Purchase Orders and Subcontracts Sample Clauses

Purchase Orders and Subcontracts. Contractor's purchase orders, subcontracts and similar purchase forms in connection with the Project shall comply with the applicable requirements of this Agreement (including without limitation the requirements set forth in Section 15.3 hereof). All purchase orders and subcontracts for the Equipment specified in Appendix U hereto shall contain a recommended spare parts list and a price list covering all spare and replacement parts pertaining to the subject matter of such purchase order or subcontract.
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Purchase Orders and Subcontracts. All material purchase orders and subcontracts issued by the Contractor under this Agreement shall provide, in form and substance reasonably acceptable to General Contractor, that in the event this Agreement is terminated, upon tender by the General Contractor or its designee of the Contractor's performance to any Subcontractor, such purchase order or subcontract shall continue in full force and effect in favor of the General Contractor or such designee, as appropriate.
Purchase Orders and Subcontracts. Contractor shall furnish to Owner a copy of each Contractor Subcontract with an aggregate value equal to or exceeding fifty thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) entered into by Contractor within 14 days following Contractor entering into such Contractor Subcontract. Such copy is for informational purposes only and Owner shall not have any liability with respect thereto, including the terms and condition (or lack thereof) of such Contractor Subcontract. Thereafter, Contractor shall furnish to Owner a copy of any amendment or supplement to any such Contractor Subcontract within 14 days after entering into such amendment or supplement. Contractor shall also provide to Owner a list of all Contractor Subcontracts that it is a party to for Contractor Equipment and Materials that are incorporated into the Project. Such list will identify the Subcontractor and describe that portion of the Work provided by such Subcontractor. Such list will be delivered within 30 days of the Full Notice to Proceed and shall be periodically updated by Contractor through Final Completion.
Purchase Orders and Subcontracts. 16 4.3. PAYMENTS TO SUBCONTRACTORS..............................................................................16 4.4. NO PRIVITY WITH SUBCONTRACTORS..........................................................................16
Purchase Orders and Subcontracts. Contractor shall furnish to PSGC a copy of each Contractor Subcontract with an aggregate value equal to or exceeding **** dollars ($****) entered into by Contractor within thirty (30) Days following Contractor entering into such Contractor Subcontract. Such copy is for informational purposes only and PSGC shall not have any liability with respect thereto, including the terms and condition (or lack thereof) of such Contractor Subcontract. Thereafter, Contractor shall furnish to PSGC a copy of any amendment or supplement to any such Contractor Subcontract within thirty (30) Days after entering into such amendment or supplement. Contractor shall also provide to PSGC a list of all Contractor Subcontracts that it is a party to for Contractor Equipment and Materials that are incorporated into the Facility. Such list will identify the Subcontractor and describe that portion of the Work provided by such Subcontractor. Such list will be delivered within one hundred twenty (120) Days of Full Notice to Proceed and shall be periodically updated by Contractor through Final Completion.
Purchase Orders and Subcontracts. Contractor's purchase orders, subcontracts and similar purchase forms in connection with the Project shall comply with the applicable requirements of this Agreement (including without limitation the requirements set forth in Sections 2.4 and 15.3 hereof). All purchase orders and subcontracts for the Equipment specified in Appendix U hereto shall contain a recommended spare parts list and a price list (which shall be binding to the extent reasonably feasible for a period of two years from the Guaranteed Provisional Acceptance Date) covering all spare and replacement parts pertaining to the subject matter of such purchase order or subcontract. Contractor shall use all reasonable efforts to require that any contract with Subcontractors which is in excess of $250,000 in cost include a reasonable limitation on the amount of any xxxx-up which such Subcontractor can include in Scope Change Orders.
Purchase Orders and Subcontracts. Consistent with the provisions of Section 2.10.5, Contractor shall use the Procurement Documents in connection with the Work. Owner shall have the right to review and approve the Procurement Documents and Subcontracts valued in excess of $[ * * * ]* or which are associated with a critical plant component, as identified by Owner to Contractor from time to time, such approval not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. Contractor and Owner shall meet and attempt to develop a framework of material terms and conditions. If such terms and conditions are included in any Procurement Document or Subcontract substantially in the form attached as Appendix S, such document shall not be subject to further approval by Owner; provided, however, that in each event Owner shall have the right to review and approve risk mitigation measures (including without limitation liquidated damages schedules) in each Subcontract or Procurement Document in excess of $[ * * * ]*. If Owner has not expressly approved or rejected the terms of a specific Procurement Document or Subcontract within [ * * * ]* Business Days after delivery of such document by Contractor, then that Procurement Document or Subcontract shall be deemed approved as submitted. Contractor will provide Owner with copies of all Subcontracts and the Procurement Documents relating to the Facility.
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Purchase Orders and Subcontracts. Except as otherwise expressly agreed or directed by Owner, Contractor will ensure that each Subcontractor with whom Contractor has a direct contract is bound to Contractor to the same extent that Contractor is bound to Owner hereunder. Contractor will use in connection with the Work such Contractor-prepared purchase orders, contracts, subcontracts, material requisitions, terms and conditions and similar purchasing forms as are generally used from time to time by Contractor, however, these forms shall be designed to facilitate an Open Book analysis of underlying costs related to the Work. As a condition to Final Completion, Contractor will provide Owner with copies of all purchase orders, contracts, subcontracts and material requisitions relating to such System (unpriced for any Work being performed on a lump sum pricing method). Contractor shall purchase the DCS equipment and software on the terms and conditions for purchase of same by Owner pursuant to the Master Agreement between Mirant Services LLC and Invensys Systems, Inc dated Xxxxx 00, 0000, (xxx “DCS Master Agreement”) a copy of which was provided to Contractor prior to the Effective Date. Contractor’s responsibility to Owner under this Agreement for the DCS equipment shall be equal to but no higher than the obligations of the DCS Contractor for the DCS Equipment under the DCS Master Agreement.
Purchase Orders and Subcontracts. Contractor’s purchase orders, subcontracts and similar purchase forms in connection with the Project and any Contract with a Subcontractor (collectively, the “Subcontracts”) shall include the terms and provisions required to be included pursuant to the Contract Payments to Subcontractors. Contractor shall be solely responsible for paying each Subcontractor and any other Person to whom any amount is due from Contractor for services, Equipment, materials or supplies in connection with the Project. Prior to any such payment, Contractor shall ensure that such Equipment, materials and supplies have been received, inspected and approved and that such services have been properly performed.

