SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE means similar vehicle of equivalent or higher model not earlier than Year of Manufacture specified in Scope of Work for respective vehicle subject to acceptance by Engineer-in-Charge.
SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE means a similar vehicle/equipment of equivalent or higher model manufactured not earlier than the year of manufacture specified in ‘Scope of Work’ for respective vehicle/equipment subject to acceptance by ‘Engineer In- Charge’.
SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE means similar vehicle of equivalent or higher model not earlier than the year of manufacture specified in "Scope of Work" for respective vehicle, subject to acceptance by EIC.

Examples of SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE in a sentence

  • BRAND NAME OR SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE This clause is applicable only when a "brand name or suitable substitute" description is included in a solicitation.


SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE means a person, approved in writing by the City in accordance with Sections 10(b) and 10(c), which:
SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE means vehicle of same make model. In case the contractor fails
SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE means a charitable company incorporated in England and Wales limited by guarantee whose objects include power to maintain an academy pursuant to section 1 of the Academies Act 2010, the governing body of a maintained school, or some other legal person not comprising an Unsuitable Third Party and proposed by the DfE as having legal capacity, power, authority, competence and resources (including financial and educational resources) to become a party to and perform the obligations of the Academy under this Agreement, the School Agreement and any Lease;
SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE means Vehicle of model not earlier than ex-showroom vehicle provided.
SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE has the meaning given in Schedule 4 – Lenders’ Direct Agreement.
SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE means Vehicles of model not less than 2005. In case, the contractor fails to arrange the same, he can temporarily provide a taxi in good working condition as a substitute, subject to acceptance of user/officer of Transport section of GAIL
SUITABLE SUBSTITUTE means a person, approved in writing by the Ministry in accordance with Sections 10(b) and 10(c), which: