Financial Affairs. Employees shall arrange their personal financial affairs so that creditor and collection agencies do not call on City offices in making collections. Except as otherwise provided by law, e.g., Government Code Section 3308, failure of an employee to meet his just obligations shall be grounds for disciplinary action.
Financial Affairs. 1. To manage your financial affairs and not to be required to deposit personal funds with the facility.
Financial Affairs. Provider must conduct its financial affairs in a manner consistent with prudent fiscal management. Records of its transactions shall be maintained in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles, and with BCBSM billing, reporting and reimbursement policies and procedures.
Financial Affairs. 5.1 Unless the contrary is agreed in writing signed by all of the Members the Members shall during membership of the Group share equally expenses and all income from all sources received in connection with Group activities.
Financial Affairs. Resident financial affairs are handled so as to respect residents’ rights and dignity while meeting the IVH need for complete and timely information regarding support charges.
Financial Affairs. The Governing Board shall be responsible for the financial affairs of the [insert RSN name]. The Governing Board shall have a business office located in at a location in northern [insert name] County to be agreed upon by the parties. [Insert RSN name] funds shall be deposited with the [insert name] County Auditor as provided for in [insert statute number or other legislative order reference]. The County Treasurer shall establish a special fund on behalf of [insert RSN name] to be designated “Operating Fund of [insert name] RSN.” Interest on investment of RSN funds shall accrue to the benefit of said operating fund. Counties party to this Agreement retain individual county control over tax revenues collected under the provisions of [insert statute number or other legislative order reference], any other local financial contributions to mental health programs, and grant-funded programs where the application for the grant originated and is retained locally.
Financial Affairs. The financial affairs of the Foundation must be administered and conducted in accordance with the Act and all other relevant legislation.
Financial Affairs. Owner shall be responsible for funding the operation of the Nikki Beach Club, including, without limitation, the payment of all expenses of constructing, opening, operating, furnishing, supplying, marketing, maintaining and repairing of the Nikki Beach Club, in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement.
Financial Affairs. 7. Liquidation Procedure for when the Joint Venture will terminate. 8. Others. CHAPTER 12: ADDENDUM