Performance Criteria. The Performance Criteria are set forth in Exhibit A to this Agreement.
Performance Criteria. Specific provisions governing failure to meet Performance Criteria are contained in Attachment 17: Performance.
Performance Criteria. 21.02.01 The duties and responsibilities of a member which may be subject to performance review encompass four fields of activity:
(A) professional service;
(B) service to the University;
(C) service to the profession and the community; and
(D) research and other scholarly activities.
21.02.02 A review of a member's professional service performance shall be based on the following criteria as they relate to the member's assigned duties and responsibilities during the period in review:
(A) quality and consistency of performance and effective application of knowledge and skills;
(B) organization of work, including the ability to set priorities, to choose efficient means of accomplishing goals and to use time effectively;
(C) quantity and timeliness of work, including the level of productivity and ability to meet deadlines;
(D) judgement, including recognition of problems, decision making and the ability to assess alternate solutions and the consequences of recommendations;
(E) communication skills, including the ability to communicate effectively in speech and in writing, and the ability to gain the confidence, cooperation and respect of others;
(F) initiative, including choosing objectives, resourcefulness and creative innovation, flexibility and responsiveness to new ideas; and
(G) supervisory skills, where applicable.
21.02.03 A review of a member's performance in service to the University, service to the profession and the community, and research and other scholarly activities, shall be based on the following criteria:
(A) effectiveness of service to the University, as evidenced by successful service on University committees, activities that further the welfare of the University, etc. (pursuant to Article 16.09);
(B) active participation in professional and/or scholarly organizations, and/or professionally related community service (pursuant to Article 16.10); and
(C) scholarly ability (where a member is engaged in research or other scholarly activities ( pursuant to 16.11).
Performance Criteria. Performance Criteria means the End of Performance Period Stock Price set forth in Section 1.4(a) and the Average Return on Invested Capital set forth in Section 1.4(b).
Performance Criteria. HHSC will look solely to the Contractor for the performance of all contractual obligations resulting from an award based on this OE. No Contractor will be relieved of its obligations for any nonperformance by its subcontractors. Contractor must ensure that its subcontractors abide by all requirements, terms, and conditions of this Contract. Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, every requirement and every prohibition set forth in this OE and any resulting contract that applies to a Contractor applies with equal force to its employees, agents, representatives, and subcontractors.
Performance Criteria. The performance criteria and measures applicable to the Award and related objectives are set forth on Exhibit A hereto.
Performance Criteria. Subject to the Holder’s continuous employment through the Settlement Date and subject to Section 5 below, the Holder will earn a number of Units on the Settlement Date determined based on the achievement of annual goals related to net operating profit after taxes less a capital charge (the “Company Performance Measure”) and the relative total shareholder return (“TSR”) during the period beginning on January 1, 2008 and ending on December 31, 2010 (the “Performance Cycle”), in each case, as determined by the Committee.
Performance Criteria. An agreement under this section between a school administrative unit and an energy services company must include performance criteria that guarantee:
A. Energy savings; [PL 2011, c. 279, §2 (NEW).]
B. A maximum price, including operation, maintenance and financing costs; [PL 2011, c. 279, §2 (NEW).]
C. That the project will meet local, state and federal codes; [PL 2011, c. 279, §2 (NEW).]
Performance Criteria. The “Performance Criteria” with respect to the Performance Units shall be comprised of the performance metrics, and each performance metric shall be weighted, as described in the Long-Term Award Criteria. Based on the “Payout Factors” and weighting described in the Long-Term Award Criteria, the Performance Units could expire without converting into any shares of Common Stock or could be convertible into as many as 200% of the number of Performance Units granted to each Grantee.
Performance Criteria. 1.46.1 Specific provisions governing failure to meet Performance Criteria are contained in Article 32, (Performance).