shall not honor invoices, bills, or receipts for labor performed, equipment or materials purchased or rented by or at the direction of the Purchaser.
Repairs or Replacement. 14 Any damage to existing conditions, or to any other improvement or property above or below the surface of the 15 ground, whether private or public, arising from performance of this contract by the Entity or any party for 16 whom the Entity is liable, shall be repaired within forty-eight (48) hours by the Entity without expense to the 17 District (subject to coverage under insurance required to be procured by a party under this Lease and then in 18 accordance with all applicable provisions in this Lease related to such insurance), unless disruption of campus 19 operation or creation of a safety hazard has occurred, in which case damage will be corrected immediately. If 20 the work cannot be completed within forty-eight (48) hours, then the Entity must be able to show substantial 21 progress toward completion within that time frame. 22 23 If, in the opinion of the Architect, the best interest of the District requires that repairs be made prior to the 24 execution of any further work, the District’s Representative will so notify the Entity who shall delay or 25 discontinue that part of the Work until the necessary repair has been made. Such delay shall be considered
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Repairs or Replacement. Repairs or replacement of items of Leased Equipment whenever occurring shall be treated as part of the Leased Equipment and shall have the same value as the items of Leased Equipment so repaired or replaced and shall not affect the value of the Leased Equipment for tax purposes or the ultimate tax liability of Tenaska.

Related to Repairs or Replacement

  • Repair Concessionaire shall, prior to the commencement of the Concession Operation under this Agreement, provide to Department a type-written concession equipment maintenance plan for the State-owned equipment located on the Concession Premises, together with a schedule for preventative maintenance and a report on maintenance completion and equipment condition. Failure to comply with this preventative maintenance schedule shall result in Concessionaire being responsible for all repairs and/or replacement of equipment. The review and Department inspection of the Concession Premises and its equipment will be conducted during routine inspection of the Concession Premises and as a part of the Mandatory Compliance and Performance Evaluation Meetings.

  • Repairs Landlord shall at all times during the Lease Term maintain in good condition and operating order in a manner consistent with Comparable Buildings the structural portions of the Building, including, without limitation, the foundation, floor slabs, ceilings, roof, columns, beams, shafts, stairs, stairwells, escalators, elevators, base building restrooms and all Common Areas, including exterior landscaping (collectively, the “Building Structure”), and the “Base Building” (as that term is defined below) mechanical, electrical, life safety, plumbing, sprinkler and HVAC systems installed or furnished by Landlord (collectively, the “Building Systems”). Except as specifically set forth in this Lease to the contrary, Tenant shall not be required to repair the Building Structure and/or the Building Systems except to the extent required because of Tenant’s use of the Premises for other than normal and customary business office operations. Tenant shall, at Tenant’s own expense, pursuant to the terms of this Lease, including without limitation, Section 5.3 and Article 8 hereof, but subject to Landlord’s obligations in this Article 7 and to Articles 10, 11 and 13, keep the Premises, including all improvements, fixtures and furnishings therein, in good order, repair and condition at all times during the Lease Term. In addition, subject to Articles 10, 11 and 13 Tenant shall, at Tenant’s own expense, but under the supervision and subject to the prior approval of Landlord, and within any reasonable period of time specified by Landlord, pursuant to the terms of this Lease, promptly and adequately repair all damage to the Premises and replace or repair all damaged, broken, or worn fixtures and appurtenances, except for damage caused by ordinary wear and tear or beyond the reasonable control of Tenant; provided however, that if Tenant fails to make such repairs, within applicable notice and cure periods Landlord may, but need not, make such repairs and replacements, and Tenant shall pay Landlord the cost thereof, including a percentage of the cost thereof (to be uniformly established for the Building and/or the Property) sufficient to reimburse Landlord for all overhead, general conditions, fees and other costs or expenses arising from Landlord’s involvement with such repairs and replacements forthwith upon being billed for same. Landlord may, but shall not be required to, enter the Premises at all reasonable times on the terms set forth in Section 27.1 to make such repairs, alterations, improvements or additions to the Premises or to the Property or to any equipment located in the Property as Landlord shall desire or deem necessary or as Landlord may be required to do by governmental or quasi-governmental authority or court order or decree. Landlord shall use commercially reasonable efforts to complete any required repairs in a manner which does not materially, adversely affect Tenant’s use of or access to the Premises. Tenant hereby waives any and all rights under and benefits of subsection 1 of Section 1932 and Sections 1941 and 1942 of the California Civil Code or under any similar law, statute, or ordinance now or hereafter in effect.

