Medical Treatment. Undersigned understands that the Released Parties do not have medical personnel available at the location of the activities. Undersigned hereby grants the Released Parties permission to administer first aid or to authorize emergency medical treatment, if necessary. Undersigned understands and agrees that any such action by the Released Parties shall be subject to the terms of this agreement and release, including any liability arising from the negligence of the Released Parties when administering first aid or authorizing others to do so. Undersigned understands and agrees that the Released Parties do not assume responsibility for any injury or damage which might arise out of or in connection with such authorized emergency medical treatment.
Medical Treatment. Of first priority is treatment of the injured/ill employee. When immediate medical treatment is not necessary, contact the Personnel/Risk Management Division prior to any treatment. Procedures for obtaining medical treatment for work-related injuries or illness are as follows:
Medical Treatment. Whenever an employee sustains an injury or disability arising out of and in the course of County employment which requires medical treatment, the employee shall obtain such treatment pursuant to the appropriate California Labor Code sections.
Medical Treatment. In connection with any injury I may sustain or illness or other medical conditions I may experience during my participation in or attendance at the event, I authorize any emergency first aid, medication, medical treatment or surgery deemed necessary by the attending medical personnel if I am not able to act on my own behalf. I further authorize the attending medical personnel to execute on my behalf any permissions forms, consents or other appropriate documents relating to medical attention and to act on my behalf if I am not able or immediately available to do so.
Medical Treatment. Participant authorizes any medical treatment deemed necessary in the event of injury while participating in the Plast Event. Participant either has appropriate insurance or, in its absence, agrees to pay all costs of rescue and/or medical services that may be incurred on Participant’s behalf.
Medical Treatment. The Parents hereby authorize the CDC to secure such emergency medical treatments as may be required. The Parents agree to pay all expenses incurred in connection with such emergency medical treatment. The CDC will use its best efforts to immediately notify a parent or a person designated to be called in case of emergency. The Parents authorize any licensed physician or medical center to treat the Child in case of an emergency.
Medical Treatment. I understand I am responsible for payment for any medical treatment that may be necessary and is not covered under the provisions of the Iowa Code.
Medical Treatment. If you become ill or are injured on the Provider’s premises during the Observational Learning (Job Shadow) Program experience, the Provider will provide You with emergency medical care. You will bearthe costs of any such care; in no circumstances shall MercyOne or the Provider bear the cost of such care.
Medical Treatment. In the event it comes to the attention of Holy Name of Xxxxx or its officers, directors and agents, and the Archdiocese of St Xxxx & Minneapolis, chaperones, or representatives associated with the activity that my child becomes ill with symptoms such as headache, vomiting, sore throat, fever, diarrhea, I want to be called. Signature: Date: > Medication: My child is taking medication at present. My child will bring all such medications necessary, and such medications will be well-labeled. Names of medications and concise directions for seeing that the child takes such medications, including dosage and frequency of dosage, are indicated on attached Prescription Drug & Medical Authorization Form. Signature: Date: > No Medication of any type, whether prescription or non-prescription, may be administered to my child unless the situation is life- threatening and emergency treatment is required.| Signature: Date: > Non-Prescription Medication: I hereby grant permission for non-prescription medication (such as non-asprin products, i.e. acetaminophen or ibuprofen, throat lozenges, cough syrup) to be given to my child, if deemed appropriate. Signature: Date: **Specific Medical Information: Holy Name of Xxxxx will take reasonable care to see that the following information will be held in confidence:
Medical Treatment. In the event of an injury, accident or illness, Participant hereby consents to receive medical treatment which may be considered necessary or advisable in the judgment of a licensed physician or medically trained personnel. Participant understands that he or she will need to have his or her own insurance coverage in case of any injuries.