Video-On-Demand definition

Video-On-Demand or “VOD” means a programming system for transmission and retransmission of a single motion picture or programme (or series of related programs) delivered by means of a telecommunications or other technical system from a digital storage devise or presented in any form that permits Exhibition of such motion picture or programs in a non-linear form at the discretion of the viewer.
Video-On-Demand means a delivery of a single Program or a specified group of Programs for which (i) each such individual Program is generally uninterrupted by Commercial Advertising Messages; (ii) recipients are charged a separate fee for each such single Program or specified group of Programs; and (iii) a recipient is able, at his or her discretion, to select the time for commencement of exhibition of such individual Program or specified group of Programs. In the event a delivery qualifies as both Video-on-Demand and a Pay Television Transmission, then for purposes of this Agreement, such delivery shall be deemed Video-on-Demand.
Video-On-Demand means a de- livery of a single program or a speci- fied group of programs for which:

Examples of Video-On-Demand in a sentence

  • Any Library Film offered by Licensor or any other SPE Entity to any Other Provider in any annual availability list on a Video-On-Demand or Pay-Per-View basis shall be offered to Licensee as a Library PPV Program and a Library VOD Program as such titles may be cleared for each platform of the Licensed Service.

  • It is expressly understood that such notice shall be given if, and only if, Licensor shall simultaneously withdraw the program from all other Pay-Per-View and Video-On-Demand exhibitions, unless the Withdrawal Cause relates solely to Licensee’s (or to a limited number of Other Provider’s in addition to Licensee’s) exhibition of such Included Programs or related materials.

  • The right so to distribute and exhibit each Current VOD Program during its Current VOD License Period in the medium of Video-On-Demand television delivered by means of: (a) Push Download to Target Devices or (b) Closed IP to Target Devices, subject to the VOD Restrictions.

  • Licensor shall provide Licensee (i) within 30 days of the Effective Date, a list of Library Films available for license hereunder on a Video-On- Demand basis with respect to Term Year 1 and (ii) by September 1 of each Term Year, a list of Library Films available for license hereunder on a Video-On-Demand basis with respect to the following Term Year, specifying the Library VOD Availability Date and the Library VOD License Period for each Library Film (each of the foregoing, a “Library VOD List”).

  • If Licensor or any other SPE Entity allows any Other Provider to exploit an Included Program on a Pay-Per-View or Video-On-Demand basis involving bonus materials, director commentary and/or chaptering functionality (collectively, “Enhanced Features”) during a time period that overlaps with such Included Program’s applicable License Period hereunder, then Licensor shall notify Licensee thereof in writing and of any directly related terms and conditions.

