Practicum Sample Clauses

Practicum. Practicum exists as a specialized clinical experience (CES 773) based on the student’s specific need towards professional growth. DPCES students are expected to discuss their specific needs with their faculty advisor and pursue the appropriate practicum experience that will develop their skills in specific aspects of counseling. Students must complete a minimum of 100 clock hours during the course of the Practicum semester. The following describes the Regent University Practicum program in detail:
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Practicum. (for other technologies) Students are involved in practical work experiences which the instructor supervises in conjunction with personnel in the working location. May or may not include lecture time.
Practicum. Instructional activity in which instruction is delivered primarily during student contact activities with some necessary instructor preparation. This activity includes courses in which the learning objectives are demonstrated through student participation. Beginning with the 2016-2017 academic year, courses that were previously classed as Laboratory assignments and credited for faculty load at 1.2 hours of student contact and 0.8 hours of preparation for each LHE will be classified as Practicum assignments.
Practicum. (for Health Related and Early Childhood Education Programs) Students are involved in practical work experiences which the instructor supervises in conjunction with personnel in the working location. May or may not include lecture time.
Practicum. To release the student from the field-based school for the purposes of practicum in another school (13 weeks over 3 years – year one and two, 4 weeks; year three, 5 weeks)
Practicum. A course that includes job-related activities and emphasizes the practical application of theory in a field of study. PREREQUISITE: A course that must be completed or skills that must be demonstrated before a student may enroll in a more advanced course. PROFESSIONAL-TECHNICAL: A course or instructional program that emphasizes job training for a particular field of work, sometimes called occupational or vocational education.
Practicum. Due to the current situation, during the first term of 2020/2021 academic year, practicum from Nursing and Occupational Therapy practicum in this centre, will not be offered. In the second term, depending on the situation with Covid-19, there should be availability in practicum for: -Nursing practicum: No limit in the number of students whenever posible. -Occupational Therapy: 4 vacancies Grado de ENFERMERÍA en la FACULTAD DE ENFERMERÍA Y TERAPIA OCUPACIONAL XX XXXXXXX Las instrucciones son las siguientes: .-Los acuerdos académicos deberán estar revisados y firmados por el coordinador académico de la Facultad de Enfermería y Terapia Ocupacional antes del 15 de Xxxxx de 2020. Guía sobre cómo rellenar el learning agreement: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/organizacion/servicios- universitarios/secretariados/sri/erasmus-incoming-15-16/info-11.-registration- procedure-once-in-the-uex .-El alumno NO se podrá matricular en asignaturas que por horario xxxx incompatibles. No se deberían cursar asignaturas de más de dos cursos académicos, ya que los horarios o prácticas pueden solaparse. Se aconseja que se revisen los horarios y asignaturas publicado/as en la web de nuestra Facultad: xxxxx://xxx.xxxx.xx/conoce-la-uex/centros/enfermeria/informacion- academica/horarios .-El alumno se tiene que matricular y cursar la asignatura completa. No es posible cursar sólo alguna parte de las asignatura en el caso que esta englobe dos partes. .- Debido a las circunstancias de la pandemia del Covid-19, NO PODEMOS ACEPTAR ALUMNOS para PRÁCTICAS durante el PRIMER SEMESTRE DEL CURSO 2020-21. Para el segundo semestre se establece un número determinado de aceptación de alumnos, según titulación y siempre que la situación de la pandemia y sanitaria lo permitan. En ese caso aceptaremos: todas las plazas posibles en enfermería y 4 plazas en terapia ocupacional. .-Los alumnos de Enfermería deben comenzar las prácticas con una serología completa realizada (obligatoria de Hepatitis B y anticuerpos postvacunación; opcional y recomendable de Hepatitis C y VIH). Además, de presentar títulos bajos postvacunación de hepatitis B, los estudiantes deberán ser revacunados o, en su caso, valorados por su médico de Atención Primaria para repetir la vacunación de la hepatitis B (en caso de no ser suficientes para protección los títulos presentados postvacunación). Los estudiantes deberán aportar tarjeta de vacunación completa. Es recomendable, en caso de no haberse vacunado, ser vacunado de la vacuna antidifterot...
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Practicum. Due to the current situation, practicum will be offered according to the situation when the student arrives. Once the learning is sent before arrival, the student will be informed by the academic coordinator.
Practicum. In the event the University places practicum students at the preschool center, the EUPISD and the University will enter into a separate agreement for the term of the practicum study.
Practicum. The applied practice experience, or practicum, is an exciting opportunity to apply classroom learning in a workplace setting. Under the direction of a faculty mentor, students work closely with a practicum preceptor (site supervisor) to design and complete a 180-hour public health practice experience, which will include the production of high-quality deliverables. The practicum experience serves to train competent future public health professionals who will fill positions as public health leaders and is a requirement of UTHealth Houston School of Public Health Master of Public Health and Doctor of Public Health programs. DSHS will identify suitable opportunities to host UTHealth Houston School of Public Health students for practicum experiences.
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