Projects and reports Sample Clauses

Projects and reports. National Internship program68 (USAID Labor Market Project et al 2005) The project aimed to improve the employability skills and practical preparedness of Bulgarian graduates through introducing internship programs to Bulgarian universities and companies. The initiative was a huge success, turning internships to a common practice for all universities and many companies in Bulgaria and providing opportunity to thousands of students to gain practical experience. Many students were offered a permanent job after the internships. The joint initiatives brought closer the business and academia and increased the cooperation between them. Their experience was promoted in media and inspired many other companies and universities to work together.
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Projects and reports. System-wide Development of Higher Education Services – Graduate Career Tracking System in Higher Education78 (EDUCATIO Nonprofit Ltd. in consortium with the National Education Office 2011) According to the higher educational law (2005) every university and college is obliged to tracking graduates’ careers, but unfortunately just a few methodically and technically good “tracking graduates’ career” institution work in the country, mainly because of organizational/systemic, and financial deficiencies. In the first round, an efficient, methodologically well founded institution model was prepared. Then the national state of the “tracking graduates’ career” program and the already existing institutional systems was examined; and the institutional questionnaires, former analyses and publications were collected. Yearbooks, pamphlets were published; programs, professional clubs were organized with the participation of Hungarian and international performers; vocational trainings were held; and various online services were developed System-wide Development of Higher Education Services – 2nd Phase79 (EDUCATIO Nonprofit Ltd. in consortium with the National Education Office 2011) The purpose of the project is to create and introduce such integrated branch systems that suit the national requirements and the related policies of the European Union on the following fields: tracking graduates’ career system, database informational systems, Hungarian qualification frame system, and acknowledgement of previously gained knowledge system (validation). The aim is to assure an integrated, complex, higher educational informational basis, through connecting the already started central services and the new developments; as well as the implementation of methodological developments built up in the first section. New Szechenyi Plan: Economy Boosting and Job Creation 78 Source: EDUCATIO Nonprofit Ltd. and National Education Office. 2011. System-wide development of higher education services – Graduate career tracking system in higher education. 79 Source: EDUCATIO Nonprofit Ltd. and National Education Office. 2011. System-wide development of higher education services – Graduate career tracking system in higher education. Between 2011 and 2013 nearly 2000 billion Forint (6,64 million EUR) are available for Hungarian companies in order to strengthen the economy, the consumption and the employment. The emphasis is set on projects boosting the competitiveness of health industry, development o...
Projects and reports. Entrepreneurial University83 (Institute for Private Enterprise and Democracy 2009) Project presents results of the survey of Polish companies concerning their expectation from HE institutions. Companies expect advice on utilisation of the new technology, cooperation in further development of new technology, consultancy on implementation of the research results and invitation to joining research project. This kind of cooperation was scored 4+ in 6 point scale. Companies were less interested in training of managers or preparation of the staff for developed new technologies. These kinds of cooperation were evaluated 3+ in 6 point scale. Results showed, that Polish businesses expect more cooperation in research than in training of future employees. Higher Education Institution Supportive to Employers84 (E-Dialog 2012) Report evaluates (1) Adjustments of the Graduates of Polish HE to the labour market needs; (2) Existing cooperation between HE and Enterprises; (3) Future carrier of graduates of different HE and existing gap in competences of the graduates. Based on responses from 597 employers following gaps were identified:
Projects and reports. Centres of Excellence (CoEs)95 are a measure intended to promote the concentration and horizontal integration of knowledge in the priority technology sectors. CoEs are defined as high- quality multidisciplinary groups of researchers from academia and the business sector, combining xxxxxxxx xxxx of knowledge and adequate research infrastructure for the potential breakthrough of the centres and their involvement in the international networks of excellence. They are aiming at strengthening the transfer and management of new technologies and the development of new technologies in priority areas of research and technological development.
Projects and reports. Management of research contracts104 (University Enterprise Foundation 1999) represents external advice to companies and institutions in the management process, creating and executing research contracts. When a company needs to hire a researcher, FUE looks for the candidates into the universities and provides the company with a group of candidates that fit the company’s requirements. The company will choose the best for its interest. After this process, FUE provides advice on management, creation and execution of contracts that will be formalized. Optimus program105 (University Enterprise Foundation) aims to integrate young graduates in the labour market. The program has two parts: (1) Specific training plan for the student in the company through supervised work is prepared; (2) the student needs to deal with an academic training plan, which complements his tasks carried out in the company. The relationship between companies and HE institutions is strong since the companies are involved in training programs of the HEs. Talent recruitment programs106 (Universia 2011) identify students or graduates with experience and high level of languages. Once identified, they are incorporated in firms, in which they receive support in order to develop their professional skills. A mentor with experience within the company helps them. Candidates are incorporated into training and development programs within the company and they participate into other programs in order to have the chance to be part of the company staff in other countries. Avanza2107 (Ministry of Commerce, Energy and Tourism 2010; Erawatch 2012)

