Criteria. (1) Annual Evaluation Criteria. All performance evaluations shall be based upon assigned duties, and shall carefully consider the nature of the assignment in terms, where applicable, of:
Criteria. The probationary period shall date from the time of appointment to a permanent position after certification from an eligible list. It shall not include time served under provisional appointment or under appointment to limited term positions or any period of continuous leave of absence without pay or period of work connected disability exceeding fifteen (15) calendar days. For those employees appointed to permanent-intermittent positions with a nine (9) month probation period, probation will be considered completed upon serving fifteen hundred (1500) hours after appointment except that in no instance will this period be less than nine (9) calendar months from the beginning of probation. If a permanent-intermittent probationary employee is reassigned to full time, credit toward probation completion in the full time position shall be prorated on the basis of one hundred seventy-three (173) hours per month.
Criteria. (i) In assessing a candidate for confirmation of appointment, the candidate's immediate supervisor shall provide the Peer Evaluation Committee with a general written evaluation supported by detail based on the candidate's potential for future professional development in the position held and in the library system, and a detailed written evaluation based on the candidate's past performance towards explicitly established goals, as specified in the job description, and on the candidate's working relations with his/her peers and supervisor(s).
Criteria. Pursuant to the Act, the Commission may revoke the Charter if the Commission determines that the School:
Criteria. Because adjunct faculty assignments are diverse, evaluation criteria appropriate to the assignment shall be used as specified in the procedures and forms within this Agreement. These criteria include:
Criteria. The principal criteria for a formal evaluation shall be furnished to an employee at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to such evaluation.
Criteria. A. For the purposes of this Article, promotion shall be defined as an appointment to a position of a higher job grade. A change in job title without a change in job grade shall be considered a lateral appointment and a change in job without a change in job title or job grade shall be considered a lateral transfer.
Criteria. Employees who have completed six (6) years of service with the College may apply. The College may consider: the benefit to the College and to the employee of the leave; whether a suitable substitute for the employee is available; length of the leave; and the frequency and duration of prior developmental leaves granted to the employee. Approval of the time off for developmental purposes shall not be unreasonably denied.
Criteria. The department shall consider the following criteria when determining whether to provide funding for the pro- posed acquisition:
Criteria. The criteria in determining the number of years' experience applicable for salary purposes shall be as follows: