ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Landlord shall at any and all times have the right to enter the Demised Premises to inspect the same, to show the Demised Premises to prospective purchasers, lenders or tenants and to post notices of non-responsibility. Landlord shall also have the right to conduct such maintenance and repair of or to the Demised Premises (or the Building) as Landlord may deem necessary, without abatement of Rent, and for that purpose may erect scaffolding and other necessary structures where reasonably required by the character of the work to be performed, always providing that the entrance to the Demised Premises shall not be unreasonably blocked thereby, and further provided that the business of Tenant shall not be interfered with unreasonably. Landlord shall use its reasonable efforts to provide advance notice of any such entry to Tenant and shall attempt to minimize interference with Tenant’s business. Tenant hereby waives any claim for damages or for any injury or inconvenience to or interference with Tenant’s business, loss of occupancy or quiet enjoyment of the Demised Premises, and any other loss occasioned thereby. For each of the aforesaid purposes, Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock all of the doors in, upon and about the Demised Premises, excluding Tenant’s vaults, safes and files. Landlord shall have the right to use any and all means which Landlord may deem proper to open said doors in an emergency, in order to obtain entry to the Demised Premises without liability to Tenant except for any failure to exercise due care for Tenant’s property. Any entry to the Demised Premises obtained by Landlord by any of such means, or otherwise, shall not under any circumstances be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of the Demised Premises, or an eviction of Tenant from the Demised Premises or any portion thereof.
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ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Landlord reserves the right at all reasonable times and upon reasonable notice to Tenant (except in the case of an emergency) to enter the Premises to (i) inspect them; (ii) show the Premises to prospective purchasers, or to current or prospective mortgagees, ground or underlying lessors or insurers or, during the last twelve (12) months of the Lease Term, to prospective tenants; (iii) post notices of nonresponsibility; or (iv) alter, improve or repair the Premises or the Building, or for structural alterations, repairs or improvements to the Building or the Building’s systems and equipment. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article 27, Landlord may enter the Premises at any time to (A) perform services required of Landlord, including janitorial service; (B) take possession due to any breach of this Lease in the manner provided herein; and (C) perform any covenants of Tenant which Tenant fails to perform. Landlord may make any such entries without the abatement of Rent, except as otherwise provided in this Lease, and may take such reasonable steps as required to accomplish the stated purposes. Tenant hereby waives any claims for damages or for any injuries or inconvenience to or interference with Tenant’s business, lost profits, any loss of occupancy or quiet enjoyment of the Premises, and any other loss occasioned thereby. For each of the above purposes, Landlord shall at all times have a key with which to unlock all the doors in the Premises, excluding Tenant’s vaults, safes and special security areas designated in advance by Tenant. In an emergency, Landlord shall have the right to use any means that Landlord may deem proper to open the doors in and to the Premises. Any entry into the Premises by Landlord in the manner hereinbefore described shall not be deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of, the Premises, or an actual or constructive eviction of Tenant from any portion of the Premises. No provision of this Lease shall be construed as obligating Landlord to perform any repairs, alterations or decorations except as otherwise expressly agreed to be performed by Landlord herein.
ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Landlord reserves, and shall at all reasonable times upon twenty-four (24) hours prior notice (except in the case of an emergency, in which case no notice is required) have, the right to enter the Premises to inspect them; to perform any services to be provided by Landlord hereunder; to submit the Premises to prospective purchasers, mortgagers or tenants; to post notices of nonresponsibility; and to alter, improve or repair the Premises and any portion of the Complex, all without abatement of rent; and may erect scaffolding and other necessary structures in or through the Premises where reasonably required by the character of the work to be performed; provided, however, that the business of Tenant shall be interfered with to the least extent that is reasonably practical. For each of the foregoing purposes, Landlord shall at all times have and retain a key with which to unlock all of the doors in an emergency in order to obtain entry to the Premises, and any entry to the Premises obtained by Landlord by any of said means, or otherwise, shall not under any circumstances be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into or a detainer of the Premises or an eviction, actual or constructive, of Tenant from the Premises or any portion thereof. Landlord shall also have the right at any time to change the arrangement or location of entrances or passageways, doors and doorways, and corridors, elevators, stairs, toilets or other public parts of the Complex and to change the name, number or designation by which the Complex is commonly known, and none of the foregoing shall be deemed and actual or constructive eviction of Tenant, or shall entitle Tenant to any reduction of rent hereunder, so long as such changes do not adversely affect Tenant’s occupancy or access to the Premises.
ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Landlord may enter the Premises at reasonable hours with notice to Tenant to (a) inspect the Premises; (b) exhibit the Premises to prospective purchasers, lenders, or tenants; (c) determine whether Tenant is complying with all obligations under this Lease; (d) and 24 hour notice to Tenant to supply janitorial service and any other services to be provided by Landlord under this Lease; (e) post notices of nonresponsibility; and (f) make repairs or perform maintenance required of Landlord by this Lease, make repairs to any adjoining space or utility services, or make repairs, alterations, or improvements to any other portion of the Building. However, all this work shall be done as promptly as reasonably possible and cause as little interference to Tenant as reasonably possible. Subject to Landlord’s undertakings in the previous sentence, Tenant waives any damage claims for inconvenience to or interference with Tenant’s business or loss of occupancy or quiet enjoyment of the Premises caused by Landlord’s entry. At all times Landlord shall have a key with which to unlock the doors on the Premises, excluding Tenant’s vaults, safes, and similar areas designated as secure areas in writing by Tenant in advance. In an emergency, Landlord shall have the right to use any means that Landlord deems proper to open Tenant’s doors and enter the Premises. Entry to the Premises by Landlord in an emergency shall not be construed as a forcible or unlawful entry, a detainer, or an actual or constructive eviction of Tenant. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall provide Tenant with 24 hours notice prior to entering the Premises, except in the event of an emergency, Landlord may enter the Premises without providing such notice.
ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Landlord reserves the right at all reasonable times and upon at team forty-eight (49) hours prior written notice to Tenant (except no such notice shall be required in emergencies) to enter the Premises to: (i) inspect them; (ii) show the Premises to prospective purchasers, mortgagees or, during the last six (6) months of the Lease Term, to prospective tenants of the Premises (so long as prior to such entry, Landlord notifies Tenant of the identity of such parties), or to the ground or underlying lessors; (iii) to post notices of nonresponsibility; or (iv) alter, improve or repair the Premises or the Building if necessary to comply with current building codes or other applicable Laws, or for structural alterations, repairs or Improvements to the Building, or as landlord may otherwise reasonably desire or deem reasonably necessary. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this Article 22, Landlord may enter the Premises at any time without notice to Tenant, in emergency situations and/or to perform janitorial or other services required of Landlord pursuant to this Lease. Any such entries shall be without the abatement of Rent (except as provided in Section 6.5 above) and shall include the right to take such reasonable steps as required to accomplish the stated purposes. Tenant hereby waives any claims for damages or for any injuries or inconvenience to or interference with Tenant's business, lost profits, any loss of occupancy or quiet enjoyment of the Premises, and any other loss occasioned thereby. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary set forth in this Article 22, Landlord agrees, absent an emergency, or Landlord's exercise of its rights and remedies under Article 19 of this Lease, to be accompanied by a representative of Tenant but only if such representative is reasonably made available to Landlord at the time Landlord desires to so enter the Premises. In no event will Landlord be liable to Tenant for failing to perform its obligations under this Lease if Landlord's failure to perform any such obligations is the result of Landlord being denied access to the Premises because a representative of Tenant was not available at the time of Landlord's desired entry into the Premises to perform such obligations. For each of the above purposes, Landlord shall at all times have a key with which to unlock all the doors in the Premises, excluding Tenant's vaults, safes and special security areas designated in advance by Tenant. In an emergency. Landl...
ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Tenant shall permit Landlord, and Landlord’s agents, to enter the Premises at all reasonable times for any of the following purposes: (a) to inspect the Premises, (b) to supply any services or to perform any maintenance obligations of Landlord, including the erection and maintenance of such scaffolding, canopies, and fences, as may be required, (c) to make such improvements, replacements or additions to the Premises or the Property as Landlord deems necessary or desirable, (d) to post notices of nonresponsibility, (e) to place any usual or ordinary “for sale” signs, or (f) within six (6) months prior to the expiration of this Lease, to place any usual or ordinary “for lease” signs. No such entry shall result in any rebate of rent or any liability to Tenant for any loss of occupation or quiet enjoyment of the Premises. Landlord shall give reasonable notice to Tenant prior to any entry except in an emergency, or unless Tenant consents at the time of entry. If Tenant is not personally present to open and permit an entry into the Premises, at any lime when for any reason an entry therein shall be necessary or permissible, Landlord or Landlord’s agents may enter the same by a master key, or may forcibly enter the same without rendering Landlord or such agents liable therefor, and without in any manner affecting the obligations and covenants of this Lease. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be deemed or construed to impose upon Landlord any obligation, responsibility or liability whatsoever for the care, maintenance or repair of the Premises or any part thereof, except as otherwise specifically provided herein. Landlord will at all times exercise its rights pursuant to this Lease in a manner so as to minimize interference with Tenant use of and access to the Premises.
ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Upon no less than twenty-four (24) hours’ prior notice which may be given orally to Xxxx Xxxxxx or his designee identified in a written notice to Landlord, Landlord shall at any and all times have the right to enter the Premises to inspect the same, to show the Premises to prospective purchasers or (in the last six (6) months of the Lease Term or any Extended Term) tenants and to post notices of non-responsibility. Landlord shall also have the right to conduct such maintenance and repair of or to the Premises (or the Building) as this Lease requires or allows Landlord to perform, without abatement of Rent, and for that purpose may erect scaffolding and other necessary structures where reasonably required by the character of the work to be performed, always providing that the entrance to the Premises shall not be unreasonably blocked thereby, and further provided that the business of Tenant shall not be interfered with unreasonably. Landlord shall attempt to minimize interference with Tenant’s business. Tenant hereby waives any claim for damages or for any injury or inconvenience to or interference with Tenant’s business, loss of occupancy or quiet enjoyment of the Premises, and any other loss occasioned thereby, unless occasioned by the willful act or negligence of Landlord, its agents, employees or contractors. Landlord shall have the right to access without notice and to use any and all means which Landlord may deem proper to open said doors in an emergency, in order to obtain entry to the Premises without liability to Tenant except for any failure to exercise due care for Tenant’s property. Any entry to the Premises obtained by Landlord by any of such means, or otherwise, shall not under any circumstances be construed or deemed to be a forcible or unlawful entry into, or a detainer of the Premises, or an eviction of Tenant from the Premises or any portion thereof.
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ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Landlord may enter the Premises to inspect, show or clean the Premises or to perform or facilitate the performance of repairs, alterations or additions to the Premises or any portion of the Building. Except in emergencies or to provide Building services, Landlord shall provide Tenant with reasonable prior verbal notice of entry and shall use reasonable efforts to minimize any interference with Tenant’s use of the Premises. If reasonably necessary, Landlord may temporarily close all or a portion of the Premises to perform repairs, alterations and additions. However, except in emergencies, Landlord will not close the Premises if the work can reasonably be completed on weekends and after Building Service Hours. Entry by Landlord shall not constitute a constructive eviction or entitle Tenant to an abatement or reduction of Rent.
ENTRY BY LANDLORD. Tenant shall permit Landlord and Landlord's agents to enter the Premises at all reasonable times for any of the following purposes: (a) to inspect the Premises, (b) to supply any services or to perform any maintenance obligations of Landlord, including the erection and maintenance of such scaffolding, canopies, fences, and props as may be required, (c) to make such improvements, replacements or additions to the Premises or the Center as Landlord deems necessary or desirable, (d) to post notices of nonresponsibility, (e) to place any usual or ordinary "for sale" signs, or (f) within six (6) months prior to the expiration of this Lease, to place any usual or ordinary "for lease" signs. No such entry shall result in any rebate of rent or any liability to Tenant for any loss of occupation or quiet enjoyment of the Premises. Landlord shall give reasonable notice to Tenant prior to any entry except in an emergency or unless Tenant consents at the time of entry. If Tenant is not personally present to open and permit an entry into the Premises, at any time when for any reason an entry therein shall be necessary or permissible, Landlord or Landlord's agents may enter the same by a master key, or may forcibly enter the same without rendering Landlord or such agents liable therefor, and without in any manner affecting the obligations and covenants of this Lease. Nothing herein contained, however, shall be deemed or construed to impose upon Landlord any obligation, responsibility or liability whatsoever for the care, maintenance or repair of the Premises or any part thereof, except as otherwise specifically provided herein.
ENTRY BY LANDLORD. At all reasonable times and upon no less than 24 hours prior notice to Tenant, or in an emergency, Landlord may enter the Premises to (i) inspect the Premises; (ii) show the Premises to prospective purchasers, current or prospective Security Holders or insurers, or, during the last 12 months of the Term (or while an uncured Default exists), prospective tenants; (iii) post notices of non-responsibility; or (iv) perform maintenance, repairs or alterations. At any time and without notice to Tenant, Landlord may enter the Premises to perform required services; provided, however, that except in an emergency, Landlord shall provide Tenant with reasonable prior notice (which notice, notwithstanding Section 25.1, may be delivered by e-mail, fax, telephone or orally and in person) of any entry to perform a service that is not performed on a monthly or more frequent basis. If reasonably necessary, Landlord may temporarily close any portion of the Premises to perform maintenance, repairs or alterations. In an emergency, Landlord may use any means it deems proper to open doors to and in the Premises. Except in an emergency, Landlord shall use reasonable efforts to minimize interference with Tenant’s use of the Premises. Without limiting the foregoing, except in an emergency, any unreasonably noisy or otherwise disruptive work performed by Landlord in the Premises pursuant to this Section 18 shall be performed outside of normal business hours. Except in an emergency, Tenant may have one of its employees accompany Landlord if Tenant makes such employee available when Landlord enters the Premises. No entry into or closure of any portion of the Premises pursuant to this Section 18 shall render Landlord liable to Tenant, constitute a constructive eviction, or excuse Tenant from any obligation hereunder.
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