Billing Demand definition

Billing Demand means the metered demand or connected load after necessary adjustments have been made for power factor, intermittent rating, transformer losses and minimum billing. A measurement in kiloWatts (kW) of the maximum rate at which electricity is consumed during a billing period;
Billing Demand means the components of the Customer’s monthly Power consumption for which Demand charges apply as determined in accordance with Articles 3 and 10;
Billing Demand means the demand upon which billing to a Customer is based;

Examples of Billing Demand in a sentence

  • The Billing Demand for the month is the Customer’s Winter Average Daily Usage.

More Definitions of Billing Demand

Billing Demand means the highest of the following:-
Billing Demand means the demand as defined in the EPC Distribution Tariff Rate Schedule;
Billing Demand means the demand (expressed in kilovolt Amp (kVA), kiloWatt (kW), or other suitable unit), upon which billing to a Member is based;
Billing Demand. The Billing Demand shall be the Customer’s Contract Demand.
Billing Demand means the demand used to determine the charges in accordance with the provisions of the Schedule of Rates attached hereto as Schedule “A”;
Billing Demand means the demand as defined in the Town of Cardston Distribution Tariff Rate Schedule;
Billing Demand. The billing demand shall be the higher of (i) the highest 15-minute integrated or thermal kilowatt demand measured during the billing period, or (ii) 50% of highest demand measured during the five summer months (May-September) of the 12-months ending with the current month, or (iii) 20% of the highest measured demand during the seven winter months (October-April) of the 12-months ending with the current month, or (iv) the demand specified in a contract, or (v) 50 kilowatts. When the monthly demand exceeds 100 KW in any billing month, billing will be under Rate Schedule GL, and thereafter continue under Rate Schedule GL until monthly demands have been less than 100 KW for a period of twelve consecutive months. Board Resolution Date Effective January 18, 1983 February 1,1983 IMPERIAL IRRIGATION DISTRICT Revised Sheet No. 000 Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxxxx Cancelling Sheet No. 138 SCHEDULE GL (Continued) LARGE GENERAL SERVICE