Somalia Sample Clauses

Somalia. The Fisheries Management Department, under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Fisheries and Blue Economy.
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Somalia. Allocation of 10th EDF - Rules and Procedures of Xxxxx XX of the Cotonou Agreement - FLEX - (poss.) Eligibility Criteria for Non State Actors: Access to Funding under the 10th EDF
Somalia. The list is not exhaustive and other jurisdictions and regions are reviewed, and assigned different blocks or restrictions on a regular basis by the Company’s Compliance Officer.
Somalia. Somalia has the lowest state capacity of all of our cases, and its peace agreements exhibit several trends. First, stability in soci- ety and politics has been non-existent. Second, there is a ten- dency for warlords to agree to the provisions of an agreement and then fail to implement these provisions, leading to the fail- ure of the agreements. Third, the failed Somali state has not had the capacity to enforce any agreements. Shortly after the start of the civil war, several attempts at peace facilitation were made. The Addis Ababa Agreement was the first concerted attempt to end the Somali civil war. The warring powers, with the intervention of the UN, committed to a ceasefire, disarmament, the demobilization of their armies, the establishment of a Transitional National Council (TNC), and the decentralization of power, to name but a few provi- sions. Overall, the Addis Ababa Agreement failed to achieve its stated goals because of the absence of any state apparatus, the further fractionalization of Somalia, violence, and frequent violations of the agreement by all sides. Subsequent attempts were made after the failure of the Addis Ababa Agreement. The UN, as mediator, convinced Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx and Ali Xxxxx Xxxxxxx’x factions to agree to the Nairobi Declaration on National Reconciliation of 1994 (NDNR). The agreement included provisions similar to the failed Addis Abba Agreement (United Nations Security Council, 24 May 1994). The agreement failed for the same reasons as the previous agreement: continuous fighting, lack of progress, and the further collapse of the internal cohesion of the state (Lacey, 2002, 2006). In January 0000, Xxxxx hosted a peace summit attended by most of the major warring factions. The resulting agreement called for all sides to cease fighting, disarm, and demobilize. More importantly, the warring sides agreed to convene the NRC by February 1998. Continuing fractionalization, con- flict, and further economic collapses led to the failure of the Declaration. More importantly, not all warring factions sup- ported the declaration. Over the past decade, no official governmental representa- tives have been available to implement any provisions of the agreements, indicating the state’s inability to implement any comprehensive agreement. Table II illustrates that Somalia did not have the governmental capacity to enforce the provisions of the agreements, nor were the warring factions willing to implement the provisions. As there was no stat...
Somalia. AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES Agricultural commodities agreement with annex. Signed at Washington March 15, 1968; entered into force March 15, 1968. 19 UST 4698; TIAS 6465; 698 UNTS 95. Agricultural commodities agreement. Signed at Mogadiscio March 20, 1978; entered into force March 20, 1978. 30 UST 827; TIAS 9222. Amendment: July 18 and August 10, 1978 (30 UST 2351; TIAS 9341; 1171 UNTS 370). Related agreements: July 11, 1979 (TIAS 10454). June 25, 1980 (32 UST 2245; TIAS 9833). August 14 and 17, 1980 (32 UST 2245; TIAS 9833). January 12, 1981 (33 UST 828; TIAS 10065; 1268 UNTS 65). June 17, 1982 (TIAS 10429). January 30, 1983 (TIAS 10637; 1578 UNTS
Somalia k) Sudan (North & South)

