Injection definition

Injection means the pressurized placement of septage waste below the surface of soil.
Injection means the physical injection of gas at a Domestic Point that shall be metered on an hourly basis (Telemetered quantities). It goes over the injection of Compatible Gas or, where applicable, the injection of Quality Deficient Gas that is blended, with the Natural Gas flowing into the Transmission System, in such a way that the mix results in a Compatible Gas.
Injection means the subsurface application of liquid residuals to a depth of four to 12 inches.

Examples of Injection in a sentence

  • As stated in Article 1 of the Contract, an Imbalance occurs when there is a difference for one quarter-hour between the total Injection to the Xxxx Grid allocated to the Balancing Perimeter of [ARP] and the total Off-take from the Xxxx Xxxx allocated to the Balancing Perimeter of [ARP], as laid down in Appendix 3 to the Contract.

  • When [ARP] submits Day-Ahead Nominations to Xxxx regarding his Balancing Perimeter, [ARP] shall ensure that for each quarter-hour the nominated total Injection (which is the sum of all nominated day-ahead Injections by [ARP]) equals the total nominated Off-take (which is the sum of nominated day-ahead Off-takes by [ARP]).

  • Injection Rights shall mean the Transmission Provider’s pre-certification of the Transmission System’s capability to receive capacity and energy from the MHVDC Transmission Line at the requested Point of Connection, and in the specified MW quantity, without degrading the reliability of the Transmission System, as described in Section 16 of the GIP and Section 3.2.3 of the MHCP.

  • A Measurement Device that can provide 4 seconds measurement data to measure Injection or Offtake of the Delivery Point concerned.

  • The metering data relating to Injection and/or Off-take Points connected to a distribution network other than the Xxxx Grid will be supplied to [ARP] by the distribution system operator in question, in accordance with the Grid Codes for Local and Regional Transmission.

More Definitions of Injection

Injection means the injection of carbon dioxide streams into the storage site;
Injection or “Injected” means the deposit of a Carbon Dioxide Stream into any of the Facilities.
Injection means emplacement or discharge into the subsurface of a solid or fluid substance or material. This definition excludes drilling fluids, grout used in association with well construction or abandonment, and fluids used in connection with well development, rehabilitation or stimulation.
Injection means the subsurface placement of septage to a depth of 4 to 12 inches.
Injection means physical injection of Compatible Gas at a Domestic Point and shall be performed on an hourly basis using Telemetered quantities.
Injection means the subsurface placement of septage to a depth of four inches to twelve inches.
Injection means the introduction of gas into a pipe-line system operated by a gas transporter; “installation capacity”—