Client Technology definition

Client Technology means Client’s network, routers, switches, computers, communication lines and other equipment, hardware, software or data used in Client’s business.
Client Technology shall have the meaning set forth in Article 11.
Client Technology means know-how, technology, research and other information of Client including and relating to the Manufacturing Process, analytical methods, quality control analysis, specifications, transportation and storage requirements provided by Client to SBL in connection with this MSA and applicable PSA.

Examples of Client Technology in a sentence

  • Client shall transfer the Client Technology, Client Materials, and Cell Line to SBL in accordance with the plan, timelines and quantities agreed upon by the Parties pursuant to a PSA.

More Definitions of Client Technology

Client Technology means any (i) source code, graphics, audio, video, diagrams, photographs, equipment, materials, documentation, technology, software and other Client-specific content that is furnished, provided, created or developed by Client or its designated third-party provider in connection with this Agreement, (ii) any modifications, improvements to, or derivative works of the foregoing, and (iii) any Intellectual Property Rights therein.
Client Technology means know-how, technology, research and other information of Client including and relating to the Manufacturing Process, SOPs, analytical methods, quality control analysis, specifications, transportation and storage requirements provided by Client to SBL in connection with this MSA and any applicable PSA.
Client Technology means all proprietary information, intellectual property and developments owned, developed or licensed by Client relating to the API and the fill formulation containing the API, including, without limitation, patents, patent applications, know-how, inventions, designs, concepts, improvements, technical information, trademarks or trade names. Client hereby grants to Catalent a non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty-free license to use any and all right, title and interest in the Client Technology that is directly or indirectly necessary for the manufacturing and sale of Product during the Term and as may be necessary for Catalent to perform its obligations under this Agreement.
Client Technology means: (a) Client Materials and Client Information; (b) if applicable, Client Results; and (c) all patent and other intellectual property rights in any of the foregoing.
Client Technology means Client's data and Client's proprietary technology, including Client's design, content, software tools, hardware designs, algorithms, software (in source and object forms), user interface designs, network architecture, class libraries, objects and documentation (both printed and electronic), know-how, trade secrets and any related intellectual property rights Client holds throughout the world (whether owned by Client or licensed to Client from a third party) and also including any derivatives, improvements, enhancements, or extensions of Client Technology conceived, reduced to practice, or developed during the DCT term by Client. "Provider Technology" means any of Provider's proprietary technology, including the data center services, software tools, hardware, designs, algorithms, software (in source and object forms), user interface designs, architecture, class libraries, objects, and documentation (both printed and electronic), network designs, know-how, trade secrets, and any related intellectual property rights Provider holds throughout the world (whether owned by Provider or licensed to Provider from a third party) and also including any derivatives, improvements, enhancements, or extensions of Provider Technology conceived, reduced to practice, or developed during the DCT term by Provider. "SLA" or "Service Level Agreements" mean the standards for performance, availability, reliability, quality, and responsiveness that Provider will be required to meet in its performance of the data center services, as those standards are established pursuant to Section 2 of Annex 1, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Client Technology means all Know-How, Patents, and other technology, methods, and processes transferred or otherwise shared with Cytovance by Client or its Affiliates or their respective designees.
Client Technology means all inventions and discoveries, including all patent and other intellectual property rights therein, resulting from, or made during performance of, the SOWs and any and all (i) Client DNA Sequence(s) with respect to any Project, the applicable Client-provided DNA sequence that is the subject of such Project, as specified in any applicable SOW, (ii) all Client Information which is all Information that is disclosed by or on behalf of Client to CMO and/or its Affiliates for use in the performance of the applicable Project, including, without limitation, the applicable Client DNA Sequence, and if the applicable Biologic is (or will be) a Client Biologic, the Manufacturing Process for such Client Biologic, (iii) any and all Client Materials which is all biological and/or chemical materials that are transferred by or on behalf of Client to CMO and/or its Affiliates for use in the performance of the applicable SOW. Client Materials include Client Biologic (and any Improvements thereto created hereunder), but exclude Client-Supplied Raw Materials, and (iv) all Work Product generated by or on behalf of CMO in the performance of any SOW, including all patent and other intellectual property rights therein. Moreover, Client Technology includes any Improvement to CMO’s proprietary vector system or CMO’s proprietary Manufacturing Process (and all Information related thereto) that (i) is specific to the Client DNA Sequence or proprietary Client Materials, or (ii) uses or incorporates a Client DNA Sequence or any Client Information or proprietary Client Materials; including, in each case, all patent and other intellectual property rights in or to any of the foregoing. For clarity, Client Technology shall not include any methods or processes that are conceived solely by CMO or any of its employee(s).