Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary Sample Clauses

Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. IV-A-1. Reflective Practice Demonstrates limited reflection on practice and/or use of insights gained to improve practice. May reflect on the effectiveness of lessons/ units and interactions with students but not with colleagues and/or rarely uses insights to improve practice. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues, and uses insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Regularly reflects on the effectiveness of lessons, units, and interactions with students, both individually and with colleagues; and uses and shares with colleagues, insights gained to improve practice and student learning. Is able to model this element.
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Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. I-A-3. Rigorous Standards- Based Unit Design Plans individual lessons rather than units of instruction, or designs units of instruction that are not aligned with state standards/ local curricula, lack measurable outcomes, and/or include tasks that mostly rely on lower level thinking skills. Designs units of instruction that address some knowledge and skills defined in state standards/local curricula, but some student outcomes are poorly defined and/or tasks rarely require higher-order thinking skills. Designs units of instruction with measurable outcomes and challenging tasks requiring higher- order thinking skills that enable students to learn the knowledge and skills defined in state standards/local curricula. Designs integrated units of instruction with measurable, accessible outcomes and challenging tasks requiring higher-order thinking skills that enable students to learn and apply the knowledge and skills defined in state standards/local curricula. Is able to model this element. I-A-4. Well- Structured Lessons Develops lessons with inappropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, and/or grouping for the intended outcome or for the students in the class. Develops lessons with only some elements of appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, and grouping. Develops well-structured lessons with challenging, measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and grouping. Develops well-structured and highly engaging lessons with challenging, measurable objectives and appropriate student engagement strategies, pacing, sequence, activities, materials, resources, technologies, and grouping to attend to every student’s needs. Is able to model this element. Indicator I-B. Assessment: Uses a variety of informal and formal methods of assessments to measure student learning, growth, and understanding to develop differentiated and enhanced learning experiences and improve future instruction. I-B. Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary I-B-1. Variety of Assessment Methods Administers only the assessments required by the school and/or measures only point-in-time student achievement. May administer some informal and/or formal assessments to measure student learning but rarely measures student progress toward achieving state/local standards. Designs and administers...
Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. IV-D-1. Decision-Making Participates in planning and decision making at the school, department, and/or grade level only when asked and rarely contributes relevant ideas or expertise. May participate in planning and decision making at the school, department, and/or grade level but rarely contributes relevant ideas or expertise. Consistently contributes relevant ideas and expertise to planning and decision making at the school, department, and/or grade level. In planning and decision-making at the school, department, and/or grade level, consistently contributes ideas and expertise that are critical to school improvement efforts. Is able to model this element.
Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. II-A-1. Quality of Effort and Work Establishes no or low expectations around quality of work and effort and/or offers few supports for students to produce quality work or effort. May states high expectations for quality and effort, but provides few exemplars and rubrics, limited guided practice, and/or few other supports to help students know what is expected of them; may establish inappropriately low expectations for quality and effort. Consistently defines high expectations for the quality of student work and the perseverance and effort required to produce it; often provides exemplars, rubrics, and guided practice. Consistently defines high expectations for quality work and effort and effectively supports students to set high expectations for each other to persevere and produce high-quality work. Is able to model this element.
Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. III-A-1. Parent/Family Engagement Does not welcome families to become participants in the classroom and school community or actively discourages their participation. Makes limited attempts to involve families in school and/or classroom activities, meetings, and planning. Uses a variety of strategies to support every family to participate actively and appropriately in the classroom and school community. Successfully engages most families and sustains their active and appropriate participation in the classroom and school community. Is able to model this element.
Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. II-D-1. Clear Expectations Does not make specific academic and behavior expectations clear to students. May announce and post classroom academic and behavior rules and consequences, but inconsistently or ineffectively enforces them. Clearly communicates and consistently enforces specific standards for student work, effort, and behavior. Clearly communicates and consistently enforces specific standards for student work, effort, and behavior so that most students are able to describe them and take ownership of meeting them. Is able to model this element. II-D-2. High Expectations Gives up on some students or communicates that some cannot master challenging material. May tell students that the subject or assignment is challenging and that they need to work hard but does little to counteract student misconceptions about innate ability. Effectively models and reinforces ways that students can master challenging material through effective effort, rather than having to depend on innate ability. Effectively models and reinforces ways that students can consistently master challenging material through effective effort. Successfully challenges students’ misconceptions about innate ability. Is able to model this element. II-D-3. Access to Knowledge Rarely adapts instruction, materials, and assessments to make challenging material accessible to all students. Occasionally adapts instruction, materials, and assessments to make challenging material accessible to all students. Consistently adapts instruction, materials, and assessments to make challenging material accessible to all students, including English learners and students with disabilities. Individually and with colleagues, consistently adapts instruction, materials, and assessments to make challenging material accessible to all students, including English learners and students with disabilities. Is able to model this element.
Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. IV-E-1. Shared Responsibility Rarely reinforces schoolwide behavior and learning expectations for all students and/or makes a limited contribution to their learning by rarely sharing responsibility for meeting their needs. Within and beyond the classroom, inconsistently reinforces schoolwide behavior and learning expectations for all students, and/or makes a limited contribution to their learning by inconsistently sharing responsibility for meeting their needs. Within and beyond the classroom, consistently reinforces school- wide behavior and learning expectations for all students, and contributes to their learning by sharing responsibility for meeting their needs. Individually and with colleagues, develops strategies and actions that contribute to the learning and productive behavior of all students at the school. Is able to model this element. Note: At the Exemplary level, an educator’s level of expertise is such that he or she is able to model this element through training, teaching, coaching, assisting, and/or demonstrating. In this rubric, this level of expertise is denoted by “Is able to model.” Indicator IV-F. Professional Responsibilities: Is ethical and reliable, and meets routine responsibilities consistently. IV-F. Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary IV-F-1. Judgment Demonstrates poor judgment and/or discloses confidential student information inappropriately. Sometimes demonstrates questionable judgment and/or inadvertently shares confidential information. Demonstrates sound judgment reflecting integrity, honesty, fairness, and trustworthiness and protects student confidentiality appropriately. Demonstrates sound judgment and acts appropriately to protect student confidentiality, rights and safety. Is able to model this element. IV-F-2. Reliability & Responsibility Frequently misses or is late to assignments, makes errors in records, and/or misses paperwork deadlines; frequently late or absent. Occasionally misses or is late to assignments, completes work late, and/or makes errors in records. Consistently fulfills professional responsibilities; is consistently punctual and reliable with paperwork, duties, and assignments; and is rarely late or absent from school. Consistently fulfills all professional responsibilities to high standards. Is able to model this element. Note: At the Exemplary level, an educator’s level of expertise is such that he or she is able to model this element through training, teaching, coaching, ...
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Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. I-A-1. Subject Matter Knowledge Demonstrates limited knowledge of the subject matter and/or its pedagogy; relies heavily on textbooks or resources for development of the factual content. Rarely engages students in learning experiences focused on complex knowledge or skills in the subject. Demonstrates factual knowledge of subject matter and the pedagogy it requires by sometimes engaging students in learning experiences around complex knowledge and skills in the subject. Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of the subject matter and the pedagogy it requires by consistently engaging students in learning experiences that enable them to acquire complex knowledge and skills in the subject. Demonstrates expertise in subject matter and the pedagogy it requires by engaging all students in learning experiences that enable them to synthesize complex knowledge and skills in the subject. Is able to model this element.
Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. I-A-1. Professional Knowledge Demonstrates limited professional knowledge; relies heavily on outdated practices as opposed to current practices supported by research. Rarely engages students in academic, behavioral, and social/emotional learning experiences through the use of educational and/or clinical practices. Demonstrates factual knowledge of the professional content and delivery and sometimes applies it to engage students in academic, behavioral, and social/emotional learning experiences through the use of educational and/or clinical practices. Demonstrates sound knowledge and understanding of professional content and delivery by consistently engaging students in academic, behavioral, and social/emotional learning experiences through the use of educational and/or clinical practices that enable students to acquire knowledge and skills. Demonstrates mastery of professional content and its delivery by engaging all students in academic, behavioral, and social/emotional learning experiences, through the use of educational and/or clinical practices, that enable students to synthesize knowledge and skills. Is able to model this element.
Elements Unsatisfactory Needs Improvement Proficient Exemplary. II-A-1. Quality of Effort and Work Establishes no or low expectations for student work and behavior and/or offers few supports to help students know what is expected of them. May state high expectations for student work and behavior, but provides few exemplars and rubrics, or limited guided practice, and/or few other supports to help students know what is expected of them. Consistently defines high expectations for student work and behavior, and the perseverance and effort required to produce it; often provides exemplars, rubrics, or guided practice, and/or models appropriate behaviors. Consistently defines high expectations for student work and behavior and effectively supports students to set high expectations for each other to persevere and produce high-quality work. Is able to model this element.
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