The Budget. The Communication Protocol.
The Budget. 3.1.9 The Master Schedule, if any;
The Budget. TFC’s Project schedule.
The Budget. 1. The Budget of the Mechanism shall be prepared by the Technical Unit and presented to the Ministerial Council for approval after examination and recommendation by the Forum.
The Budget. The approved project budget in the grant framework constitutes the financial basis for the agreement and project activities. The budget is prepared in DKK and specifies expenses related to the responsible and partner institutions and the researchers involved. Thus, the undersigned parties confirm that they are aware what the project agreement entails for them and their institutions in monetary and activity terms. The budget includes the following budget lines: Salaries and emoluments; Educational grants; Expenses for trips abroad; Research equipment and materials; Publication, dissemination and outreach; Administration fee responsible institution; Administration fee partner institution; Cost for stays in Denmark administered by DFC (DFC expenses); Audit.
The Budget. The approved budget as part of the Grant Framework constitutes the financial basis for the Agreement and project activities. The budget is prepared in USD and specifies expenses related to each Partner. Thus, the Partners confirm that they are aware of what the Grant Framework entails for them in monetary and activity terms. The budget includes the following budget lines: Salaries and emoluments; Educational grants; Expenses for trips and fieldwork; Research equipment and material; Publication, dissemination and outreach; Overhead partner institutions/stakeholders External audit [Insert the main figures form the approved budget, including the sub-budgets].
The Budget. Article 39 The IFSB shall have an annual budget which shall be prepared by the Secretariat and approved by the Council. The budget shall comprise membership fees, grants, contributions, donations and other funds received by the IFSB. When preparing the budget the Secretariat shall take into account the financial position of IFSB.
The Budget. 2. The revenue of the budget shall be derived from the contributions of Member States in such proportions as may be determined by the Council from time to time and from such other sources as may be available to the Council.
The Budget. 3.2.10 the structure of the Offer and the Rollover;
The Budget. The application requires detailed information about the project costs and the sources of funds that will be used in completing the project. The budget will be closely examined by staff and the Advisory Committee. Contingencies are not allowed by HUD and should not be shown as line items in the budget. While incorporating a contingency into the budget is wise, as from application to award time is a year, this line item needs to be assigned to the city/county/non- profit’s budget. The budget will also be examined for "Resource Leveraging" during the rating of the application to determine the percentages of cash and in-kind that is being contributed. The budget and the applicant's response to the question on efforts to obtain alternative funding will be examined in rating the potential project. Definitions for resource leveraging terms of cash, in-kind, volunteer, and effort are as follows: Cash is the commitment of dollars to the project if it receives funding. This would include local funds from the applicant and funds from other local sources such as a general improvement district or senior center. Cash also includes committed funds from state and federal agencies, for example, the Nevada Division of Aging Services or the federal Farmers Home Administration. Evidence of commitment of these funds must be attached to the application. Applications may be funded contingent upon obtaining the sources of funds indicated in the application if evidence of commitment is not available. Commitments of cash will be monitored if the project is funded. It is permissible to include any cash expended in the past year (from application date) on the project. Land purchased in the past year (from application date) may be shown at the cash purchase price. • Attach evidence of ownership. Previous CDBG funding for this project or other projects will not be considered. In-kind refers to the commitment by the community for services to be performed in conjunction with the project alone including force account labor, volunteer labor, administrative costs assumed by the local government, in-house plans or engineering, etc. that will not be paid for with CDBG funds. Land acquired in the past year (from application date) by means other than cash purchase may be included at appraised value. Volunteer refers to the value of volunteer labor that is part of the project. Volunteer labor is identified as in-kind. Effort will be evaluated on two criteria. The application will be reviewed to ...