Firefighters. Any truck with an inoperative aerial ladder shall be regularly and routinely staffed with one (1) officer and five (5) firefighters for the period of time that the aerial ladder is inoperative, or until such time as the truck with the inoperative aerial ladder is replaced with a truck with an operative aerial ladder. At 0800 and 2000 hours, all trucks shall be staffed with one (1) officer and four (4) firefighters, and any truck with an inoperative aerial ladder shall be staffed with one (1) officer and five (5) firefighters.
Firefighters. Firefighters, Driver Operators, or Lieutenants temporarily assigned to work as Captains for one half (½) shift or more shall receive a five (5%) percent wage supplement paid retroactively to the beginning of the first shift. Firefighters temporarily assigned to work as Driver Operators for one half (½) shift or more shall receive a five (5%) percent wage supplement paid retroactively to the beginning of the first shift. Firefighters and Driver Operators temporarily assigned to work as Lieutenants for one half (½) shift or more shall receive a five (5%) percent wage supplement paid retroactively to the beginning of the first shift.
Firefighters. Annually on May 1st, non-probationary bargaining unit members in the job classification of Firefighter shall be assigned to positions which they have bid on the basis of seniority on the shift to which they are assigned. Any permanent vacancies which occur during the course of the year shall be filled at the discretion of the Fire Chief.
Firefighters. It is the District’s intent to have equal-numbers of HM certified personnel across the three
Firefighters. All Firefighter salaries (steps) will be based upon a % of the base firefighter salary (Step 6) as is outlined in the actual salary schedule included herein. Firefighters will be eligible for a step increase annually up to the completion of their fifth (5th) year of service on the Department at which time they will reach the base salary step (Step 6). Subsequent step increases will occur upon completion of 10, 15, 20, and 25 years of service on the Department. Effective April 1, 2005, firefighters will be eligible for a step increase annually up to the completion of their fourth (4th) year of service on the Department at which time they will reach the base salary step (Step 5). Subsequent step increases will continue to occur upon completion of 10, 15, 20 and 25 years of service on the Department.
Firefighters. Both Management and Union realize that circumstances beyond either’s control may necessitate readjustments to this staffing commitment. Management fully intends, where deemed appropriate and beneficial to the community and the Fire Department, to explore, test, and/or implement new, innovative and efficient technologies, equipment, response and deployment patterns, and service delivery programs in all areas of Fire Department operations. The total number of apparatus in-service at any given time is a Management right. Management will make every reasonable effort to communicate any changes of apparatus and/or staff assignment thereto.
Firefighters. Members of the Village Fire Department while engaged in the performance of their duties pursuant to this agreement shall be acting as and maintain all rights, privileges, and immunities as if performing the function in and for the Village of New Paltz.
Firefighters. D. Each employee shall be responsible for the coverage of the work assignment he/she accepts. If the employee who agrees to work for another employee fails to show for the swap, and provides proper medical verification, he/she shall be subject to repaying the actual length of the shift (e.g., eight [8] hours for an eight [8] hour shift, or ten [10] hours for a ten [10] hour shift). The swap sheet shall inform the individuals swapping that the employee who fails to pay back the swap shall be subject to repaying the actual length of the shift. The State shall first use the appropriate, accrued time credits for the repayment; then use "accounts receivable" should time credits be insufficient for the repayment. Once reimbursement is made by the employee, the employee may not be subject to adverse personnel action for this incident.
Firefighters. The probationary period for regularly appointed Firefighters is as follows, in accordance with OAG 24.000 (Firefighter Probationary Program):
Firefighters. In the event that the City of Banning secures and receives money from additional funding sources which it allocates to the services described herein, City of Banning shall give COUNTY notice within thirty (30) days, or within a reasonable time thereof, of the amount received. COUNTY will seek reimbursement on behalf of the COUNTY and the City of Beaumont by separate invoice.