Description of Services definition

Description of Services means the Description of Services set out in Schedule B, attached to the Agreement, and as amended by the City from time to time;
Description of Services or “Services Offering Description” is a document incorporated into the SO by reference which contains a description of the planned Activities for a Time and Materials SO or the Project Deliverables for a Fixed Price SO (a “DOS” or “SOD”, respectively). Unless the SOD is fully set out in the SO, the applicable SOD is as posted at xxxx:// on the date the SO is executed by Customer.
Description of Services. XxXxxxx shall perform the services set forth and described in XxXxxxx’x proposal, dated October 18, 2022 , a copy of which is attached as Exhibit A, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this contract attached as Exhibit B.

Examples of Description of Services in a sentence


  • EXHIBIT “A” DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES EXHIBIT “B” SCHEDULE OF DATA Category of Data Elements Check if Used by Your System Application Technology Meta Data IP Addresses of users, Use of cookies, etc.


  • EXHIBIT “A” DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Boddle Learning, a digital tool that blends math and other curriculum exercises with game-like features accessible on internet-connected devices.

  • EXHIBIT “A” DESCRIPTION OF SERVICES Description : [Box 25] EXHIBIT “ B” SCHEDULE OF DATA Instructions: Operator should identify if LEA data is collected to provide the described services.

More Definitions of Description of Services

Description of Services. 24X7: 24x7 on-site service is available within Principal Area of Maintenance (PAM). Xf on-site service is required, the response time is 4 hours.
Description of Services. As specified in the CD accepted by TELECOM hereunder, TELECOM will provide to CUSTOMER the following Services:
Description of Services. The Plan Sponsor engages MassMutual to provide the Services described in this Agreement and the accompanying Exhibits. At all times, the Services are subject to review and approval by the Plan Sponsor and the legal, tax and other advisors of the Plan Sponsor, as the Plan Sponsor in its sole discretion, determines.
Description of Services. (a "Service Failure"), such Service Failure shall not, regardless of its duration, constitute an eviction of Tenant, constructive or otherwise, or impose upon Landlord any liability whatsoever, including, but not limited to, liability for consequential damages or loss of business by Tenant or, except as provided herein, entitle Tenant to an abatement of rent or to terminate this Lease.
Description of Services. [TYPE HERE A description of the services and activities you will perform as a student extern will perform at this site as well as the population served at this site]. * Students wishing to increase the total hours per week documented in this agreement must first seek explicit approval from their UO advisor before engaging in this work. This approval must be documented in writing and submitted to the Academic Program Coordinator as a supplement to this agreement. Note, students may not exceed 10 hours per week or commit to externship hours during the evening while also engaged in the Child and Family Practicum. Student/Extern agrees to do the following during each academic term for which this agreement applies: Participate in a minimum of 1 hour of individual supervision with the site supervisor for every 10 hours of client contact. Behave in a professional and ethical manner in all externship activities, including compliance with all record-keeping guidelines. Maintain insurance coverage. Read Counseling Psychology Student Handbook requirements for externship. Read all readings and materials as assigned by your site supervisor. Register for CPSY 606 externship credits during the time-frame of the externship. Provide externship supervisor with an end-of-term summary of direct, assessment, supervision, and other hours for supervisor to include in their evaluation. Complete self-evaluation and evaluation of supervision via Tk20, and review with site supervisor. All materials (self-evaluation, evaluation of supervisor & supervisor’s evaluation of extern performance) must be submitted to Tk20 by no later than 4 pm Friday of finals week. If materials are turned in later, you may receive an ‘Incomplete’ for the class until materials are submitted. Supervisor agrees to the following during each academic term for which this agreement applies: Provide a minimum of 1 hour of face-to-face in person or remote (and HIPAA compliant) supervision of the extern’s activities and experiences for every 10 hours of direct client contact by the extern. Provide an end-of-term evaluation of the extern’s performance that is based in part on at least one instance of direct observation of extern, such as live observation (including co-therapy), digital/electronic recording review, and/or videotape/audiotape review. The evaluation will be solicited by email each term. Complete the electronic evaluation form, discuss and electronically sign the evaluation with their supervisee, and sub...
Description of Services. Designee will be named as the Interim CEO of Company reporting to the Board of Directors of Company and, except as specifically provided in the Agreement, shall have such duties and responsibilities as are normally associated with the position of chief executive officer and such other duties and responsibilities as may be reasonably assigned by the Board of Directors of Company. These services shall be rendered on a substantially full-time basis, provided Designee shall be permitted to engage in outside activities which do not materially interfere or conflict with his responsibilities to Company.
Description of Services. The contractor shall provide all management, supplies, equipment, and personnel necessary to support CRAF activation as outlined in this appendix. The CO will resolve any situation or subject not covered herein.