Emotional Sample Clauses

Emotional. We strive to empower abused Indigenous women by helping her restore her positive emotional well-being. We offer caring, sharing, listening and understanding in an environment of unconditional support and advocacy. By linking her to her Indigenous community sisterhood, offering counselling, practical help, acceptance and a respectful attitude without prejudice or judgement, we xxxxxx emotional healing from the scars of abuse that can last a lifetime.
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Emotional. Where a person is subjected to ridicule, constant criticism, racial or gender discrimination, or unrealistic pressure to perform;
Emotional. How Does Your Child React When Left with Unfamiliar People and/or In Unfamiliar Situations? Does Your Child Have Any Particular Fears (Please Describe)? What Suggestions Do You Have That Would Help Staff Make Your Child’s Transition into This Program Easier? Family And General Household Information Please List the Names of The Significant People in Your Child’s Life [E.G., Siblings, Grandparents, Etc.]: Please Describe the Guidance and Discipline Methods Used at Home: Primary Language Spoken in The Home: Other Languages: Name of English-Speaking Person [If Needed]: Phone: Additional Child History – Optional: Eating And Nutrition List Your Child’s Favorite Food: List Any Disliked Food: Please Describe Any Particular Eating Patterns: Are There Any Religious or Ethnic Observances Related to Foods: Sleeping Nap Time: How Long to Settle: Time of Waking:
Emotional. Specific Actions to be taken: Individual counseling every wk., Marriage counseling every 2 wks, Practice rigorous honesty always, Complete Step 4 & 5 with sponsor within 60 days, Etc. Legal: Specific Actions to be taken: Contact attorney within 5 days, Attend court on the 17th, complete community service in 6 months, pay-off fines within the year, Complete probation, Etc. Physical: Specific Actions to be taken: Stop eating junk food, Start eating breakfast, Get 6 to 8 hrs. sleep each night, exercise 3 times per week, take medication as prescribed, see dentist, Etc. Consequences I agree to, if I use any Mind Altering Substance not prescribed, or not taken as prescribed: (NOTE: Selected by client -others can make suggestions): Move out Immediately, Enter half-way house for at least 90 days, Immediately Enter Salvation Army (free) 6 month Re-hab Program, Return to in-patient program, Go to homeless shelter, Enter intensive out-patient program, Etc. Date: My Signature Date:
Emotional. In Xxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx.xxx dictionary. Retrieved March 27, 2022, from xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xxx/dictionary/emotional Xxxx, X. X., Xxxxx, E. N., Xxxxxx, X. X., & Xxxxx, X. X. (2003). Reality-based television programming and the psychology of its appeal. Media Psychology, 5(4), 303-330. xxxxx://xxx.xxx/10.1207/S1532785XMEP0504_01 Xxxxxxxx, X. (2012). More than “just the facts”?: Portrayals of masculinity in police and detective programs over time. The Xxxxxx Journal of Communications, 23(1), 88-109. xxxxx://xxx.xxx/10.1080/10646175.2012.641882 Xxxxxxx, X. (2014, September 11). Stereotyped: Women in reality TV. The Artifice. xxxxx://xxx-xxxxxxxx.xxx/sterotyped-women-in-reality-tv/ Xxxxxxxx, X. X., & Xxxxxxxx, E. (1995). Gender roles in animated cartoons: Has the picture changed in 20 years? Sex Roles, 32, 651-673 xxxxx://xxx.xxx/10.1007/BF01544217 Xxxxxxxx, X. (2017). Battle of the sexes: The role of gender in Survivor. Northwestern University. xxxxx://xxxx.xxxx.xxxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/thesis/articles/get/958/Xxxxxxxx%20Thesis.pdf Xxxx-Xxxxx, M., & Xxxxxxxxx, X. X. (2016). Inspiration reality tv: The prosocial effects of lifestyle transforming reality programs on elevation and altruism. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 60(4), 567-586. xxxxx://xxx.xxx/10.1080/08838151.2016.1234474
Emotional. We will encourage opportunities to make choices, to exhibit self-control, engage in problem solving, to xxxxxx acceptance of responsibility, and to utilize creative expression (through art, music, dramatic play, etc.)
