Termination of Continuous Service definition

Termination of Continuous Service means ceasing to be in Continuous Service as an Employee, Consultant or Director, as determined in the sole discretion of the Administrator. However, for Incentive Stock Option purposes, Termination of Continuous Service will occur when the Awardee ceases to be an employee (as determined in accordance with Section 3401(c) of the Code and the regulations promulgated thereunder) of the Company or one of its Subsidiaries. The Administrator shall determine whether any corporate transaction, such as a sale or spin-off of a division or business unit, or a joint venture, shall be deemed to result in a Termination of Continuous Service.
Termination of Continuous Service means the date on which a Participant ceases to be an Eligible Person as a result of a termination of employment or retention with the Company or an Affiliate for any reason, including death, retirement, or resignation with or without cause. For the purposes of the Plan, a Participant’s employment or retention with the Company or an Affiliate shall be considered to have terminated effective on the last day of the Participant’s actual and active employment or retention with the Company or Affiliate, whether such day is selected by agreement with the individual, or unilaterally by the Participant or the Company or Affiliate, and whether with or without advance notice to the Participant. For the avoidance of doubt, and except as required by applicable employment standards legislation, no period of notice or pay in lieu of notice that is given or that ought to have been given under applicable law in respect of such termination of employment or retention that follows or is in respect of a period after the Participant’s last day of actual and active employment or retention shall be considered as extending the Participant’s period of employment or retention for the purposes of determining their entitlement under the Plan. A Participant's transfer of employment to another Employer within the Company Group will not be considered a Termination of Continuous Service.
Termination of Continuous Service means the first day occurring on or after a grant date on which the Participant ceases to be an Employee or Director of, or service provider to, the Company Group, regardless of the reason for such cessation, subject to the following:

Examples of Termination of Continuous Service in a sentence

  • If the Recipient’s Continuous Service with the Company and the Related Entities is terminated for any reason, any Shares of Restricted Stock that are not Vested Shares, and that do not become Vested Shares pursuant to Section 2 hereof as a result of such termination, shall be forfeited immediately upon such termination of Continuous Service and revert back to the Company without any payment to the Recipient.

  • In the event of Optionee’s death, Disability or other termination of Continuous Service Status, the exercisability of this Option is governed by Section below, subject to the limitations contained in this Section 3..

  • In the event of the Grantee’s change in status from Employee to Consultant or Director, the determination of whether such change in status results in a termination of Continuous Service will be determined in accordance with Section 409A of the Code.

  • Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that the Optionee’s Continuous Service is terminated for Cause, then the Option shall immediately terminate on the date of such termination of Continuous Service and shall not be exercisable for any period following such date.

  • If your Continuous Service terminates as a result of your death, the unvested Phantom Performance Units then remaining automatically will become fully vested upon such termination of Continuous Service.

More Definitions of Termination of Continuous Service

Termination of Continuous Service means the Optionee's ceasing to perform services for the Company and its Subsidiaries. Subject to applicable law, the Committee may determine in its reasonable discretion whether the Optionee's continuous service has terminated and the effective date of such termination.
Termination of Continuous Service means the occurrence of any act or event or any failure to act whether pursuant to an employment agreement or otherwise that actually or effectively causes or results in a Participant ceasing, for whatever reason, to be an Employee of the Company or an Affiliate, including, but not limited to, death, Disability, Retirement, termination by the Company or an Affiliate of the Participant's employment with the Company or an Affiliate (whether with or without Cause), and voluntary resignation or termination by the Participant of his or her employment with the Company or an Affiliate. A Termination of Continuous Service also shall occur with respect to an Employee who is employed by an Affiliate if the Affiliate shall cease to be an Affiliate of the Company and the Participant shall not immediately thereafter become an Employee of the Company or another Affiliate. For purposes of the Plan, transfers or changes of employment of a Participant between the Company and an Affiliate (or between Affiliates) shall not be deemed a Termination of Continuous Service.
Termination of Continuous Service means, (a) with respect to any Stockholder, the termination, whether voluntary or involuntary, for any reason, of the Continuous Service of the Stockholder, and (b) with respect to any Stockholder that is also a director (other than DEJ FLP), the failure of such director to attend a validly noticed, scheduled meeting or scheduled make-up meeting more than four times in a year.
Termination of Continuous Service means ceasing to be in Continuous Service as an Employee, Consultant or Director, as determined in the sole discretion of the Administrator. However, for Incentive Stock Option purposes, Termination of Continuous Service will occur when the Awardee
Termination of Continuous Service means that the Participant’s Continuous Service with the Company is terminated and the Participant actually separates from service with the Company and does not continue in his or her prior capacity. Termination of Continuous Service does not include the Participant’s military leave, sick leave or other bona fide leave of absence (such as temporary employment with the government) if the period of leave does not exceed six months, or if longer, so long as his right to reemployment with the Company is provided either in contract or by statute. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Participant’s Continuous Service shall be deemed to have terminated, and Participant shall have suffered an Termination of Continuous Service (except as provided in clause (ii) of the last sentence of this definition), when the Parties reasonably anticipate that Participant will have a permanent reduction in the level of bona fide services provided to the Company, to a level of service that is less than fifty percent (50%) of the average level of bona fide services provided by Participant to the Company in the immediately preceding thirty-six (36) month period. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the term “Termination of Continuous Service” shall (i), except as provided in clause (ii) of this sentence, be construed in accordance with Code Section 409A, together with regulations and guidance promulgated thereunder, as amended from time to time, (ii) not be deemed to occur if a Participant (A) who is an Employees, ceases to be an Employee and simultaneously becomes a Director; (B) who is a Director, ceases to be a Director and simultaneously becomes and Employee, and (C) who is both an Employee and a Director ceases to be an Employee, but continues to provide services as a Director, or ceases to provide services as Director, but continues to provide services as an Employee (in which event, Termination of Continuous Service shall be determined based on Participant’s cessation of Continuous Service as a Director or Employee (whichever is later), as applicable), and (iii) not be deemed to occur solely because a Participant who is (A) an Employee ceases to be an Employee and simultaneously becomes a Consultant or (B) a Consultant ceases to be a Consultant and simulates becomes an Employee.
Termination of Continuous Service means the date on which a Participant ceases to be an Eligible Person as a result of a termination of employment or retention with the Company or an Affiliate for any reason, including death, retirement, or resignation with or without cause. For the purposes of the Plan, a Participant’s employment or retention with the Company or an Affiliate shall be considered to have terminated effective on the last day of the Participant’s actual and active employment or retention with the Company or Affiliate, whether such day is selected by agreement
Termination of Continuous Service or like terms shall mean “separation from service.”