Related to Projects and reports

  • Inspections and Reports 2.1 The department may inspect, in the manner and at reasonable times it considers appropriate, all the contractor's facilities and activities under this contract.

  • Filings and Reports (a) Each year during the term of the Fee Agreement, the Company and any Sponsor Affiliates shall deliver to the County, the County Auditor, the County Assessor and the County Treasurer a copy of their most recent annual filings with the Department with respect to the Project, not later than thirty (30) days following delivery thereof to the Department.

  • PAYMENTS AND REPORTS All payments and reports due hereunder shall be made on or before the day such payments and reports are due. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to extend the expiration of the primary term hereof. Oil royalty payments and supporting documents shall be submitted prior to the last day of the month following each month's sale of production, and gas royalty payments and supporting documents shall be submitted prior to the last day of the second month following each month's sale of production. All payments shall be made by cash, check, certified check, or money order. Payment having restrictions, qualifications, or encumbrances of any kind whatsoever shall not be accepted by Lessor. A penalty for a late payment shall be charged as set forth in the PENALTIES paragraph herein.

  • Accounts and Reports The Company shall maintain a standard system of accounting in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied and provide, at its sole expense, to the Secured Party the following:

  • Studies and Reports All copies in the Seller’s possession of studies and/or reports which have previously been performed in connection with or for the Property, including without limitation, environmental reports, soils studies, seismic studies, physical inspection reports, site plans and surveys, and identification of such studies of which the Seller is aware but that are not in their possession;

  • Data and Reports The School is consistent in providing information, data, documentation, evindence and reports requested by the Commission pursuant to HRS §302D-17. x Review of submissions.

  • Information and Reports The contractor will provide all information and reports required by the Acts, the Regulations, and directives issued pursuant thereto and will permit access to its books, records, accounts, other sources of information, and its facilities as may be determined by the sponsor or the Federal Aviation Administration to be pertinent to ascertain compliance with such Nondiscrimination Acts And Authorities and instructions. Where any information required of a contractor is in the exclusive possession of another who fails or refuses to furnish the information, the contractor will so certify to the sponsor or the Federal Aviation Administration, as appropriate, and will set forth what efforts it has made to obtain the information.

  • RECORDS, INFORMATION AND REPORTS Contractor shall maintain full and accurate records with respect to all matters covered under this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, County shall have free access at all proper times or until the expiration of four (4) years after the furnishing of services to such records, and the right to examine and audit the same and to make transcripts therefrom, and to inspect all data, documents, proceedings, and activities pertaining to this Agreement. To the extent permitted by law, Contractor shall furnish County such periodic reports as County may request pertaining to the work or services undertaken pursuant to this Agreement. The costs and obligations incurred or to be incurred in connection therewith shall be borne by the Contractor.

  • Records and Reports The contractor shall keep such records as necessary to document compliance with the EEO requirements. Such records shall be retained for a period of three years following the date of the final payment to the contractor for all contract work and shall be available at reasonable times and places for inspection by authorized representatives of the contracting agency and the FHWA.

  • Financial Records and Reports Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the Participant’s relevant financial records associated with this Agreement shall not be subject to examination or audit by NASA.

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