Home University definition

Home University means the institution in which a student is formally enrolled as a degree candidate, and “Host University” shall mean the institution that has agreed to receive students from the Home University for a period of study.
Home University means each university that is assigned, in accordance with this policy, to a particular service area.
Home University means the institution in which a researcher is normally employed, and “Host University” shall mean the institution that the researcher is visiting. This Exchange Program is intended to enable researchers from each Home University to take advantage of the following opportunities: Xxxxx visits in which to familiarize themselves with the Host University in conjunction with other activities; Joint research or supervision or participation in the teaching activities of the Host University; and Collaborative research and teaching activities that can be pursued more fully by the researcher during a visit that is one month to one year.

Examples of Home University in a sentence

  • The Host University will update the Home University annually regarding the data and documentation required.

  • In order to produce this documentation, they will rely on the Home University communicating scholar information three (3) to four (4) months before the start of the Exchange Program.

  • The school, department or unit involved in this Agreement at each Home University will provide academic counseling to its own students to ensure that the courses taken at the Host University are acceptable with respect to its own degree programs.

  • In order to produce this documentation, they will rely on the Home University communicating student information four to five months before the start of the Exchange Program.

  • At the end of each semester or academic term, students will follow appropriate procedures at the Host University to ensure academic records/transcript from the Host University are sent to the Home University.

More Definitions of Home University

Home University. The university at which an exchange student is enrolled in a full-time degree program.
Home University means the university where a JDP student is initially enrolled in their Doctoral program.
Home University means the university where the student begins his/her doctoral program.
Home University. The original place of study or workplace of a scholar (student or staff) receiving a GEnES’ scholarship.
Home University means the Australian University in which You are enrolled while undertaking Your Scholarship Program and will confer Your degree upon completion.  Host Institution(s) means a university or other education provider set out in Your Scholarship Application Form where You are enrolled for the Study Component in the Host Location(s).  Host Location(s) means the location(s) set out in Your Scholarship Application Form to which You will travel to undertake Your Scholarship Program.  Host Organisation means (as applicable) the organisation(s) set out in Your Scholarship Application Form for which You undertake an Internship Component or a Mentorship in the Host Location(s).
Home University means the Australian University in which the student is enrolled at the time they applied for a Scholarship, that nominated the student to apply, and will confer the student’s degree upon completion.
Home University means the institution where the student is regularly enrolled, and “Host University” shall mean the institution that has agreed to receive students coming from the Home University for a study term as an exchange student. The objective of the student exchange shall be to allow students to undertake courses at the Host University but without the purpose of obtaining any diploma at this University. The courses taken and successfully completed at the Host University may be academically recognized at the student's Home University. It shall be responsibility of each student and its Home University to establish previously the terms and conditions for the academic recognition in compliance with the corresponding rules and regulations. In this sense, the exchange student shall not be able to become a student of the Host University, nor get a diploma or any other academic recognition from this university. Both institutions agree on accepting up to ___ students per year, unless otherwise agreed. The final number of exchange students, the period of the exchange and the areas of knowledge involved shall be detailed in a specific document (template annexed) which may be modified on an annual basis depending on the interests of the parties. The universities shall try to keep a balance in the number of student exchanges. The academic year at xxx University runs from xxx to xxx in the first semester, and from xxx to xxx in the second semester. The academic year at Universidad de la República runs from March to July and from August/September to December. The Host University reserves the right of admission of exchange students into university extension, undergraduate or postgraduate courses. The Home University shall send the study proposal of its students to the Host University prior to their enrollment in the Host University and no later than a month before the beginning of the exchange. Both institutions agree to send to the other institution and to the exchange students a copy of an academic certificate containing the courses taken, the credit load and the grades. In case further academic certificates are required, they shall be issued upon payment of the officially public prices, if applicable. The study period shall be a complete academic year at the most and shall not be longer than a year. The parties agree to exchange their correspondent reports and any other relevant information regarding courses, programs and fees promptly and on a regular basis. The students part...