Work Products definition

Work Products are defined as all materials, tangible or not, created in whatever medium pursuant to this Agreement, including without limitation publications, promotional or educational materials, reports, manuals, specifications, drawings and sketches, computer programs, software and databases, schematics, marks, logos, graphic designs, notes, matters and combinations thereof, and all forms of intellectual property.
Work Products means all Documents or Information that the City and/or Contractor creates, develops, modifies, prepares, produces, or writes under, pursuant to, or in connection with this Agreement. “Work Products” does not mean or include the Software, the Source Code, or Object Code.
Work Products does not mean or include the Software, the Source Code, or Object Code.

Examples of Work Products in a sentence

  • Submission or distribution of Engineering Work Products to meet official regulatory requirements or for similar purposes in connection with the Project is permitted.

  • Any unauthorized use of the Engineering Work Products shall be at County's sole risk and without liability to Engineer and its Engineers.

  • However, County shall be permitted to authorize the contractor, subcontractors and material or equipment suppliers to reproduce applicable portions of the Engineering Work Products appropriate to and for use in the execution of the Work.

  • Upon such agreement between the parties, Engineering Work Products or other data provided in the agreed upon electronic format may be relied upon by the receiving party.

  • The parties shall mutually agree to an electronic format for Engineering Work Products or other data, including any special limitations not otherwise provided in this Contract, prior to any such Engineering Work Products or data being submitted electronically by either party to the other party.

More Definitions of Work Products

Work Products means tangible products, such as reports, papers, data sets, books, or other materials resulting from PCORI-funded research projects.
Work Products means all items in the nature of computer software, including source code, object code, scripts, and any components or elements of the foregoing, or items created using the configuration tools of the Software, together with any and all design documents associated with items in the nature of computer software, in each case which are created, developed, discovered, conceived or introduced by Service Provider, working either alone or in conjunction with others, in the performance of services under this Agreement. ATTACHMENT B TO HOSTING AGREEMENT ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY FOR HOSTING
Work Products means products derived from our performance of Gene Synthesis Services pursuant to the applicable order confirmation and delivered by us to you.
Work Products means any Improvements, designs, drawings, specifications, documentation, computer software, reports, training materials, inventions, discoveries and other items made by or on behalf of IMGIS in connection with the provision of Development Services.
Work Products means all inventions, original works of authorship, discoveries, designs, processes, algorithms, programs and software (whether in source code, executable code, object code or otherwise), developments, concepts, formulae, business methods, improvements and trade secrets, whether or not patentable or registrable under copyright or otherwise subject to protection under intellectual property laws, which I have to date or may in the future solely or jointly conceive or develop or reduce to practice, or cause to be conceived or developed or reduced to practice, during the period of time I have been and continue to be in the employ of the Corporation, that (a) relate to the business of the Corporation or any other Person with which the Corporation is doing business or invested in or is considering doing business with or investing in, or any of the products or services being developed, manufactured or sold by the Corporation or any other such Person, (b) relate to the Corporation’s actual or demonstrably anticipated processes, research or development, (c) result from tasks assigned to me by the Corporation, or (d) result from the use of premises, facilities or personal property (whether tangible or intangible) owned, leased or contracted for by the Corporation.
Work Products means all writings, reports, drawings, plans, data, video, media, photographs, renderings, plans, software, models, and other similar documents and materials developed or created by Consultant or its Subconsultants on behalf of or for use by EBCE under this Agreement. All Work Product(s) will be considered “works made for hire,” and together with any and all intellectual property rights arising from their creation will be and remain the property of EBCE without restriction or limitation upon their use, duplication or dissemination by EBCE. Consultant agrees not to obtain or attempt to obtain copyright protection in its own name for any Work Product.
Work Products means work products which shall be delivered by the Supplier in connection with and as part of the performance of the Services as set out in the Agreement and/or Purchase Order. Any provision regarding the performance of Services shall, as applicable, also cover the delivery of any Work Products. The provisions explicitly referring to Work Products apply only when Work Products are procured.