Detailed Report Sample Clauses

Detailed Report. If the initial feasibility study concludes that the aim is achievable and has a realistic prospect of success, and provided the Commissioner agrees, the Project will move on to the second phase. This will be a more detailed phase examining the current information rights activity within schools (which may necessitate some additional research), the shortfalls, what opportunities to improve the situation exist, recommendations for implementation and expected outcomes if such opportunities are taken. This phase is about the practical application of the aim of embedding information rights into the education systems and about what action the Commissioner can realistically take to improve the current landscape. Specific recommendations are required. This phase should include an overview of how the UK compares to initiatives in other countries, such as Ireland, Poland and France, and an evaluation of their success. Reports for both phases must be written in a manner consistent with the Commissioner’s role as a respected regulator adopting an impartial, considered and evidence based approach, using plain English and in accordance with the Commissioner’s own style guide for written communications (copies available on request). The final text of the detailed second phase report must be agreed with the Commissioner and he reserves the right to exercise editorial control and make decisions as to format and publication. During the progress of the Project the Contractor will provide fortnightly update reports to the Commissioner in a format agreed between the parties at the start of the Project or as advised to the Contractor from time to time. B: Key Personnel Contractor Key Personnel (including the Principal Investigator): Commissioner Key Personnel: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx Facilities to be provided by each party: Equipment to be provided by each party:
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Detailed Report. INTEGRITY OVERSIGHT MONITORING SERVICES – FINDINGS AND/OR OBSERVATIONS - 11 - III............................................... DETAILED REPORT: PROCESS AND/OR BEST PRACTICE RECOMMENDATIONS - 13 - I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Purpose • Brief statement regarding the federal and state requirements requiring integrity oversight monitoring services.
Detailed Report. C oupled Stream1 simulations The coupled Stream1 simulations are dedicated to CMIP6 HighResMIP and are performed with seven coupled climate models (Table 1). They encompass a spin-up initialized from EN4 temperature and salinity, a 100 year long 1950-control simulation (fixed external forcing corresponding to year 1950), a historical simulation covering the period 1950 to 2014 and a scenario simulation covering the period 2015 to 2050 (Table 2). Models are documented individually in journal publications (see reference list). The contribution to CMIP6 HighResMIP is fulfilled with one ensemble member per simulation type and model. However, to investigate internal variability and increase the signal to noise ratio, some project partners have performed (will perform) more than one ensemble member. All simulations are carried out in two different grid configurations, a low-resolution (corresponding to CMIP5 standard) and a high-resolution one, allowing to assess the impact of increased model resolution on simulated climate variability and change. Within PRIMAVERA, the focus will be on the North Atlantic / European sector. D elay of coupled Stream1 simulations The delay in the availability of the CMIP6 external forcing datasets has delayed the coupled Stream1 simulations. In the original PRIMAVERA Description of Action, completing the coupled Stream1 simulations was foreseen by April 2017. By now, the 1950-control and historical simulations have been completed for all PRIMAVERA models, and the CMORized output has been uploaded to the JASMIN server. The scenario simulations could not be performed so far, as some of the CMIP6 scenario forcing datasets have only be provided in early 2019. We note that the delay in the CMIP6 external forcing datasets is out of the hands of the project partners. The scenario simulations, however, are only a minor part of the coupled Stream1 simulations (35 out of 200 plus spin-up integration years per model). Therefore, this deliverable is submitted now and it will be stated in the reports once the coupled scenario simulations have been completed. Table 1: Overview of PRIMAVERA coupled climate models. CMIP6 experiment name Experiment description spinup-1950 Spin-up initialized from EN4 temperature and salinity, applying fixed CMIP6 external forcing corresponding to year 1950; length model-dependent control-1950 100 year long control simulation applying fixed CMIP6 external forcing corresponding to year 1950, initialized from end of s...
Detailed Report. Please use the FAU template in Mobility Online and answer the questions for publication in detail. The reports will be published online with your consent. WiSo students must also submit this document to the Central Office for International Affairs. DEADLINE: within 3 weeks after the confirmed last day; fill in the document in the Mobility Online Portal.
Detailed Report. The original plan for the coupled stream 2 simulations, as stated in WP6 description, was to produce a smaller number of high-resolution simulations, as compared to stream 1, but with improved model components derived from WP2 and WP3 and guided with input from user requirements (WP11). In discussions ahead of and during a project EMB meeting held at Schiphol on November 12, 2018, it was argued that the initial plan, as stated in the project description, might not be the best path forward, and had a number of difficulties:
Detailed Report. List of all businesses receiving grant funds including business location, business type, and grant amount. COUNTY will be responsible for funding grants based upon the detailed report provided.
