Substance Abuse Testing. The Parties agree that it is in the best interest of all concerned to promote a safe working environment. The Union has no objection to pre-employment substance abuse testing when required by the Employer and further, the Union has no objection to voluntary substance abuse testing to qualify for employment on projects when required by a project owner. The cost and scheduling of such testing shall be paid for and arranged by the Employer. The Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for any failed pre-access Alcohol and Drug test costs.
Substance Abuse Testing. It is the policy of the City and County of San Francisco to maintain a safe, healthful and productive work environment for all employees. To that end, the City will act to eliminate any substance abuse. Substance abuse may include abuse of alcohol, illegal drugs, prescription drugs or any other substance which could impair an employee’s ability to safely and effectively perform the functions of the particular job.
Substance Abuse Testing. An employee who has violated the Employer’s Substance Free Workplace Policy shall pay the cost of each subsequent test.
Substance Abuse Testing. Section 1. Bargaining unit employees shall comply with the Drug Free Workplace and Alcohol and Drug Testing policies and procedures as adopted/amended by the City Ordinance 62-11 and 01-12. Further, the City retains the right to update the list of unlawful drugs/substances.
Section 2. A second positive drug and/or alcohol test result will result in termination of any employee not terminated due to the first positive drug result.
Substance Abuse Testing. The Town's “Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace” section 8.9 of the Human Resources Policy Manual is made part of this Agreement.
Substance Abuse Testing. Section 1. The purposes of this policy are as follows:
A. To establish and maintain a safe, healthy working environment for all employees and to protect the public;
B. To insure the reputation of the Town of Enfield’s Drivers/Dispatchers as good, responsible citizens worthy of the public trust;
C. To reduce the incidents of accidental injury to person or property;
D. To reduce absenteeism, tardiness and indifferent job performance; and
E. To provide assistance toward rehabilitation for any employee who seeks help in overcoming any addiction to, dependence upon, or problem with alcohol or drugs.
Substance Abuse Testing. With respect to the proposed policy on substance abuse testing, the State and CDF FIREFIGHTERS hereby agree to the following:
11.19.1 Supervisors will receive training in the administration and implementation of the State’s substance abuse policy prior to its implementation. The State agrees to meet with CDF FIREFIGHTERS to review the training program upon request.
11.19.2 The facts and circumstances upon which the reasonable suspicion is based will be provided to the employee in writing within 72 hours of the employee being directed to submit to a substance abuse test. This will not preclude requirement of immediate testing.
11.19.3 When reasonably possible, and provided it does not interfere with employee or public safety, reasonable suspicion shall be confirmed by the direct observation of another supervisor or peace officer as defined under Penal Code Sections 830.1 and 830.2. The supervisor does not have to be a CDF employee.
11.19.4 The State agrees to use either NIDA cut-off levels, where such cut-off levels exist, or cut-off levels recommended by the commercial laboratories selected to perform the testing. Cut-off levels for other drugs will be established through consultation with the laboratories selected to do the testing. The State agrees to meet with CDF FIREFIGHTERS to review these cut-off levels prior to adoption.
11.19.5 If an employee tests negative, no record of the test results will be maintained in the personnel file.
11.19.6 All Unit 8 employees will be subject to the policy.
11.19.7 When possible, and provided it does not interfere with the sample collection, employees shall be permitted representation during the sample collection process upon request. Requested representation shall be permitted during any interrogative interviews with the affected employee that could lead to a decision by the appointing authority to take adverse action against the employee or to require a sample, regardless of whether these interviews occur before or after the sample is taken.
11.19.8 Further information may be found in Appendix A which is hereby incorporated herein by reference.
Substance Abuse Testing. The District and the Union agree to comply with the District’s alcohol and substance abuse testing policy. When a driver receives notice they are to participate in a drug test, they will be awarded their posted bid time or actual time spent being tested, whichever is greater. They will be paid mileage if they have to go off site for testing. Substance abuse testing will take place between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.
Substance Abuse Testing. The Parties agree that it is in the best interest of all concerned to promote a safe working environment. The Union has no objection to pre-employment substance abuse testing when required by the Employer and further, the Union has no objection to voluntary substance abuse testing to qualify for employment on projects when required by a project owner. The cost and scheduling of such testing shall be paid for and arranged by the Employer. The Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for any failed or no-show pre-access Alcohol and Drug test cost for Local 870 members. The Employer shall notify the Union of all cases of non-compliance to the Employer’s Alcohol and Drug Policy within two (2) business days of receiving results.
Substance Abuse Testing. 246. The parties agree that employees must be able to work in an environment free of drugs and alcohol. It is the parties’ goal to: assure that employees are not impaired in their ability to perform assigned duties in a safe, productive, and healthy manner; create a workplace environment free from the adverse effects of drug and alcohol abuse or misuse; prohibit the unlawful distribution, dispensing, possession or use of controlled substances; and, encourage employees to seek professional assistance any time personal problems, including alcohol or drug dependency, adversely affect their ability to perform their assigned duties.