Related to Somalia

  • Záznamy The Institution and the Investigator shall maintain accurate, complete and current records of all Study Data, including the Case Report Forms (or equivalent electronic data), relevant source documents and any other essential documents or materials as required by the Protocol, the Applicable Regulatory Requirements and PSI’s and the Sponsor’s instructions (collectively the "Records"). The Institution and the Investigator shall keep all the Records in a safe and secure location for the period required by the Applicable Regulatory Requirements, or for a period of fifteen (15) years following the completion of the Study, whichever is longer. The Institution and/or the Investigator may destroy the Records at the end of the Records keeping period on the condition that the Institution and/or the Investigator sends written notice to the Sponsor at least sixty (60) days prior to the date deletion/disposal will occur, and, if requested by the Sponsor, cooperates with the Sponsor in extending the Record keeping period or shipping the Records to another facility for storage, at the Sponsor’s reasonable expense. Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející povedou přesné, úplné a aktuální záznamy o všech Studijních údajích, které budou zahrnovat Záznamy subjektů hodnocení (nebo odpovídající údaje v elektronické podobě), příslušné zdrojové dokumenty a jakékoli další nezbytné dokumenty nebo materiály dle požadavků Protokolu, Platných regulačních požadavků a pokynů PSI a Zadavatele (dále jen „Záznamy“). Zdravotnické zařízení a Hlavní zkoušející budou Záznamy uchovávat na bezpečném a zabezpečením místě xx xxxx xxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx regulačními požadavky nebo po dobu patnácti (15) let od dokončení Studie (kterákoli doba bude delší). Zdravotnické zařízení a/nebo Hlavní zkoušející mohou Záznamy po uplynutí lhůty pro uchovávání Záznamů zlikvidovat za podmínky, že Zdravotnické zařízení a/nebo Hlavní zkoušející zašlou Zadavateli oznámení alespoň šedesát (60) dnů před datem vymazání/likvidace Záznamů a na žádost Zadavatele s ním budou spolupracovat na prodloužení lhůty pro uchovávání Záznamů nebo zaslání Záznamů do jiného zařízení, kde budou uloženy, a to na přiměřené náklady Zadavatele.

  • Influenza Vaccine Upon recommendation of the Medical Officer of Health, all employees shall be required, on an annual basis to be vaccinated and or to take antiviral medication for influenza. If the costs of such medication are not covered by some other sources, the Employer will pay the cost for such medication. If the employee fails to take the required medication, she may be placed on an unpaid leave of absence during any influenza outbreak in the home until such time as the employee has been cleared by the public health or the Employer to return to the work environment. The only exception to this would be employees for whom taking the medication will result in the employee being physically ill to the extent that she cannot attend work. Upon written direction from the employee’s physician of such medical condition in consultation with the Employer’s physician, (if requested), the employee will be permitted to access their sick bank, if any, during any outbreak period. If there is a dispute between the physicians, the employee will be placed on unpaid leave. If the employee gets sick as a reaction to the drug and applies for WSIB the Employer will not oppose the application. If an employee is pregnant and her physician believes the pregnancy could be in jeopardy as a result of the influenza inoculation and/or the antiviral medication she shall be eligible for sick leave in circumstances where she is not allowed to attend at work as a result of an outbreak. This clause shall be interpreted in a manner consistent with the Ontario Human Rights Code.

  • CUKAI Jualan hartanah tersebut akan dikenakan cukai berdasarkan mana-mana Akta terkini atau selepasnya yang dikuatkuasa oleh Kerajaan Malaysia yang mana berkenaan. CAJ-CAJ: Sebarang tunggakan caj perkhidmatan atau penyelenggaraan tanpa faedah penalti lewat (jika ada) yang tertunggak xxx perlu dibayar kepada mana-mana pihak berkuasa yang berkenaan xxx/atau pihak Pemaju akan ditanggung oleh pihak Pemegang Xxxxx Xxx/Pemberi Pinjaman setakat tarikh jualan lelongan hartanah tersebut (tertakluk kepada maksimum 10% daripada harga rizab) yang akan dibayar daripada harga pembelian, dengan syarat bahawa Pemegang Xxxxx Xxx/Pemberi Pinjaman menerima xxx xxxx terperinci untuk caj perkhidmatan penyelenggaraan xxx penyata akaun yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak berkuasa xxx/atau pemaju yang berkaitan daripada Pembeli dalam tempoh sembilan puluh (90) hari dari tarikh jualan xxx jika gagal pembeli tidak akan layak untuk apa-apa pembayaran, xxx sebarang jumlah tertunggak yang perlu dibayar selepas tarikh jualan lelongan hartanah tersebut hendaklah ditanggung oleh pembeli.