  • Maintenance and Repairs 7.1 Tenant shall, at its expense, throughout the Term and all renewals and extensions thereof, maintain in good order, condition and repair the Premises, including but not limited to heating and air conditioning equipment, walls, floors and ceilings, window exteriors, mechanical and electrical systems and equipment exclusively serving the Premises, electric light fixtures, bulbs, tubes and tube casings, doors, floor coverings, dock doors, levelers, plumbing system and plumbing fixtures, Tenant’s signs and utility facilities not maintained by Landlord. Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to extend to Tenant the benefit from warranties on such items, if any, that have been made by Landlord’s contractors or vendors and to extend to Tenant, as and if available, any bulk buying power that Landlord may have with such contractors or vendors. If any portion of the Premises or any system or equipment in the Premises which Tenant is obligated to repair cannot be fully repaired, Tenant shall promptly replace the same, regardless of whether the benefit of such replacement extends beyond the Term. Tenant shall, at Tenant’s expense, maintain a preventive maintenance contract providing for the regular inspection (at least quarterly) and maintenance of the heating and air conditioning system by a licensed and qualified heating and air conditioning contractor, or Tenant shall perform such HVAC inspection and maintenance with duly licensed and qualified employee. The cost of such preventive maintenance contract shall be paid by Tenant and an expense solely chargeable to Tenant; but if Landlord so elects, same may be billed directly by Landlord to Tenant where Landlord on Tenant’s behalf enters into such preventive maintenance contract and in such case shall be deemed Additional Rent (Landlord alone may so elect whether to enter into such preventive maintenance contract on Tenant’s behalf). Landlord shall have the right, upon notice to Tenant, to undertake the responsibility for preventive maintenance of any other system or component at Tenant’s expense. Tenant shall be responsible for janitorial services and trash removal from the Premises, at Tenant’s expense. Landlord and Tenant intend that, at all times during the Term, Tenant shall maintain the Premises in good order and condition and appearances reasonably commensurate with the balance of the Property. All of Tenant’s obligations to maintain and repair shall be accomplished at Tenant’s sole expense. If Tenant fails to maintain and repair the Premises as required by this Section, Landlord may, on 10 days’ prior written notice (except that no notice shall be required in case of emergency), enter the Premises and perform such maintenance or repair on behalf of Tenant; provided such entry is made in compliance with Applicable Laws, including but not limited to, the Marijuana code. In such cases, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord immediately upon demand for all costs incurred in performing such maintenance or repair plus an administration fee equal to 5% of such actual and reasonable costs or expenses.

  • Maintenance and Repair (a) Except for any Alterations that Tenant is permitted to make pursuant to this Lease, Tenant shall at all times put, keep and maintain the Leased Premises (including, without limitation, the roof, landscaping, walls, footings, foundations and structural components of the Leased Premises) in the same (or better) condition and order of repair as exists as of the Commencement Date, except for ordinary wear and tear, and shall promptly make all repairs and replacements of every kind and nature, whether foreseen or unforeseen, which may be required to be made upon or in connection with the Leased Premises in order to keep and maintain the Leased Premises in the order and condition required by this Paragraph 11(a). Tenant shall do or cause others to do all shoring of the Leased Premises or of foundations and walls of the Improvements and every other act necessary or appropriate for preservation and safety thereof, by reason of or in connection with any excavation or other building operation upon any of the Leased Premises, whether or not Landlord shall, by reason of any Legal Requirements or Insurance Requirements, be required to take such action or be liable for failure to do so. LANDLORD SHALL NOT BE REQUIRED TO MAKE ANY REPAIR, WHETHER FORESEEN OR UNFORESEEN, OR TO MAINTAIN ANY OF THE LEASED PREMISES IN ANY WAY, AND TENANT HEREBY EXPRESSLY WAIVES THE RIGHT TO MAKE REPAIRS AT THE EXPENSE OF THE LANDLORD, WHICH RIGHT MAY BE PROVIDED FOR IN ANY LAW NOW OR HEREAFTER IN EFFECT. Nothing in the preceding sentence shall be deemed to preclude Tenant from being entitled to insurance proceeds or condemnation awards for Restoration pursuant to Paragraphs 13(c) and 14(g). Tenant shall, in all events, make all repairs for which it is responsible hereunder promptly (but in any event shall commence actions to initiate such repairs as quickly as possible after the date Tenant becomes aware that such repairs are necessary, or, in the event of a Restoration pursuant to Paragraph 13(c) or 14(g), within sixty (60) days of the date insurance proceeds or a condemnation award has been paid to the Trustee (it being understood that Tenant shall take such steps as are reasonably necessary to protect and preserve the integrity and safety of the Leased Premises pending such payment) and shall diligently pursue such repairs to completion), and all repairs shall be made in a good, proper and workmanlike manner.

  • Maintenance of Equipment The Equipment shall be maintained in good operating condition and repair (reasonable wear and tear excepted) and all necessary replacements of and repairs thereto shall be made so that the value and operating efficiency of the Equipment shall be maintained and preserved. No Borrower shall use or operate the Equipment in violation of any law, statute, ordinance, code, rule or regulation. Each Borrower shall have the right to sell Equipment to the extent set forth in Section 4.3 hereof.

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