Examples of Membership Fees in a sentence
If you fail to pay your Membership Fees within 30 days of the start of the Membership Year or within 30 days after the effective date of your Membership, you will be charged a late fee equal to 2% of your outstanding payment, compounded monthly (i.e., every 30 days), until paid in full.
Prebid will determine whether to permit transfer of your Membership to the surviving entity, which approval may be made subject to an adjustment in Membership Tier and/or Membership Class and payment of any appropriate Membership Fees.
For all employees, the College Board agrees to the compulsory check-off (collection) of all Union dues and Membership Fees as a condition of employment.
Prebid will issue an invoice for your Membership Fees on or about the start of each Membership Year and payment of such invoice is due January 30 of the applicable Membership Year.