Religious Holy Days. Subject to the approval of the Executive Officer of Human Resources or designate, a Member may be granted up to a maximum of three (3) days annually with pay for officially recognized religious holy days. A maximum of six (6) additional days without pay may be granted for officially recognized religious holy days.
Religious Holy Days. Up to three (3) days leave with pay in any one work year shall be granted for the observance of recognized religious holy days.
Religious Holy Days. (a) The employer recognizes that the make-up of its workforce includes employees of various religious beliefs. The employer agrees to allow an employee time-off with pay on religious holy days provided the employee is prepared to make up this time-off outside his/her normal hours of work.
Religious Holy Days. Subject to the approval of the Executive Officer of Human Resources, or designate, a Long Term Occasional Teacher may be granted up to a maximum of three (3) days paid leave within any one full school year, for officially recognized religious holy days that fall within the term of their assignment. In addition, a maximum of six (6) days without pay may be granted within any one full school year for officially recognized religious holy days that are within the term of their assignment.
Religious Holy Days. The Employer recognizes that the make-up of its workforce may include employees of various religious beliefs.Subject to operational requirements, the Employer undertakes to make every reasonable effort to facilitate such arrangements that would allow the employee time off on holy days. Such arrangements may include the use of Designated Holidays(as defined in Article 21 - Designated Paid Holidays), earned compensatory leave, vacation leave or leave without pay. The employee shall give four (4) weeks' written notice of any request under this Article.
Religious Holy Days. A Member may be granted up to a maximum of three (3) days annually with pay for officially recognized religious holy days. In addition, a maximum of six (6) additional days without pay may be granted for officially recognized religious holy days.
Religious Holy Days. Leave shall be granted by the Director of Education or designate, without loss of pay, for recognized religious holy days (maximum of three (3) days in any one school year).
Religious Holy Days. Where the employee is an adherent of a particular faith and that faith recognizes certain specific religious holy days, leave may be granted to permit observance of the holy day.
Religious Holy Days. The Employer shall make every reasonable effort to grant an employee time off with pay when a religious holiday prevents the employee from reporting for work, provided that the employee agrees to make up the time off at a time mutually agreeable to the employee and the Employer and, in any case, within 12 months of the leave granted. The Employer may require proof from the employee that their doctrine prevents them from reporting to work and that the religious organization is registered as such pursuant to the Income Tax Act.
Religious Holy Days. Where Religious Holy Days coincide with regular working days, leave shall be granted without loss of pay to a maximum of three (3) days in any one school year.