Step 1 definition

Step 1. The aggregate amount of qualified investments for the Taxable Year multiplied by the Award Percentage equals the maximum credit amount eligible for the qualified investments made in that Taxable Year (the “Maximum Taxable Year Credit Amount”);
Step 1. Any Supervisor who has cause to suspect that an employee is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or chemicals shall immediately relieve said employee from duty with pay in order to protect said employee, fellow employees and the public from harm. Supervisors shall receive training by certified drug and alcohol experts on how to detect and process substance abuse cases.
Step 1. The aggrieved employee (the "grievor"), or a Union Representative/Xxxxxxx on the grievor's behalf, may submit a written grievance to the manager of the Department or their equivalent in the organizational unit involved within 10 business days of the date the Informal Resolution Stage response was provided. The grievance should outline the facts giving rise to the grievance, the Article(s) of the Agreement alleged to have been violated, and the relief sought. The grievance must be dated and be signed by the grievor and a Union Representative/Xxxxxxx if available. The immediate supervisor, or their designate, will provide the grievor and the Union with a written response within 10 business days after the grievance was submitted.

Examples of Step 1 in a sentence

  • Note: Step 1 (Informal Resolution Process) is not required in order to proceed to Step 2 (Formal Complaint Process).

  • The dollar amounts for compensation shall be equal to the amount expended for para time in a given situation and based on the Para-Educator Step 1 hourly rate in effect for the school year prior to the current school year.

  • Step 1: The aggrieved employee, with their Association representative, shall take up the grievance or dispute orally with the Deputy Fire Chief.

  • This concern must be in writing and submitted within five (5) working days from the date of the Step 1 decision.

  • If the grievance is not resolved at Step 1, the Union may request a pre-arbitration review meeting (PARM) by filing the written grievance including a copy of all previous responses and supporting documentation with the OFM State Human Resources Labor Relations & Compensation Policy Section (LRS) with a copy to the WSDOT ferries division Labor Relations Office within fifteen (15) days of the Step 1 decision.

More Definitions of Step 1

Step 1. The monthly average or the mean for each performance measurement that would yield the critical z-value for each applicable non-conforming month shall be calculated. The same denominator as the one used in calculating the z-statistic for the measurement shall be used. (For benchmark measurements, the benchmark value shall be used.)
Step 1. In the event that a dispute arising on the job cannot be satisfactorily adjusted on the job between the representative of the Union involved and the Employer, the same shall promptly (not later than five (5) working days), be referred to the Authorized Representative of the Union and the Employer or his/her authorized representative. Should they fail to effect a settlement:
Step 1. The grievant shall present a grievance in writing to the Principal (or the program director who made the decision), setting forth the specific Agreement provision being violated, and stating the remedy sought. The Principal shall conduct a meeting with the grievant and Association within seven (7) days of acknowledged receipt of the grievance, and shall provide a written response including the reason(s) upon which the decision is based to the grievant/Association within seven (7) days of said meeting.
Step 1. Any nurse who desires to present a grievance shall first present it in 28 writing, or by electronic submission, to the nurse's Department Manager or 29 designee and in no event later than fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of 30 occurrence. A grievance relating to pay shall be timely if submitted within 31 fourteen (14) calendar days after the pay day for the period during which the 1 grievance occurred. The immediate supervisor's reply is due within fourteen (14) 2 calendar days of presentation.
Step 1. If a nurse has a complaint, the nurse shall first complain to her/his immediate Supervisor within 5 working days following the date upon which the circumstances which led up to the complaint occurred. If a satisfactory response is not received within three (3) working days then the nurse may submit a written grievance and the grievance procedure shall be followed as under Step No. 2, below. It is understood that no grievance shall be submitted until the matter has been presented to the immediate Supervisor and the Supervisor has been given the opportunity to answer the complaint.
Step 1. An employee with his or her Shop Xxxxxxx or Union Representative who is not an employee of the company shall, within ten (10) days immediately following the event or circumstances giving rise to the grievance, attempt to resolve the grievance through discussion with his or her immediate supervisor. The supervisor shall state his or her decision to the Shop Xxxxxxx or Union Representative within five (5) days immediately following the day on which the grievance was first discussed with the supervisor.
Step 1. The proposer that has the highest number of 1st place rankings shall be deemed the first ranked proposer. In the event a tie still exists the proposer with the highest number of 2nd, place rankings shall be the first ranked proposer. Should a tie still remain the method used above will continue with each ranking level, 3rd, then 4th, then 5th , etc. rank, will be counted until the tie is broken.