Related to Purchase Orders and Subcontracts

  • Purchase Orders Unless otherwise authorized in writing by the Commissioner, no Product is to be delivered or furnished by Contractor until transmittal of an official Purchase Order from the Authorized User. Unless terminated or cancelled pursuant to the authority vested in the Commissioner, Purchase Orders shall be effective and binding upon the Contractor when placed in the mail or electronically transmitted prior to the termination of the contract period, addressed to the Contractor at the address for receipt of orders set forth in the Contract or in the Contract Award Notification. All Purchase Orders issued pursuant to Contracts let by the Commissioner must bear the appropriate Contract number and, if necessary, required State approvals. As deemed necessary, the Authorized User may confirm pricing and other Product information with the Contractor prior to placement of the Purchase Order. The State reserves the right to require any other information from the Contractor which the State deems necessary in order to complete any Purchase Order placed under the Contract. Unless otherwise specified, all Purchase Orders against Centralized Contracts will be placed by Authorized Users directly with the Contractor and any discrepancy between the terms stated on the vendor’s order form, confirmation or acknowledgment, and the Contract terms shall be resolved in favor of the terms most favorable to the Authorized User. Should an Authorized User add written terms and conditions to the Purchase Order that conflict with the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Contractor has the option of rejecting the Purchase Order within five business days of its receipt but shall first attempt to negotiate the additional written terms and conditions in good faith with the Authorized User, or fulfill the Purchase Order. Notwithstanding the above, the Authorized User reserves the right to dispute any discrepancies arising from the presentation of additional terms and conditions with the Contractor. If, with respect to an Agency Specific Contract let by the OGS Commissioner, a Purchase Order is not received by the Contractor within two weeks after the issuance of a Contract Award Notification, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to request in writing that the appropriate Authorized User forward a Purchase Order. If, thereafter, a Purchase Order is not received within a reasonable period of time, the Contractor shall promptly notify in writing the appropriate purchasing officer in OGS. Failure to timely notify such officer may, in the discretion of the OGS Commissioner and without cost to the State, result in the cancellation of such requirement by the OGS Commissioner with a corresponding reduction in the Contract quantity and price.

