Salting definition

Salting is the act of placing a record containing unique but false information in a database that can be used later to identify inappropriate disclosure of data contained in the database. The Contractor shall certify the return or destruction of all Personal Information upon expiration of this Contract. Any breach of this provision may result in termination of the Contract and the demand for return of all Personal Information. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the WSIB for any damages related to the Contractor’s unauthorized disclosure or use of Personal Information. For purposes of this section, personal information includes, but is not limited to information identifiable to an individual that relates to a natural person’s health, finances, education, business, use or receipt of governmental services, or other activities, names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, driver license numbers, financial profiles, credit card numbers, financial identifiers, and other identifying numbers.
Salting means the placement of deliberate errors and omissions in the Software or a database.
Salting is the act of placing a record containing unique but false information in a database that can be used later to identify inappropriate disclosure of data contained in the database. Public records procedure for CONSULTANT CONSULTANT understands and agrees that the records it obtains or produces under this Contract may be public records under chapter 42.56 RCW (the Public Records Act, or “PRA”), or its successor act. The CONSULTANT shall cooperate in a timely manner with the AGO in responding to public records requests (“PRRs”) related to this Contract or the services provided under this Contract. Such cooperation shall include searching all records regarding the “Services Provided” described in Section 2 of the Contract, and producing all records that are potentially responsive to a PRR to the AGO. CONSULTANT shall xxxx and segregate all materials in its possession that are protected by work product or attorney-client privilege to protect against inadvertent disclosure of such documents and to facilitate the AGO’s application of allowable PRA exemptions. CONSULTANT shall not charge for the time spent gathering and producing records pursuant to a PRR. Business Associate Agreement (HIPAA), as applicable Purpose of activity: The AGO is statutorily mandated to provide legal advice and representation to AGENCY. Pursuant to 45 C.F.R. Parts 160 and 164, this Business Associate Agreement applies to the extent the AGENCY is a Covered Entity or a Hybrid Covered Entity; in which case the AGO is a business associate of the AGENCY when it provides legal services that require the use or disclosure of Protected Health Information (PHI). When the AGO, in its role as business associate, contracts with a third party in connection with providing legal services for the AGENCY, the AGO is required to ensure that a third party agrees to maintain the security and confidentiality of PHI. The Contract Services, as described in Paragraph 2, will require that the CONSULTANT access PHI. Use or disclosure of Protected Health Information: The CONSULTANT shall not use or disclose Protected Health Information received from the AGENCY or AGO in any manner that would constitute a violation of federal law, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 and any regulations enacted pursuant to its provisions (“HIPAA Standards”) and applicable provisions of Washington state law. The CONSULTANT shall ensure that its employees, contractors, and agents use or disclose PHI received ...

Examples of Salting in a sentence

  • Salting is the act of placing a record containing unique but false information in a database that can be used later to identify inappropriate disclosure of data contained in the database.

  • Salting is the act of introducing data containing unique but false information that can be used later to identify inappropriate disclosure of data.

  • The regular hours of work for Sanding and Salting Crews shall consist of eight (8) hour tours of duty between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 8:00 a.m., Monday to Friday inclusive.

  • Contractor is Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Level 2 Smart Salting certified and its certification is current.

  • A delivery of Services that involves a deicing decision or action will be reviewed by a Contractor representative who has current certification in lower salt-use strategy training from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Level 1 Smart Salting certification program.

More Definitions of Salting

Salting. The placement of deliberate errors and omissions in the Software or a database.
Salting means the act of introducing metals or minerals into a deposit or samples, resulting in false assays, done either by accident or with the intent of defrauding the public;
Salting is the act of placing a record containing unique but false information in a database that can be used later to identify inappropriate disclosure of data contained in the database. Contractor shall certify the return or destruction of all Personal Information upon expiration of this Contract. Any breach of this provision may result in termination of the Contract and the demand for return of all Personal Information. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the WSIB for any damages related to the Contractor’s unauthorized disclosure or use of Personal Information.
Salting is the act of placing a record containing unique but false information in a database that can be used later to identify inappropriate disclosure of data contained in the database.
Salting means getting hired at a non-union company, doing the job you were hired to do, and,
Salting means a saline solution derived solely from table salt and water used to harvest razor clams and sea clams.
Salting is the act of placing a record containing unique by false information in a database that can be used later to identify inappropriate disclosure of data contained in the database. Any breach of this provision may result in termination of the contract and the demand for return of all personal, identifiable information. The Contractor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Agency for any damages related to the Contractor’s unauthorized use of personal information. For purposes of this provision, personal, identifiable information includes but is not limited to information identifiable to an individual that relates to a natural person’s health, finances, education, business, use or receipt of governmental services, or other activities, names, addresses, telephone numbers, social security numbers, driver license numbers, financial profiles, credit card numbers, financial identifiers and other identifying numbers PUBLICITY -- The Contractor agrees to submit to the Agency all advertising and publicity matters relating to this Contract which, in the Agency'’ judgment, Agency'’ name can be implied or is specifically mentioned. The Contractor agrees not to publish or use such advertising and publicity matters without the prior written consent of the Agency. RECORDS MAINTENANCE -- The Contractor shall maintain complete financial records relating to this contract and the services rendered including all books, records, documents, magnetic media, receipts, invoices and other evidence relating to this contract and performance of the services described herein, including but not limited to, accounting procedures and practices which sufficiently and properly reflect all direct and indirect costs of any nature expended in the performance of this contract. Contractor shall retain such records for a period of six years following the date of final payment. At no additional cost, these records including materials generated under the contract, shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection, review, or audit by the Agency, the Office of the State Auditor, and federal and state officials so authorized by law, rule, regulation, or agreement. If any litigation, claim or audit is started before the expiration of the six (6) year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims, or audit findings involving the records have been resolved.