  • MSEA SEIU shall have exclusive rights to payroll deduction of membership dues, service fees, and premiums for current MSEA-SEIU spon- sored insurance programs. Deductions for other programs may be mutually agreed to by the parties.

  • SMT XXXXXXXXX XXX, (PAN: XXXXX0000X), wife of Xxx Xxxxxx Xxx, by Nationality Indian, by faith Hindu, by occupation Housewife, residing at Village- Akrampur, PIN-743263, P.O. Akrampur, P.S. Habra, District North 24 Parganas, State West Bengal and (6) SRI XXXXXX XXX, (PAN-XXXXX0000X), son of Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx Dey, by Nationality Indian, by faith Hindu, by occupation Service, residing at Village- Akrampur, PIN – 743263, P.O. Akrampur, P.S. Habra, District North 24 Parganas, State West Bengal, hereinafter called and referred to as the VENDORS, all being represented by their Constituted Attorney, XXX XXXXX XXXXXX, (PAN: XXXXX0000X), son of Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, by nationality Indian, by faith Hindu, by occupation Business, residing at BE-111, Sector-I, Salt Lake, Kolkata-700064, Post Office AE Market (Salt Lake City), Police Station Bidhannagar (North), District North 24 Parganas, and being one of the Directors of MAGNOLIA INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED, (CIN: U70200WB2010PLC152199), (PAN-XXXXX0000X), a Company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at 00, Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Banerjee Road, Kolkata-700010, Post Office Beliaghata, Police Station: Beliaghata, District South 24 Parganas vide (1) Development Power of Attorney after registration of Development Agreement dated 12th September 2015 registered in the Office of the Additional District Sub-Registrar, Kadambagachi, North 24 Parganas and recorded in Book-I, Volume No. 1519-2015, at Pages 18496 to 18541, being No. 151901639 for the year 2015 and (2) Development Power of Attorney after registration of Development Agreement dated 19th November 2018 registered in the Office of the Additional District Sub-Registrar, Kadambagachi, North 24 Parganas and recorded in Book-I, Volume No. 1519-2015, at Pages 80220 to 80243, being No. 151903193 for the year 2018 (which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mean and include their respective successors – interest and/or assigns) of the ONE PART. AND MAGNOLIA INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT LIMITED, (CIN: U70200WB2010PLC152199), (PAN-XXXXX0000X), a Company incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at 00, Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx Banerjee Road, Kolkata -700010, Post Office Beliaghata, Police Station: Beliaghata, District South 24 Parganas, being represented by its Director, XXX XXXXX XXXXXX, (PAN: XXXXX0000X), (AADHAAR NO: 000000000000), son of Xxx Xxxxx Xxxxxx, by nationality Indian, by faith Hindu, by occupation Business, residing at XX-000, Xxxxxx-X, Xxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxxx- 000000, Post Office AE Market (Salt Lake City), Police Station Bidhannagar (North), District North 24 Parganas, hereinafter called and referred to as the “DEVELOPER” (which expression shall unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall include its successors-in-interest and/or permitted assigns of the SECOND PART. AND

  • Influenza Vaccination The parties agree that influenza vaccinations may be beneficial for patients and employees. Upon a recommendation pertaining to a facility or a specifically designated area(s) thereof from the Medical Officer of Health or in compliance with applicable provincial legislation, the following rules will apply:

