Deliverable No Sample Clauses

Deliverable No. 3 – Construction Tasks that are eligible for reimbursement are as follows:
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Deliverable No. 2 – Construction
Deliverable No. 3: A.3. Результати Субпідрядник надає Кімонікс такі результати, у відповідності до графіку, що встановлюється у Розділі А.4. нижче. Результат № 1: Результат № 2: Результат № 3: A.3. Deliverables Schedule The Subcontractor shall submit the deliverables described above in accordance with the following Deliverables Schedule: Deliverable 1. Due date for Deliverable 1 is , 201 Deliverable 2. Due date for Deliverable 2 is , 201 Deliverable 3. Due date for Deliverable 3 is , 201 *Deliverable numbers refer to those fully described in Section A.3, above. Chemonics reserves the unilateral right to terminate this fixed price subcontract at any time, paying for all deliverables completed at the time of termination and a pro-rata share of any deliverable in progress, in accordance with FAR Clause 52.249-1, Termination for Convenience of the Government (Fixed Price) (Short Form) (April 1984), which is incorporated by reference herein. Chemonics may order changes in the scope of work above pursuant to the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Clause 52.243-1 (Alt.III), Changes—Fixed Price, which is incorporated by reference herein. Any change in the Subcontractor’s scope of work and/or deliverable(s) requires prior written authorization of Chemonics through a modification to this subcontract. A.4. Графік досягнення результатів Субпідрядник надає описані вище результати роботи згідно з наступним графіком: Результат 1. Термін надання результату 1: 201 р. Результат 2. Термін надання результату 2: 201 р. Результат 3. Термін надання результату 3: 201 р. 2017 р. * Відповідні результати докладно описані в Розділі А.3 вище. Кімонікс зберігає одностороннє право припинити дію Субконтракту з фіксованою ціною в будь- який час, з оплатою всіх результатів, що завершені на час припинення, та пропорційною оплатою частки результатів, що знаходяться в процесі досягнення, у відповідності до пункту FAR 52.249-1, Припинення в інтересах держави (фіксована ціна) (короткостроковий) (квітень 1984 року), який включено шляхом посилання до цього документу. Кімонікс може вимагати внесення змін до технічного завдання, що міститься вище, відповідно до пункту 52.243-1 Федеральних Положень про Закупівлі (FAR) (Alt.ІІІ), Зміни – Фіксована ціна, який включено шляхом посилання до цього документу. Будь-які зміни до технічного завдання Субпідрядника та/чи результатів вимагають попереднього письмового дозволу від Кімонікс через внесення змін до цього субконтракту.
Deliverable No. 1 – Project Implementation Tasks that are eligible for reimbursement are as follows:
Deliverable No. 2 and subsequent ones (Progress Report(s)) [Each report shall include: Narrative summary of the status of activities to demonstrate the progress towards the agreed Deliverables and the linkage between the payments made under this Agreement and deliverables, outputs or results in Annex I; Interim Financial reporting on the use of funds and the Payment Request for the next installment signed by an authorized UNIDO staff in charge of the Technical Assistance; In the case of the final Deliverable (Final Progress Report) upon Completion or Early Termination, a consolidated financial summary on the use of funds for deliverables set forth in Annex I, offset of any paid advances, and any uncommitted balances to be refunded shall be included. The Government will consult with the Bank and will provide UNIDO with the payment instructions. All financial reports shall be expressed in United States dollars. The UN Operational Rate of Exchange shall be used for converting expenditures made in other currencies. The final Deliverable (Progress Report) shall include a financial statement signed by an authorized official of the UNIDO: “We hereby confirm to the best of our knowledge and based on the available records that the above amounts have been paid for the proper execution of the Agreement and in accordance with the terms and conditions thereof. We confirm that the share of supplies and equipment has not exceeded the share (percentage) approved for this Agreement. All documentation authenticating these expenditures has been retained by UNIDO in accordance with its document retention policy and will be available to UNIDO’s External Auditors for examination in the course of the audit of UNIDO’s Financial Statements. Signed by: Name and Title: Date: ___________________________ ANNEX IV Counterpart Staff, Services, Facilities and Property to Be Provided by the Government The Parties agree that the Government commits to provide, at its own expense and at no cost to UNIDO, the following inputs to facilitate successful implementation of this Agreement: Government Staff (qualified experts to work with UNIDO team): [include the list of names, titles, brief qualifications. Indicate “n/a” if none are provided] Surveys and Technical Inputs [for example, surveys, drawings, files, maps, software, etc., or insert “n/a” if none are provided] Services [for example, office cleaning, utilities, communication, etc. , or insert “n/a” if none are provided] Facilities [for example, office spa...
Deliverable No. 2.a. and 2.c.: Consultant meets with City per attached Project Schedule and presents work products.
Deliverable No. 1.1: The Authority will appoint a website design team, whose members will include a representative from the Authority’s public relations firm.
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Deliverable No. 2 (Federal Grant No. 1) - The Contractor will create text messaging and social media marketing campaign on approved Campaign messaging to help promote the RRRCK and encourage participation and action throughout RRWO. The Contractor will identify and work with culturally-sensitive, drug-free social influencers in Texas to provide social media posts during RRRCK/RRWO on their own channels to help amplify key messages. The content developed under this Deliverable No. 2 will also be a part of the year-long editorial calendar described in Deliverable No. 9. The text messaging and social media campaign developed under this Deliverable No. 2 will run on a schedule as approved by System Agency and use the GovDelivery system. The Contractor will utilize social media content for digital social media promotion.
Deliverable No. 2 – Construction Hire Florida licensed contractor to purchase and install a permanent emergency generator of sufficient size to accomplish required operations at 100%, a dedicated diesel fuel tank and all associated electrical connections and switches for the Majette Yard Fuel Island in Panama City, Florida.
Deliverable No. 2 – Create a high-level conceptual network design.
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