Elementary a minimum of 250 minutes weekly for a full 5-day week (no less than a 30-minute block of time on each day)
Elementary. During the first five (5) days of the school year classes of the same elementary grade level(s) within a building shall be made equal to the extent possible. New enrollments as they arrive will be distributed among the classes as not to imbalance class size. Disruptive or certified handicapped students will not be moved pursuant to this provision, Article V, Section 1, Subsection G. 1. The placement of such students will be made cooperatively with the building principal and the teachers at the affected grade level.
Elementary. Two (2) afternoon and one (1) evening session per semester.
Elementary. For elementary classroom unit members, selection of at least one (1) objective in an academic area (language arts, reading, or mathematics) and one (1) objective in another subject area is required. At least one of these two (2) objectives shall reflect district/site goals.
Elementary. [a] Track enrollment: As far as possible each track on a grade level will be equalized in numbers. New students will begin with their assigned track. [b] Rotation days will be conducted on an early-out day. Whenever possible a desk for each teacher will be provided. [c] Early-out days will be required at year-round schools on track change day for the track going off. [d] A secured storage area will be provided for teachers during their off-track period. [e] The District departments scheduling in-service training shall make an effort to schedule the training during off track times throughout the school year. [f] Kindergarten teachers in year-round schools shall not be assigned to teach multiple tracks.
Elementary. Teachers who are not relieved due to the absence of a special teacher or who substitute for other teachers in addition to supervising their own classes shall be granted compensatory time. When three hundred sixteen (316) minutes of compensatory time are earned, one (1) compensatory day will be granted. This shall not apply if the special class is rescheduled within ten (10) working days. When a class of students normally assigned to an absent teacher is divided among other teachers, the compensatory time involved for substituting shall be apportioned among those teachers. Teachers desiring to use compensatory days shall notify the administration at least two (2) days in advance of anticipated absence stating the day(s) to be used for compensatory leave. Compensatory leave shall not be granted on the opening or closing days of school or on the days prior to and following a vacation, holiday or recess period. The administration reserves the right to limit the number of teachers taking compensatory time on a given day, considering the availability of substitutes. Any unused compensatory time shall be paid at the conclusion of a school year under the formula specified in Option A. Compensatory time shall not be used in less than ½ day increments and shall not be carried forward from year to year.
Elementary i. Each elementary teacher’s weekly instructional assignment shall not exceed 1325 minutes (1315 minutes effective June 30, 2019).
ii. Each elementary teacher shall be entitled in each five (5) day week to one hundred (100) minutes (one hundred and ten (110) minutes effective June 30, 2019) of time free from instructional and supervisory duties during the school day which is exclusive of recess and the noon intermission.
iii. Where practicable, the unassigned time shall be scheduled in modules of not less than thirty (30) minutes and, wherever possible, in modules of forty-five (45) minutes.
iv. Part-time teachers shall receive a pro-rata entitlement based on their F.T.E. assignment to the school.
Elementary a. One hundred and ten (110) minutes preparation time per week, exclusive of recess, shall be scheduled for full-time regular elementary classroom teachers.
b. Elementary teachers with a 0.4 or greater FTE regular classroom assignment calculated over the school year shall be provided with preparation time on a pro- rata basis.
Elementary. All elementary staff members who average at least five (5) hours per day of contact time with students shall spend at least 250 minutes per five (5) day school week in preparation and planning during the work day. Teachers shall be released from their classroom duties through the use of certificated specialists for an average of at least thirty (30) minutes during the student day.
Elementary. The first fifteen (15) minutes of the student day shall be used as interactive time between the Teacher and students. This time shall be used to assist students with cognitive and affective needs.