  • Work Orders If the Contract is for indefinite quantities of Services, as specified in the Signature Document, all Work will be performed in accordance with properly executed Work Orders.

  • Forecasts and Purchase Orders On or before the twelfth (12th) day of each month, beginning on January 12, 2022, Indivior shall furnish to Curia a written twelve (12) month rolling forecast of the quantities of Product that Indivior intends to order from Curia during such period ("Rolling Forecast"). The first six (6) months of such Rolling Forecast shall constitute a firm and binding commitment to order quantities of Product specified therein ("Firm Period Forecast"), and the following six (6) months of the Rolling Forecast shall be non-binding, good faith estimates. Each month of the Rolling Forecast shall begin on the twelfth (12th) of the calendar month in which such Rolling Forecast is submitted and end on the eleventh (11th) day of the following calendar month. With exception to the Firm Period Forecast, Curia reserves the right to reject any Rolling Forecast that does not align with the physical Processing capabilities of the Facility(ies) and the parties shall work in good faith to adjust the Rolling Forecast based on available resources, Facility capacity and other relevant factors. Indivior shall have the right to request an increase of the Firm Period Forecast to include additional units of Product. Curia may, in its sole discretion, supply such additional quantities, subject to Curia's other supply commitments and manufacturing capacity. In the event Curia agrees to supply such additional quantities, Indivior shall submit a Purchase Order for such additional quantities, with the required lead times as specified below. In no event shall Curia's inability to fulfill Purchase Orders for quantities in excess of the Firm Period Forecast be deemed a breach of this Agreement, nor relieve Indivior of its obligations under this Agreement. Indivior shall submit with each Rolling Forecast, a non-cancelable Purchase Order for the Firm Period Forecast (or such portion of the Firm Period Forecast not covered by previously submitted Purchase Orders). Indivior may alternatively submit Purchase Orders for certain portions of the Firm Period Forecast subsequent to the submission of the Rolling Forecast, provided the Purchase Orders provide the required lead time for Processing as set forth below. Curia shall notify Indivior of acceptance of the Rolling Forecast and any Purchase Order within seven (7) business days of receipt. Curia shall be deemed to have accepted Purchase Orders which it does not acknowledge within seven (7) business days of receipt. Curia shall have the right to reject Rolling Forecasts and Purchase Orders that are inconsistent with this Agreement. Each Purchase Order shall specify the quantity of Product being ordered, and the desired delivery date. Upon mutual agreement in writing for additional quantities of Product beyond the Firm Period Forecast, including projected delivery date(s), Indivior shall issue the applicable Purchase Order to be accepted by Curia as described above. Once placed, all Purchase Orders for Product shall be non-cancelable. No different or additional terms or conditions set forth in any Purchase Order shall modify in any way the terms and conditions of this Agreement, and in the event of a conflict between terms in any Purchase Order and this Agreement, the terms of this Agreement shall control. All Purchase Orders submitted in accordance with the terms of this Agreement shall be effective and binding on the parties upon acceptance by Curia. Except as otherwise provided herein, neither party shall have the right or power to refuse, reduce, or otherwise modify their obligations under any Purchase Order; however, Purchase Orders may be amended (i) upon written mutual agreement regarding such modification that is signed by both parties; or (ii) as otherwise provided in this Section 4.3 or Section 4.4.

