Examples of Figure 5 in a sentence
Note that a portion of the bank in Reach MM that was not initially identified as a candidate bank area will be included in the proposed BFC sampling as it is adjacent to two other candidate banks and situated within the same geomorphic unit as the adjacent banks (see Figure 5).
Figure 5: Main dialog of Contract Wizard Because .NET supports overloading it is possible that a class contains more than one feature with the same name but different signature.
Figure 4 Status of SMEs in Ireland relative to EU average Source: 2014 SBA Factsheet Ireland Figure 5 Employment in SMEs Investment in SMEs presents synergies with a range of thematic objectives to drive the Irish economy and impact upon employment and welfare levels.
Binary recursive partitioning (Figure 5) indicates that home language was the primary predictor for children with an L2 proficiency score equal to or lower than 23.
Due to the length of the Reach LL/MM bank (see Figure 5), sub-samples from each vertical composite collected within each of the six model grids within this area will be combined and archived for potential future analysis (if necessary).