More Definitions of Video-On-Demand

Video-On-Demand or “VOD” shall mean the delivery (which in the case of Licensee’s rights hereunder shall be point-to-point delivery) of a single program to a viewer in response to the request of a viewer (a) for which the viewer pays a per-transaction fee solely for the privilege of viewing one or more exhibitionseach separate exhibition of such program over a limited viewing period designated by the content provider or distributor (which in the case of Licensee hereunder shall not exceed the Viewing Period), as opposed to the viewer ( or multiple exhibitions of such program, each commencing during such limited viewing period), (which fee in the case of Licensee’s rights hereunder shall not exceed the Viewing Period), which fee is unaffected in any way by the purchase of other programs, products or services, but not referring to any fee in the nature of an equipment rental or purchase fee; and (b) the exhibition start time of which is at a time specified by the viewer in its discretion. With respect to Licensee’s rights hereunder, neither the fact that a single program may be delivered so that it is coincidentally received by more than one viewer nor Licensee’s distribution or transmission of Included Programs utilizing approved “peer-to-peer” file sharing technology shall render such delivery to be other than “point-to-point” (“peer-to-peer” file sharing technology shall be deemed approved if the “peer-to-peer” network used for such purpose (x) is at all times a closed delivery system controlled by Licensee, and (y) does not import or protect content from untrusted sources). “Video-On-Demand” shall not include operating on a subscription basis (including, without limitation, so-called “subscription video-on-demand”) or a negative option basis (i.e., a fee arrangement whereby a consumer is charged alone, or in any combination, a service charge, a separate video-on-demand charge or other charge but is entitled to a reduction or series of reductions thereto on a program-by program basis if such consumer affirmatively elects not to receive or have available for reception such program), nor shall “Video-On-Demand” include, without limitation, pay-per-view, DHEso-called electronic sell through, Home Theater, manufacture-on-demand or retail location-based download on demand (e.g., download via in- store kiosks), home video, premium pay television, basic television or free broadcast television exhibition.
Video-On-Demand or “ VOD” shall mean the point to point delivery of a single program to a viewer in response to the request of a viewer (i) for which the viewer pays a per-transaction fee solely for the privilege of viewing each separate exhibition of such program (or multiple exhibitions, during a period not to exceed the applicable VOD Viewing Period, as defined in the applicable Territory Exhibit), which fee is unaffected in any way by the purchase of other programs, products or services; and (ii) the exhibition start time of which is at a time specified by the viewer in its discretion. “ Video-On-Demand” shall not include operating on a subscription basis (including, without limitation, so-called “ subscription video-on-demand”), a negative option basis (i.e., a fee arrangement whereby a consumer is charged alone, or in any combination, a service charge, a separate video-on- demand charge or other charge but is entitled to a reduction or series of reductions thereto on a program-by program basis if such consumer affirmatively elects not to receive or have available for reception such program), pay-per-view, advertising-supported video-on-demand, electronic downloading on a rental or sell-through basis, DHE, manufacture-on-demand, in-store digital download, premium pay television, basic television or free broadcast television exhibition.
Video-On-Demand shall not include operating on a subscription basis (including, without limitation, so-called “subscription video-on-demand”) or a negative option basis (i.e., a fee arrangement whereby a consumer is charged alone, or in any combination, a service charge, a separate video-on-demand charge or other charge but is entitled to a reduction or series of reductions thereto on a program-by program basis if such consumer affirmatively elects not to receive or have available for reception such program), nor shall “Video-On-Demand” include, without limitation, pay-per-view, DHEso-called electronic sell through, Home Theater, manufacture-on-demand or retail location-based download on demand (e.g., download via in- store kiosks), home video, premium pay television, basic television or free broadcast television exhibition.
Video-On-Demand means a service by which programmes are digitally encoded and are made available to the public, and, if ordered by the consumer, transmitted electronically from the service operator’s video server for reception direct to devices enabled to receive the broadcast through use of a decoding device with no permanent copy of the programme being made by the consumer or a central server on behalf of the consumer (for the purposes of this definition only “permanent” shall mean no longer than 30 days);
Video-On-Demand means delivery and exhibition of a program to a consumer
Video-On-Demand or “VOD” shall mean the point to point delivery of a single program to a viewer in response to the request of a viewer (i) for which the viewer pays a per- transaction fee solely for the privilege of viewing each separate exhibition of such program during its VOD Viewing Period (or multiple exhibitions, each commencing during its VOD Viewing Period), which fee is unaffected in any way by the purchase of other programs, products or services; and (ii) the exhibition start time of which is at a time specified by the viewer in its discretion. For the avoidance of doubt, a single Video-On-Demand exhibition that commences during a VOD Included Program’s VOD Viewing Period may play-off for the uninterrupted duration of such VOD Included Program. “Video-On-Demand” shall not include operating on a subscription basis (including, without limitation, so-called “subscription video-on-demand”), nor shall “Video-On-Demand” include pay-per-view, DHE, premium pay television, basic television or free broadcast television exhibition.
Video-On-Demand or “VOD” shall mean the transmission of a single motion picture transmitted via any form of Television where the start time is scheduled by the consumer and not the distributor, where the consumer can view the motion picture over a period of time not to exceed 72 hours and for which a transactional charge (in cash or in kind) is made to the consumer for the privilege of viewing the particular motion picture, alone or together with any goods or services that may be bundled therewith, on a per-exhibition basis, but not on a Negative Option Basis. For clarity, (i) special limited promotional offers (including give-away coupons, free buys, extended viewing opportunities and the like) shall nevertheless constitute VOD; and (ii) the provider making such offer may not make such offer available to any individual consumer for more than 60 days per Year. For this purpose, VOD does not include operating on a subscription basis and, therefore, shall not include any service for which a consumer is charged a “club” or other similar “access” fee (which shall not, for the purposes of this definition, be deemed to include any basic cable, digital/data plan or Internet access fee) solely for the privilege of being able to view motion pictures via VOD, unless such “club” or similar access fee is a nominal sum (i.e., an annual fee not to exceed $10) that is non-creditable against any per exhibition consumer transaction fees and in all events is a charge that is more than merely a fee to gain access to VOD motion pictures alone. However, VOD may include a service where a consumer is required to pay an equipment rental fee or to purchase equipment in order to obtain such service, provided, that no part of such equipment rental fee or purchase price, as applicable, is credited or paid directly or indirectly to Licensor, and provided further that Licensor, when acting as a retailer and not a wholesaler, may receive an equipment rental fee or purchase price, as applicable, and such equipment rental fee or purchase price shall not count as a “club” or similar access fee, if a majority of Major Production/Distribution Studios, when acting as a retailer and not a wholesaler, are also receiving an equipment rental fee or purchase price. For purposes of clarification, Licensor shall not be deemed to have “indirectly” received an equipment rental fee if such equipment rental fee or purchase price is received by a Licensor Affiliate that is not an SPE Group Member, including without limi...