Emotional. In the two months prior to the meeting, the public debate continued unabated. Environmental groups were particularly active. They knew that this was a unique opportunity to reduce chlorine transportation, perhaps even to bring it to an end completely. More and more local authorities were also speaking out against the practice. Two accidents in close succession – one that actually amounted to very little, the other more serious – gave opponents the opportunity to open a debate on the safety of transporting hazardous substances by rail in general, and chlorine in particular. On 31 July a chlorine tanker had nearly been derailed in the Delfzijl marshalling yard, and on 12 August five tankers containing various chemicals had been derailed just across the border in Belgium. Only in the northern Netherlands was there still support for the practice of transporting hazardous chemicals by rail. Ending it might mean the plant in Delfzijl had to close, which would have disastrous direct and indirect implications for jobs in this economically weak region. The debate on chlorine transportation was more emotional than rational, in the view of Akzo Nobel’s Base Chemicals general manager Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, who was negotiating on behalf of the company. He felt the company had a strong position. Chlorine transportation was perfectly legal, met all the safety and environmental requirements and the tightening up of safety precautions over the years had reduced the risks to an absolute minimum. This most secure form of transportation accounted for only a fraction (something in the order of 1%) of the total quantity of hazardous substances being transported by rail in the country. No one had ever been killed as a result of chlorine transportation in the Netherlands. Abolishing chlorine transportation altogether would, depending on the solution ultimately chosen, mean closing the plant in Hengelo, or in Delfzijl, or both. Both installations were nowhere near the end of their life cycle, argued Akzo Nobel, and there was no reason to decommission the sites. From a commercial point of view both Hengelo and Delfzijl would have to continue producing their annual 70,000 and 130,000 tonnes of chlorine respectively. Without overproduction (amounting to some 50,000 tonnes), the two plants would no longer be viable. Chlorine transportation thus provided the economic basis for both plants, as the demand for chlorine in Rotterdam continued to outstrip the production capacity of the Rotterdam p...
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Emotional. Assess emotional functioning and assess for depression, anxiety, deficits in identity formation, obsessive and compulsive disorders, and sleep disorders. • Assess personality functioning. • Obtain data regarding developmental and emotional age. • Obtain data regarding family dynamics. Test results are integrated into a comprehensive report that provides invaluable information for families, therapists and educational consultants regarding the child’s treatment and aftercare needs. If psychological testing has not been done recently, it is an optional service that Open Sky highly recommends. Open Sky Psychological Testing is provided by Xx. Xxxx Xxxxx, Ph.D. and associates at Psychological Solutions (xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx). The fee for this service is $2,300. Parent/Guardian Consent to Administer Psychological Testing: Yes, I elect psychological testing for my student, . I understand that information which comes to light during this evaluation will remain confidential. I understand that the results of the assessment will be used by the Open Sky staff to enhance treatment. I give permission to Open Sky to release information to any professionals working with my student. Finally, I understand that no information will be shared with anyone else, or any other agency, without my permission. No, I do not elect psychological testing for my student at this time. Parent/Guardian Name Parent/Guardian Signature Date Consent for Release of Psychological Information Student Name: DOB: Social Security #: OS Admission Date: Parent/Guardian Name(s): Phone #: Please include educational consultant, home therapist(s), psychologist, addictions counselors, other involved family members: Professional Name & Position: Phone: Email: Fax: Professional Name & Position: Phone: Email: Fax: Professional Name & Position: Phone: Email: Fax: This authorization for use or disclosure of medical information is being requested to comply with the terms of the Confidentiality of Medical Information Act of 1981, Civil Code Sections 56 et seq. The purpose of this release is to allow the Open Sky treatment team to communicate with the above named professionals regarding your child’s care. I authorize the above named professionals to release and receive information concerning the above named participant to and from Open Sky Wilderness Therapy (“Open Sky”). Information should include as much of the following as would be helpful in providing additional assessment and continuation of care: ps...
Emotional. Sadness to the point of depression (even suicide), nervousness and 20 Massage Therapy Today Winter 2015 irritability.
Emotional. How does your child react with unfamiliar people or in unfamiliar situations? Does your child have any particular fears? What suggestions do you have to help staff make your child’s transition into this program easier? FAMILY AND GENERAL HOUSEHOLD INFORMATION Please list names of the significant people in your child’s life ( e.g. siblings, grandparents, pets) Please describe discipline methods at home: Primary language in the home: English speaking contact ( if applicable): Other languages: Phone: PERMISSION FOR OUTINGS/FIELDTRIPS I herby give permission for Small Steps Early Learning Centre to take my child, for local outings within the community. I understand these outings will follow the proper student to teacher ratio and travel will be by foot or local bus. (Large fieldtrips will require separate signatures on Fieldtrip form) Parent or Guardian Signature Date PERMISSION FOR PICTURE TAKING I herby give my permission for Small Steps Early Learning Centre to take pictures of my child for: check all that apply General record keeping Documentation in the centre Advertisement of the centre Website of the centre Parent or Guardian Signature Date EMERGENCY CARE I authorize Small Steps Early Learning Centre to obtain the following services for my child if necessary: Public Health Nurse, Medical Practioner, and or Ambulance. (All healthcare cost and ambulance fees are the responsibility of the parent/guardian.) Parent or Guardian Signature Date PARENT HANDBOOK I have read and understand all the policies and procedures in the Parent Handbook. I agree to follow by these guidelines and by not doing so it may lead to termination. Parent or Guardian Signature Date PARENT OR GUARDIAN SIGNATURE I completed this Registration Form to the best of my knowledge, without knowingly withholding any relevant or important information pertaining to my child. Parent or Guardian Signature Date CENTRE USE ONLY Small Steps Early Learning Centre STAFF PERSON REVIEWING FAMILY’S DOCUMENTS: Signature: Print name: Date: Location: Child’s Withdrawal Date: Deposit Received Reason For Withdrawal:
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