Educational Objectives. ● To create a student-centered learning environment where students are supported and guided ● To promote an effective and efficient system for standardized student learning outcomes ● To provide an educational setting that fosters an appreciation of American language and culture ● To attract and retain faculty and staff that help to enhance the school’s student-centered, academic approach. General Information
Educational Objectives. What are the educational objectives of the course?
Educational Objectives. The goals of the Syracuse University College Law Externship Program are to enable each law student to develop some of the following skills, as applicable to their particular placement:
Educational Objectives. What are the educational objectives of the course? What CSWE/Xxxxxx Leadership competencies will this course address?
Educational Objectives. In addition to the individual academic supervision, formal educational objectives (such as those offered within the structured doctoral pro- grams) supports the professional competence, the research and the publishing work of GCB doctoral candidates. Within the framework of the doctoral studies and GCB promotion regulations, the PhD xxxxx- date’s supervisor and the mentor of choose the courses appropriate for the candidate’s individual study program. Final approval is given by the GCB coordinator. Please be aware that in addition to the minimum man- datory requirements, your thesis committee may request additional mandatory ECTS based on your educational background. ECTS are only awarded for courses, workshops, summer schools etc. that include some type of performance assessment, e.g.,. an exam, a talk, a poster presentation or a written report. University of Bern Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB) Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 00, 0000 X Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx Phone: +00 00 000 00 00 I Email: xxxx@xxx.xxxxx.xx Minimum* Mandatory Curriculum Requirements 30-60 ECTS (European Cred- it Transfer and Accumulation System):
Educational Objectives. What do you hope to learn from this experience? • Specifically, how will this internship enhance your understanding of genderand women’s issues, social change work and activism? • Describe what you plan to accomplish.
Educational Objectives. Teaching for this educational assignment will be in relation to the objectives attached.
Educational Objectives. In addition to the individual academic supervision, formal ed- ucational objectives – such as those offered within the struc- tured doctoral programs - support the professional compe- tence and the research and publishing work of the doctoral candidates. Within the framework of the doctoral study and GCB promotion regulations, the supervisor and the mentor of the PhD candidate choose the courses appropriate for the can- didate’s individual study program. Final approval is given by the GCB coordinator. University of Bern Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences (GCB) Xxxxxxxxxxxxx 00, 0000 Bern Switzerland Phone: +00 00 000 00 00 6 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System):
Educational Objectives. 1. The System will participate as fully as possible in federal and state programs which provide services for student needs. Where these services are not available, the System will continue to take the initiative in developing these programs. The System will continue to inform the local school through the proper department how to avail themselves of these services.
Educational Objectives. The Externship Program is part of ADC’s comprehensive educational program, and it is intended to provide Externs valuable experience handling a reasonable number of professional activities in the field of Denturism. It allows Externs to receive academic credit for successful completion of (1) practical and substantive denturist work performed under the direct supervision of the Supervisor and (2) related course work. This is accomplished through the completion of 41 unique assignments that encompass the normal patients that present in every day practice. I certify that I have reviewed the assignments and have sufficient patient volume for the Extern to compete the assignment is the time frame stated.