Accurately definition

Accurately means the ability to detect when a chargeable call begins (active acceptance by the called party) and when it is terminated. “Completely” shall mean that the Commission and Call Detail Report lists all calls made on all phones including un-collectibles. The independent certified public accounting firm’s procedures and reports shall be conducted in accordance with Statements on Standards for Attestation Engagements established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. The Contractor shall submit notification of their chosen auditor in writing to the Local Contract Coordinator- Accounting for the Department’s approval prior to the end of the first (lst) month of the Contract. The independent certified public accounting firm shall submit an engagement letter and a formal test plan to be agreed upon by the Department and the Contractor in writing prior to the end of the first three (3) month period of the Contract. The Contractor shall notify the Department in writing of any proposed changes in their selected certified public accounting firm. The scope of the bi-annual audit will encompass, at a minimum, the following requirements:
Accurately. . . . in its ordinary use[ ] means precisely, exactly correctly, without error or defect’’). Therefore, the OSH Act’s direction to enact regulations requiring employers to ‘‘maintain accurate [injury and illness] records’’ is a mandate for the Secretary to impose an ongoing or continuing duty on employers to have true or exact documentation of recordable incidents. An employer cannot be said to have (or to be keeping or maintaining) accurate (or true or exact) records of injuries and illnesses for a particular calendar year if there are recordable injuries or illnesses that occurred during that year that are missing from those records. Put simply, the Secretary cannot fulfill the statutory obligation of ensuring that employers ‘‘maintain accurate records’’ without imposing on employers an ongoing duty to create records for injuries and illnesses in the first place; a duty to maintain accurate records inherently implies an ongoing obligation to create the records that must be maintained.
Accurately means as accurately as the law requires the meter to measure.

Examples of Accurately in a sentence

  • Accurately cut and frame all composite marine bridge timber to a close fit in such a way that the joints will have an even bearing over the entire contact surface.

More Definitions of Accurately

Accurately means the algorithm has to minimize two types of errors: under-detection of flights (i.e. the traveller flew but the algorithm does not detect it) and over-detection (i.e. the algorithm infers the traveller flew while it is not the case). Under-detection reduces the quality of recorded data but over-detection is only annoying for the participants if it occurs frequently. In fact, some over-detection can be beneficial, if not too frequent, since it reminds travellers they participate to a survey. In our solution, the survey asks the participants to confirm that they indeed have taken the plane. When they have not, the system records the information to avoid repeating the mistake in the same cellular network configuration.
Accurately means resulting in the optimal and complete transfer of the meaning of the other language into English and of English into the other language, preserving the content and intent of the other language or English (as the case may be) without omission or distortion and including matters which the interpreter may consider inappropriate or offensive.
Accurately means that the protocol goals should not be considered mere boolean properties because security never is a boolean feature. By contrast, we advocate rea- soning about levels of confidentiality or authentication. “Realistically” means that the model underlying the analy- sis should exceed the limits of the classical Dolev and Yao’s model. We showed how this highlights another consequence of Lowe’s attack on the popular asymmetric Needham- Schroeder protocol. “Formally” means that the analysis should be conducted within a formal framework.
Accurately means careful; precise; lacking errors, i.e. the government institution must understand what the applicant is actually looking for including reviewing the records line- by-line before a decision is made with respect to what, if any, exemptions apply (Guide to FOIP, Ch. 3, p. 16).
Accurately in this context means that { * }.
Accurately in the sense taken here, means that the label of any object shall be determined from the level of the subject creating that object in a manner consistent with the mandatory security policy being enforced by the TCB, or shall be explictly assigned by the SSO or designatee through a trusted path, or shall be imported along with the object in a trustworthy manner.

Related to Accurately

  • Lists has the meaning given to such term in Section 3.22.

  • Disclosure Record means the Company’s prospectuses, annual reports, annual and interim financial statements, annual information forms, business acquisition reports, management discussion and analysis of financial condition and results of operations, information circulars, material change reports, press releases and all other information or documents required to be filed or furnished by the Company under Applicable Securities Laws which have been publicly filed or otherwise publicly disseminated by the Company;

  • Complete means, in reference to an application for a permit, that the application contains all the information necessary for processing the application. Designating an application complete for purposes of permit processing does not preclude the department from requesting or accepting any additional information.

  • Financial Records means any document or summary of information contained in a document, including electronic documents, that contains information about the financial activities or position of a person including, but not limited to, information about the assets, balance sheets, budgets, cash flow, earnings, revenue, expenditures, income, investments, losses, liabilities, payroll, profits, retained earnings, or taxes.

  • Books and Records means all books, records, board minutes, contracts, licenses, insurance policies, environmental audits, business plans, files, computer files, computer discs and other data and software storage and media devices, accounting books and records, financial statements (actual and pro forma), filings with Governmental Authorities and any and all records and instruments relating to the Collateral or otherwise necessary or helpful in the collection thereof or the realization thereupon.

  • Perfection Certificate is defined in Section 5.1.

  • Description sets out the scope of the sector, sub-sector or activities covered by the reservation; and

  • Schedules means the schedules to this Agreement.

  • Records means any written or recorded information, regardless of physical form or characteristics, which is produced or acquired by the Party in the performance of this agreement. Records produced or acquired in a machine readable electronic format shall be maintained in that format. The records described shall be made available at reasonable times during the period of the Agreement and for three years thereafter or for any period required by law for inspection by any authorized representatives of the State or Federal Government. If any litigation, claim, or audit is started before the expiration of the three-year period, the records shall be retained until all litigation, claims or audit findings involving the records have been resolved.