  • Customer Contracts 6.2.1 The Redistributor should ensure that its contracts with its Customers give it all necessary rights to control and monitor Data use.

  • Major Customers and Suppliers 3.18.(a) Major Customers. Schedule 3.18.(a) contains a list of the twenty (20) largest customers of Company for each of the two (2) most recent fiscal years (determined on the basis of the total dollar amount of net sales) showing the total dollar amount of net sales to each such customer during each such year. Neither Company nor any Shareholder has any knowledge or information of any facts indicating, nor any other reason to believe, that any of the customers listed on Schedule 3.18.(a) will not continue to be customers of the business of Company after the Closing at substantially the same level of purchases as heretofore.

  • Customers and Suppliers (a) Section 3.15(a) of the Disclosure Schedules sets forth (i) each customer who has paid aggregate consideration to the Company for goods or services rendered in an amount greater than or equal to $25,000 for each of the two most recent fiscal years (collectively, the “Material Customers”); and (ii) the amount of consideration paid by each Material Customer during such periods. The Company has not received any notice, and has no reason to believe, that any of its Material Customers has ceased, or intends to cease after the Closing, to use its goods or services or to otherwise terminate or materially reduce its relationship with the Company.

  • Orders and Forecasts (a) Rolling […***…] Month Forecast. When each Product Agreement is executed, Client will give Patheon a non-binding […***…] month forecast of the volume of Product that Client expects to order in the first […***…] months of commercial manufacture of the Product. This forecast will then be updated by Client on or before the […***…] day of each month on a rolling forward basis. Client will update the forecast forthwith if it determines that the volumes estimated in the most recent forecast have changed by more than […***…]%. The most recent […***…] month forecast will prevail.

  • Assignment and Subcontracting City and Consultant recognize and agree that this Agreement contemplates personal performance by Consultant and is based upon a determination of Consultant’s unique personal competence, experience, and specialized personal knowledge. Moreover, a substantial inducement to City for entering into this Agreement was and is the professional reputation and competence of Consultant. Consultant may not assign this Agreement or any interest therein without the prior written approval of the City. Consultant shall not subcontract any portion of the performance contemplated and provided for herein, other than to the subcontractors listed in the Consultant’s proposal, without prior written approval of the City.

  • Purchase Order A Customer may use purchase orders to buy commodities or contractual services pursuant to the Contract and, if applicable, the Contractor must provide commodities or contractual services pursuant to purchase orders. Purchase orders issued pursuant to the Contract must be received by the Contractor no later than the close of business on the last day of the Contract’s term. The Contractor is required to accept timely purchase orders specifying delivery schedules that extend beyond the Contract term even when such extended delivery will occur after expiration of the Contract. Purchase orders shall be valid through their specified term and performance by the Contractor, and all terms and conditions of the Contract shall survive the termination or expiration of the Contract and apply to the Contractor’s performance. The duration of purchase orders for recurring deliverables shall not exceed the expiration of the Contract by more than twelve months. Any purchase order terms and conditions conflicting with these Special Contract Conditions shall not become a part of the Contract.

  • Use of Subservicers and Subcontractors The Servicer shall not hire or otherwise utilize the services of any Subservicer to fulfill any of the obligations of the Servicer as servicer under this Agreement or any Reconstitution Agreement unless the Servicer complies with the provisions of paragraph (a) of this Section. The Servicer shall not hire or otherwise utilize the services of any Subcontractor, and shall not permit any Subservicer to hire or otherwise utilize the services of any Subcontractor, to fulfill any of the obligations of the Servicer as servicer under this Agreement or any Reconstitution Agreement unless the Servicer complies with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this Section.

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