  • Pendahuluan Pembangunan ekonomi merupakan salah satu tujuan penting yang hendak dicapai pemerintah dalam pembangunan nasional, pembangunan ekonomi ini merupakan upaya penting dalam rangka mencapai pemerataan kemakmuran xxx kesejahteraan sesuai amanat Pancasila xxx UUD 1945. Dalam rangka menciptakan sebuah proses pembangunan ekonomi yang berkesinambungan, maka pemerintah memerlukan himpunan xxxx xxxx sangat besar. Dimana xxxx tersebut diperoleh melalui pemasukkan negara berupa xxxxx xxx non xxxxx xxxx digunakan untuk mengelola perekonomian negara. Salah satu xxxxx penting yang berkontribusi dalam menjalankan roda perekonomian negara adalah lembaga bank. Dimana bank mempunyai 2 fungsi, yakni pertama untuk menghimpun xxxx dari masyarakat atau secara sederhana dapat diartikan bank sebagai lembaga yang menyediakan jasa penyimpanan uang milik masyarakat dengan pemberian bunga tertentu dalam jangka waktu tertentu sebagai kontraprestasi. Kedua, Bank mempunyai fungsi utama menyalurkan xxxx kepada masyarakat, dimana fungsi ini bertolakbelakang dengan fungsi yang pertama, yakni fungsi ini dilaksanakan melalui pendistribusikan uang yang dihimpun masyarakat dalam bentuk Investasi, Kredit tanpa agunan, Kredit Pemilikan Rumah (KPR), Kredit Mobil, xxx xxxx sebagainya.1 Terkait dengan fungsi bank yang kedua ini, tujuan utamanya ialah memfasilitasi masyarakat dalam pencapaian kesejahteraan xxx membentuk usaha yang berkontribusi dalam pembangunan nasional. Penegasan secara yuridis mengenai fungsi bank yang kedua tersebut dapat ditemukan dalam Pasal 3 jo Pasal 6 huruf b xxx Pasal 13 huruf b Undang- Undang Nomor 10 Tahun 1998 tentang Perbankan yang berbunyi,”Bank sebagai penghimpun xxx penyalur xxxx masyarakat, xxxx xxxxx satu usahanya adalah memberikan kredit. Sejak berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 tentang Hak Tanggungan, terjadi perubahan besar-besaran terhadap sistem xxx metode penjamin atas suatu utang. Sebelum berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 tersebut, berdasarkan Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata Barat, bank yang memberikan fasilitas kridit hanya mewajibkan debiturnya untuk mendatangani Akta Surat Kuasa Memasang Hipotek yang dibuat didepan notaris agar dapat menjamin perlunasan utang xxx/atau kewajiban debitur tersebut. Jadi, dalam hal si debitur mulai lalai atau dengan kata lain bank sudah melihat gelagat bahwa debitur tersebut mulai macet atau kondisi keuangannya sudah tidak memungkinkan untuk mengembalikan fasilitas kredit yang diterimanya, maka bank akan “memasang” atau dengan kata lain mendaftarkan Akta Hipotek tersebut xx xxxxxx pertanahan setempat. Setelah terdaftar, bank dapat menjual lelang rumah xxx/atau tanah tersebut untuk melunasi kewajiban debitur dimaksud. Pemakaian jaminan berupa jaminan fidusia sendiri secara khusus dimaksudkan untuk memberikan kesempatan bagi debitur untuk tetap menggunakan xxxxx-xxxxx xxxx pada dasarnya sudah dijaminkan kepada kreditur, dimana dikhawatirkan xxxxx-xxxxx xxxx dijaminkan tersebut bersifat krusial bagi kelangsungan usaha debitur. Maka melalui model jaminan fidusia debitur dapat melakukan perjanjian hutang dengan tetap menguasai xxxxx xxxx dijaminkan pada perjanjian hutang tersebut. Meskipun demikian, tidak jarang penggunaan model jaminan fidusia ini justru disalahgunakan oleh debitur yang tidak baik. Kelebihan fidusia yang memberikan debitur kuasa untuk tetap menguasai objek jaminan di xxxx xxxx juga memberikan peluang bagi dicederainya perjanjian xxx timbulnya wanprestasi oleh debitur di masa depan.

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