GRIEVANCE AND. It is agreed by the parties hereto that the grievances of employees should be adjusted as quickly as possible. If an employee has a grievance he his designated representative shall discuss it with his supervisor within thirty (30) days after the alleged grievance has arisen so that his supervisor may have the opportunity of adjusting the grievance on a department level. The supervisor's written to the grievance will be given within ten days after such discussion has taken place. For the purpose of this Article the supervisor shall mean the manager of a department or other person designated by Failing settlement, the grievance may be taken up on the following sequence provided it is presented within fifteen (15) days supervisor's reply thereto. The grievance may be presented in to the manager authorized by to deal with such grievance, and setting forth, the nature of the grievance, the article number of the Agreement alleged to have been violated, the surrounding circumstances and the remedy sought. The authorized representative of shall arrange a meeting with the Guild and a committee of not more than (2) employees of within ten (10) days of the receipt of the grievance at which the may attend if requested by either party in the company of the Guild representative and provided they can be spared operationally by for the purpose of assistance at the meeting as he considers necessary and will give the his decision in writing within ten (IO) days following the meeting, with a copy to the Guild representative. In the event that any difference arising from the interpretation, application or alleged contravention of Agreement has not been satisfactorily settled under the foregoing Grievance Procedure, the matter shall then, by notice in writing given to within thirty (30) days of the date of the decision from the Manager for Canada or his designate, be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. All such matters referred to arbitration, including any question as to whether the matter is arbitrable, shall be heard by an arbitrator appointed by the Guild and If the Guild and fail to agree upon an arbitrator within (30) days of the date of receipt of the notice of intention to arbitrate, the appointment shall be made by the Minister of Labour upon the request of either party. The arbitrator shall hear and determine the dispute and shall issue a decision and the decision shall be final and binding upon both parties. The arbitrator shall not be authorized to alt...
GRIEVANCE AND. For the purpose of plaint is defined as a member of the bargaining parties hereto relating administration or alleged this Agreement, a grievance or difference arising either between a unit and the Hospital or between the to the interpretation, application, violation of the Agreement. The grievance shall identify the nature of the grievance, the remedy sought, and should, where possible specify the pro- visions of the Agreement which are alleged to have been vio- lated. At the time formal discipline is imposed or at any stage of the grievance procedure an employee shall have the right, upon request, to the presence of his/her xxxxxxx. In the case of suspension or discharge, the Hospital shall notify the employee of his right in advance. Where the Hospital deems it necessary to suspend or dis- charge an employee, the Hospital shall notify the Union of such suspension or discharge in writing, within three days. It is the mutual desire of the parties hereto that com- plaints shall be adjusted as quickly as possible, and it is understood that an employee has no grievance until he has first given his immediate supervisor the opportunity of adjusting his complaint. The may have the assistance of a union xxxxxxx if he so desires. Such complaint shall be discussed with his immediate super- visor within five days after the circumstances giving rise to it have occurred or ought reasonably to have come to the attention of the employee. Failing settlement within the five days, it shall then be taken up as a grievance within five days following his immediate supervisor's decision in the following manner and sequence. S
GRIEVANCE AND. Any grievance concerning the application or alleged violation of this Agreement shall be reduced to within ten (10) days of its occurrence, on forms supplied by the Union, and shall up in the following manner: STEP Within five (5) days of the grievance, a conference between the aggrieved Xxxxxxx, and Operations Supervisorwill be held. The Supervisor will give his answer in writing within three (3) and if the grievance remains unsettled, it will be referred to STEP 2: A conference between or officials of the Union and the Genera1Manager shall place within fourteen (14) days after the matter has been to the General Manager. The General Manager will give his decision in writing within three (3) working days and failing a the matter be referred to a Board I of Arbitration. of all parties. Time be changed by mutual agreement The Board of Arbitration shall consist three (3) arbitrators, one to be appointed by each party to this Agreement and the third to be selected by two so appointed. The party desiring arbitration shall its arbitrator and shall give notice in writing to the other party of such together with a written statement of the to be arbitrated, within days after the decision in Step After receiving such notice in writing, the her party shall an arbitrator and give notice in writing to the other party of appointmentwithin ten (10) days. the event of the two so d unable to select a third arbitrator able and willing to act as Chairman, then party may apply to the Minister of Labour for the Governmentof Canadato a Chairman of the Arbitration Board. The Board of Arbitration so constituted of three (3) members shall then forthwith consider and determine the matters before them and the decision of a majority of the members of the Arbitration Board shall be final and binding on all parties concerned. Each of the parties hereto will bear of the Arbitrator appointed by it, and the parties will jointly bear the of the of the Arbitration Board. Either party shall have the right to appoint anyone they desire to represent them on an Arbitration Board without the of the other party to object to such appointment. The Arbitration Board shall not be to make any inconsistent with the provisions of this Agreement, to alter, modify or amend any part of this Agreement. However, in respect of a involving the discipline or discharge of an employee, the Arbitration be entitled to vary or set aside such penalty if, the opinion of the Board. it is just and equitable to do so. Wh...
