Reporting Pay. Employees who report for any scheduled shift will be guaranteed at least four (4) hours of work, or if no work is available will be paid at least four (4) hours except when work is not available due to conditions beyond the control of the Hospital. The reporting allowance outlined as herein shall not apply whenever an employee has received prior notice not to report for work. Part-time employees scheduled to work less than seven and one-half (7-1/2) hours per day will receive a pro-rated amount of reporting pay.
Reporting Pay. Subject to clause 61.04, when a part-time employee meets the requirements to receive reporting pay on a day of rest, in accordance with sub-clause 30.01(a) of this collective agreement, and is entitled to receive a minimum payment rather than pay for actual time worked, the part-time employee shall be paid a minimum payment of four (4) hours pay at the straight-time rate of pay.
Reporting Pay. An employee who reports for work as scheduled, unless otherwise notified by the Employer, shall receive a minimum of four (4) hours' pay at her/his regular straight time hourly rate. The employee shall be required to perform any duties assigned by the Employer which she/he is capable of doing, if her/his regular duties are not available.
Reporting Pay. An employee who is scheduled for work and reports to work and there is not work available for the employee, may be excused from duty, but shall be paid at his/her regular rate for the shift of work scheduled.
Reporting Pay. Subject to clause 61.04, when a part-time employee meets the requirements to receive reporting pay on a day of rest, in accordance with subparagraph 28.05(c)(i), or is entitled to receive a minimum payment rather than pay for actual time worked during a period of standby, in accordance with subparagraphs 28.05(c)(i) or 28.06(a)(i), the part-time employee shall be paid a minimum payment of four (4) hours pay at the straight-time rate of pay.
Reporting Pay. In the event that an Employee reports for work as scheduled and is directed by the Employer to leave, the Employee shall be compensated for the inconvenience by a payment equivalent to three (3) hours pay at the Employee's Basic Rate of Pay.
Reporting Pay. Any Employee called to work or permitted to come to work without being notified by the Employer that there will be no work, shall receive four (4) hours pay at the appropriate rate of pay, or in the event that the Employee is regularly scheduled to work less than four (4) hours per day, that Employee shall receive their regular daily rate of pay.
Reporting Pay.
25.01 (1) If an employee reports to work for his/her regularly scheduled shift and there is a change in his/her shift assignment, he/she shall be entitled to four (4) hours of work. When no work is available he/she shall receive compensation of four (4) hours pay at the straight time rate.
Reporting Pay. (a) If an employee reports to work on their scheduled work day and there is no work or insufficient work available, they are entitled to four (4) hours pay at the straight-time rate.
(b) If an employee is directed to report for work on a day of rest or on a designated paid holiday, and there is no work or insufficient work available, they shall be entitled to four (4) hours pay at the applicable overtime rates.