Salary Anniversary Date Adjustment. Permanent employees working under provisional appointment in other classifications or temporary appointments from eligible lists in other classifications shall have their salary adjusted in the provisional or temporary class when such employees reach their salary anniversary date in their permanent class.
Salary Anniversary Date Adjustment. 59
1. Transfer 59
Salary Anniversary Date Adjustment. 56
1. Transfer 56
2. Reemployment In an Intermediate Classification 56
Salary Anniversary Date Adjustment. City and County of San Francisco and Municipal Executives Association July 1, 200612 - June 30, 20124 173.197. Salary step changes for permanent and permanent exempt employees employed in the Office of the Mayor, City Attorney, District Attorney, Public Defender, Sheriff, Assessor or Treasurer shall continue to take place at the discretion of the respective appointing officer, not to exceed the maximum salary of the current schedule of compensation for the class. There shall be no reductions in salary steps. This provision shall apply only to employees in those departments where the current appointing officer is an elected official, and excluding former CAO units. 174.198. Permanent employees working under provisional, exempt or temporary appointments in other job codes shall have their salary adjusted in such other job codes when such employees reach their salary anniversary date in their permanent class. + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5" 300.199. Non-MCCP Eligible Employees. Those MEA-represented employees appointed to classifications that are not eligible for placement into MCCP, who have already been at step 5 for at least 12 months, may be eligible to advance to salary step 6 and, after 12 months at step 6, to salary step 7 for their assigned classification. Salary steps 6 and 7 will be set at 5% increments. Appointing Officers or Adjustment Committee members may seek approval to place employees at step 6 or step 7 based on consideration of whether the placement would serve one or more of the following purposes: to move towards internal equity (which may include issues of compaction), to address demonstrated recruitment or retention issues, to compensate an employee exercising special skill, to compensate an employee assigned to a special assignment of limited duration or to recognize exemplary performance. Such requests shall be solicited as part of the semiannual Range B & C Adjustment process described at paragraph 173. This paragraph shall apply to the following classifications: • 1110 Executive Assistant to the Executive Director, Retirement System • 1161 Executive Assistant to the Administrator, S.F.G.H. • 1164 Administrator, SFGH Medical Center • 1839 Water Conservation Administrator • 1843 Executive Director, Southeast Community Facility Commission • 2620 Food Service Manager Administrator • 2785 Assistant General Services Manager • 3233 Marina Associate Manager • 342...
Salary Anniversary Date Adjustment. Permanent employees working under provisional appointment in other classifications or temporary appointments from eligible lists in other classifications shall have their salary adjusted in the provisional or temporary class when such employees reach their salary anniversary date in their permanent class. Compensation Upon Transfer or Reemployment Transfer 405. An employee transferred from one department to another, but in the same classification, shall transfer at the employee’s current salary, and if the employee is not at the maximum salary for the class, further increments shall be allowed following the completion of the required service based upon the seniority increment anniversary date in the former department.
Salary Anniversary Date Adjustment