Examples of Step 1 in a sentence
Note: Step 1 (Informal Resolution Process) is not required in order to proceed to Step 2 (Formal Complaint Process).
The dollar amounts for compensation shall be equal to the amount expended for para time in a given situation and based on the Para-Educator Step 1 hourly rate in effect for the school year prior to the current school year.
Step 1: The aggrieved employee, with their Association representative, shall take up the grievance or dispute orally with the Deputy Fire Chief.
This concern must be in writing and submitted within five (5) working days from the date of the Step 1 decision.
If the grievance is not resolved at Step 1, the Union may request a pre-arbitration review meeting (PARM) by filing the written grievance including a copy of all previous responses and supporting documentation with the OFM State Human Resources Labor Relations & Compensation Policy Section (LRS) with a copy to the WSDOT ferries division Labor Relations Office within fifteen (15) days of the Step 1 decision.