Detailed Report. In order to clarify the contribution that different models (and resolutions) play in the uncertainty of future projections, HighResMIP proposed a future simulation with given SST and sea-ice forcing that are reasonable for this period under a specific forcing scenario (SSP5-RCP8.5). Future atmosphere-only simulations for the period 2015– 2050 have thus been carried out in the past months (these are Tier 3 experiments of the HighResMIP project) by different groups. Although the future period suggested by the HighResMIP protocol covers the entire present century, the PRIMAVERA simulations had to be restricted to the mid-century (2050), mostly for computational and storage space reasons. The future SST and sea-ice forcing datasets have to be produced for the future period. The method broadly follows the methodology of Xxxxxx et al. (2008), enabling a smooth, continuous transition from the present day into the future. The rate of future warming is derived from an ensemble mean of CMIP5 RCP8.5 simulations, while the interannual variability is derived from the historic 1950–2014 period. Here is a description of how these datasets have been constructed. Note that for CMIP6, the future is 2015 onwards. We had planned to use observed HadISST2 data up to 2017, but for reasons beyond our control this is no longer possible, so the first real future year is 2016. We first describe the observed dataset then the models that have been used to infer the SST and SIC climate change signal. Observations: The HadISST2.2 SST and sea-ice concentration (Xxxxxxx et al. 2017) is used for the 1950-2014 HighResMIP highresSST-present experiment. This is a daily, ¼˚ dataset. We have used the variability derived from this dataset, together with the future change from a set of CMIP5 coupled model simulations (of the historic period and the RCP8.5 future period), to construct the future SSTs and SICs to 2050. Details about the extraction of daily variability and the treatment of the links between SST and SIC can be found here: (xxxxx:// 4 7hnvw/edit). CMIP5 Models: ACCESS1-0: CSIRO-BOM; ACCESS1-3: CSIRO-BOM; GFDL- CM3: NOAA-GFDL; IPSL-CM5A-LR: IPSL; IPSL-CM5A-MR: IPSL; MPI-ESM-MR: MPI-M; CNRM-CM5: CNRM-CERFACS; HadGEM2-ES: MOHC. These include the models that Xxxxxxxxx et al. (2012) suggested to have represented the Arctic sea-ice variability in the most realistic way, together with three additional models which have Arctic sea...
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Detailed Report. The original title of this deliverable – “Energy sector visual prototype” – was amended to “PRIMAVERA Data Viewer”, with approval from the project’s Technical Officer at the EC, to better reflect the results that we wanted to achieve in this task. Namely, the PRIMAVERA Data Viewer goes beyond presenting the data only relevant for the energy sector. Instead, the indices it presents can be useful to other sectors too, for example health and transport. The prototype Data Viewer is ready and accessible online. It is linked to the PRIMAVERA User Interface Platform, providing additional information relevant for users and promoting the exploration and interaction of users with some of the PRIMAVERA results. It will be updated in the coming months as new project data becomes available. Due to the delay of the delivery of the forcing data from the CMIP6 initiative, that we needed for conducting future model runs, the project was extended for nine months. Accordingly, D11.4 as well as some of the other project deliverables, was postponed to the project month 51 (from the original 36).
Detailed Report. This report will provide a line by line breakdown of all the orders that had direct debit collections matching your search criteria. Below is a description on some of the important columns.
Detailed Report. In-depth analyses are carried out on a series of global climate model simulations, mainly conducted within PRIMAVERA, to assess the impact of increased resolution, stochastic physics and explicit deep convection on the phase and amplitude of the diurnal cycle in precipitation. All datasets used for this report are listed in Table 1. Depending on the dataset, calculations are either performed using hourly data as e.g, for 4km ECMWF simulations or using 3 hourly data. TRMM 3B42 (Xxxxxxx et al., 2007) 3 hourly observational data is used as reference except if stated otherwise. For all analyses, except those presented in Section 3.1.3 using data from the Met Office and ECMWF IFS, the input data has been interpolated to a common 1x1 degree grid. The phase and amplitude of the first harmonic of the diurnal cycle of precipitation is calculated by applying a Fast-Fourier-Transformation (fft) on the long-term average sub-daily precipitation amounts. Next, the phase is further transformed from UTC into local time (LT), by using the following equation: LT = UTC + (longitude of location)/15 Besides analysing the diurnal cycle using a fft approach, the daily precipitation cycle is assessed separately for several regions: Southern Europe (35N-45N, 10W-40E), the tropics (20S-20N) and the Amazon (15S-0S, 80W-50W). Analyses are mainly carried out for the boreal summer season June-July-August (JJA). Due to a bug in the cmorization tool, time bounds have been set incorrectly for the PRIMAVERA EC-Earth data used in this study, which is related to the report at xxxxx:// Thus, 3-hourly data from EC-Earth simulations at 0,3,6,9,12,15,18,21 UTC represent the start of the averaging period. Here, we associated the precipitation during e.g. 0 and 3UTC to 1.5UTC and so on.
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