GRIEVANCE AND. For the purposes of this Agreement, a grievance is defined as a arising between the parties relating to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of the agreement including any question as to whether a matter is arbitrable. At the time formal discipline is imposed or at any stage of the grievance an employee shall have the right upon request to the presence of xxxxxxx. In the case of suspension or discharge the Hospital shall notify the employee of this right in advance. It is the desire of parties hereto that com- plaints of employees shall be adjusted as quickly as possible, and it is understood that an employee has no grievance until he has first given his immediate supervisor the of adjusting his complaint. Such complaint shall be discussed with his immediate supervisor within nine
GRIEVANCE AND. Arbitration Procedure; provided, however, that an employee who alleges that he or she did not engage in any conduct prohibited by Section 1 may have recourse to Article 29 - Grievance and Arbitration Procedure where the sole question to be decided will be whether the employee engaged in any conduct prohibited by Section 1.
GRIEVANCE AND. (a) A grievance is defined as a difference arising between the parties relating to the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of this agreement. At any stage of the grievance procedure, including the complaint stage, a nurse is entitled to be represented by her nurse representative. It is the mutual desire of the parties that complaints and differencesbe dealt with ina quick fashion. A nurse xxxx discuss her complaint with her supervisor within seven
GRIEVANCE AND. 2 For the purpose of this Agreement, a grievance 0 com- 3 plaint defined as a difference arising either between a 4 member of the bargaining unit and the Hospital or between the 5 parties hereto to the interpretation, application, 6 administration or alleged violation of the Agreement. 7 The grievance shall identify the nature of the grievance, the remedy sought, and should, where possible specify the pro- 3 visions of the Agreement which are alleged to have been vio-
GRIEVANCE AND. Negotiating Committee of three (3) members. - One member will be the Chairman of the Grievance Committee. The President of Local 139 shall be the ranking officer in regard to all Union business other than grievances.
GRIEVANCE AND. The Parties to this Agreement agree that all steps shall be taken to assure that complaints relating to the administration or interpretation of this Agreement shall be adjusted or finalized as quickly as possible. Every effort will be made to settle disputes during the early stage of the grievance procedure. It is understood that the members of the Association’s grievance committee in order to investigate and participate in grievance matters may spend a reasonable amount of time and the Association agrees that the members of its committees will co-operate with the Company in not conducting investigations in a manner which will unduly interfere with the Company’s operations. The Company agrees that it shall not prevent the committee from properly fulfilling its obligations to investigate and settle grievances. Any difference concerning the interpretation, application, administration or alleged violation of the provisions of this Agreement, or an employee who feels he had been unjustly dealt with, the following procedure shall be followed:
Step 1: The grievance shall be in writing, copy of which shall be given to the Branch Supervisor and to the employee’s representative. The grievance must be presented to the Branch Supervisor within five