Regular Pay. An employee’s regular pay is the employee’s rate inclusive of base pay, and where applicable, experience differential, education differential and certification differential, but shall exclude all other differentials and/or pay rates.
Regular Pay. 415 Compensation shall include regular pay after severance of employment if:
(1) The payment is regular compensation for services during the participant's regular working hours, or compensation for services outside the participant's regular working hours (such as overtime or shift differential), commissions, bonuses, or other similar payments; and
(2) The payment would have been paid to the participant prior to a severance from employment if the participant had continued in employment with the Employer.
Regular Pay. Regular pay means the payment of regular Compensation for services during the Participant's regular working hours, or Compensation for services outside the Participant's regular working hours (such as overtime or shift differential), commissions, bonuses, or other similar payments, but only if the payment would have been paid to the Participant prior to a Severance from Employment if the Participant had continued in employment with the Employer.
Regular Pay. The regular salary of an employee shall be paid every other Friday. When a payday falls on a day that is not a workday, the paycheck shall be issued on the last preceding workday for the employees.
Regular Pay. An employee’s Regular Pay shall include Base Pay, including Education Incentive Pay plus Longevity Pay. Regular Pay shall not include Call-Back Pay, Call-In Pay, Court Call-Back Pay, Court Standby Pay, Overtime Pay, or Uniform Cleaning Reimbursement.
Regular Pay. Whenever in this Agreement the phrase !regular payfi appears, it shall be deemed to include shift differential for those permanently assigned to second and third shifts but shall exclude overtime.
Regular Pay. Exclude Post-Severance OR Compensation composed of regular pay. See Section 1.11(I)(1)(a). [Note: 415 testing Compensation (versus allocation Compensation) must include Post-Severance Compensation composed of regular pay. See Section 4.05(D).]
Regular Pay. Each custodial or maintenance employee shall be compensated in accordance with Schedule “C” or “D,” which are annexed hereto and made a part hereof. The hourly rate to which any employee is entitled pursuant to schedules “C” or “D” is hereinafter designated as “straight time.”
Regular Pay. Pay for any such day of absence shall be the same as the pay which would have been received had the unit member served during the day. A unit member who is absent because of illness or injury for less than a school day shall have a prorated amount of sick leave deducted.