Scope of Works. (a) Users with an appropriate licence type may be able to create and access Scope of Works.
(b) The parties acknowledge and agree that:
(i) any wording contained in a Scope of Works is established by the Customer, is customisable and within the Customer's absolute control;
(ii) Users make decisions within ProcurePro on how to draft Scope of Works and ProcurePro is not responsible for those decisions;
(iii) the Supplier is not liable for the Customer's use or reliance upon any Scope of Works; and
(iv) the Supplier is not responsible for controlling the use, copying, modification or export of a Scope of Works by any User to which the Customer allows access to that Scope of Works.
Scope of Works. Under the terms of this Agreement the following range of work may be undertaken:-
3.1 Weed Clearance – the removal of excess weed growth from footpaths and footways.
Scope of Works. The contractor shall perform everything required to be performed and shall provide and furnish all the labour, materials tools and equipment required to perform and complete in a workmanlike manner all the work covered by the contract documents instruct accordance with drawings and specification and conditions and amendments to specification and drawings shall do everything's required by this contract and other document constitute things a part thereof.
Scope of Works. Under the terms of this agreement, the following range of work may be undertaken:
3.1 Weed clearance – removal of excess weed growth from footpaths and footways.
3.2 Sign cleaning – cleaning of highway signs
3.3 Painting street furniture – appropriate for previously painted street furniture such as heritage lighting columns, guard posts, pedestrian guardrails and bridge parapets
3.4 Siding out – removal of grass, soil and weeds encroaching upon footpaths and footways
3.5 Cleaning around gullies – removal of soil and debris from around gully frames and gratings.
3.6 Small drainage works – the removal of vegetation and debris from water channels (excluding ditches) and grips.
3.7 Grass cutting – cutting of grass verges and banks.
3.8 Finger post repairs – maintenance, replacement and repair of finger posts.
3.9 Hedge/tree cutting – cutting back of xxxxxx on roadside banks and verges and small branches and offshoots of trees that obstruct the highway or obscure road signs.
3.10 Wildlife verge management – active management of verges to support native wildlife
3.11 Collect highway information – record the location of drainage features or other highway features.
3.12 Other works – as agreed with Suffolk Highways’ Engagement Officer or other nominated authorised Suffolk Highways representative.
Scope of Works. Section 1. The CONTRACTOR shall comply with the Scope of Works and Specifications (Annex “C”) including other Contract Documents and the provisions of this Contract necessary to implement the work to completion.
Section 2. At its own expense, the CONTRACTOR shall: be responsible for the unloading, unpacking, inspection, and storage of all Contract-furnished materials, machinery, and equipment delivered to the construction site. Ensure adequate protection of all materials, machinery, and equipment in the construction site and shall be responsible for any damage or loss.
Section 3. The CONTRACTOR guarantees all works under this Contract to be free from any technical, mechanical, and electrical defects and shall replace and repair it to the satisfaction of the Chief of CPDMO on any part or portion of the work which may fail within a period of one (1) year after the final acceptance of the work.
Scope of Works. The Works consist of: supply and Installation of solar panels and associated cabling; supply of all materials and erection of solar sanels mounting structure; supply and installation of 24m3 galvanized pressed steel water tank; supply all materials and erection of 12m high tank elevation structure; supply of all materials and construction of pump control house, fencing works, guard house and installation of submersible pump at a recommended depth and any other structural details as described in the BoQ.
Scope of Works. (1) The Permanent and Temporary works shall comprise the Design and Construction of all Works and services necessary to complete the Redevelopment project complete as per Agreement, which include all or parts the following:
(i) Survey and Investigation including Soil/ ground Investigations, Topographic Survey, Existing Building Structures (EBS) Survey, Utilities Investigation, Existing Water Xxxxx/bore xxxxx Investigation as necessary, and
(ii) Site clearance, including tree felling, tree transplanting, and the fencing, barricading and securing of the site areas and works areas, and
(iii) Pre-condition surveys and reports for, and instrumentation & monitoring and protection of Existing Building Structures(EBS), including rebuilding, strengthening/ repairing or restoration of any adjacent structures, and
(iv) The demolition and slicing (wherever required) of existing buildings, and other structures as necessary for the permanent and temporary Works and as approved by the Authority, and
(v) The surplus excavated material (that cannot be used in the Works), shall be treated as Contractor’s property. The Contractor shall be free to take away and make use of this surplus spoil (including rock spoil) in the manner he wishes to. The muck/ spoil that is acceptable and can be used at a later stage in the Works, shall be temporarily stockpiled in a dumpsite as proposed by the Contractor and agreed by the Engineer and the concerned regulating authorities. The surplus muck/spoil (soil/spoil/material/building debris), which is not acceptable or cannot be accommodated for use in the Works or cannot be made use of by the Contractor for his own purpose, shall be disposed of in approved dumping area(s) ,as per the Stipulations in Authority’s Requirements and other Agreement documents, including compaction to the desired levels to the satisfaction of the Engineer, and
(vi) Underground and above ground ancillary structures/ facilities including ventilation shafts, plant rooms (including that for chillers plants, Cooling towers, air-cooled chillers, DG sets, water tanks and pumps)etc, and
(vii) Location, diversion (both temporary and permanent), Protection, temporary support and reinstatement/relocation of charted and uncharted utilities to the satisfaction of the concerned Utility Company/ authority and Engineer, and
(viii) Traffic management and road works, both temporary and permanent including diversions of roads and footpaths, temporary decking, pedestrian walkways, subw...
Scope of Works. The architectural professional shall provide services related to the following scope of works: Nature of project (new building, building alteration, building addition, re-erection of building, refurbishment of building, structural repair, other – specify) Occupancy or building classification (as per Part A20 of SANS 10400) Brief description of project Estimated area of project m² Estimated duration of pre-construction period months Estimated duration of construction period months Structure classification mark applicable structures with ‘X’ Single-storey structures Multi-storey structures Non-conventional structures Usage mark applicable usage with ‘X’ Single use Multiple use Mixed use
Scope of Works. The Project Director, JICA Assisted Guwahati Water Supply Project, Guwahati (Employer) invites quotations for the works as detailed below: Brief Description of the Works Period of Completion Contract Package No. 5F: Procurement of Works (Item rate) for Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Employer furnished D.I Pipes for the balance works under the Distribution Network in DMAs No. 5A1 and 5A2 of Xxxxx nagar of South- Central Zone. Execution: 90 days & Testing, Trial run & Commissioning: 90 days The successful Bidder will be expected to complete the works by the intended completion date specified above.
Scope of Works. The Consultant shall provide consulting services related to:
(i) Identifying, sourcing, negotiating and arranging new loan and credit facilities with lenders/financial institutions
(ii) Raising equity or debt in the public capital markets
(iii) Identifying, sourcing, negotiating and arranging interest rate swaps agreements, foreign currency contracts and forward exchange contracts.
(iv) Renegotiating existing loan facilities, bonds etc.